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Baseman posted:
Demerara_Guy posted:
Nehru posted:

Since the Orange Orangutan became President it has been open season to KILL innocent citizens!!!!!

Looks so, bhai Nehru.

Ayuh rass crazy.  The worst mass shootings happen under Obama and Bush 

Incorrect Baseman .... perhaps you forgot under Trump in 2017.

Information from Wikipedia =

Deadliest mass shootings since 1949

The following mass shootings are the deadliest to have occurred in modern U.S. history (1949 to present). Only incidents with ten or more fatalities are included.[50]

<dl><dd>dagger Was previously the deadliest mass shooting</dd></dl>
 IncidentYearDeathsInjuriesType of firearm(s) usedRef(s)
1Las Vegas shooting201759 (inc. the perp.)851 (422 from gunfire)Semi-automatic rifles and revolver[51][52]
2Orlando nightclub shooting dagger201650 (inc. the perp.)53Semi-automatic rifle and pistol[51][52]
3Virginia Tech shooting dagger200733 (inc. the perp.)23Semi-automatic pistols[51]
4Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting201228 (inc. the perp.)2Semi-automatic rifle and pistol[51]
5Sutherland Springs church shooting201727 (inc. the perp.)[fn 1]20Semi-automatic rifle[53][52]
6Luby's shooting dagger199124 (inc. the perp.)27Semi-automatic pistols[51]
7San Ysidro McDonald's massacre dagger198422 (inc. the perp.)19Semi-automatic rifle, pistol, and shotgun[51]
8University of Texas tower shooting dagger196618 (inc. the perp.)[fn 1]31Rifles, revolver, pistols, and shotgun[51]
9Stoneman Douglas High School shooting20181717Semi-automatic rifle[54]
10San Bernardino attack201516 (inc. both perps.)24Semi-automatic rifles[51][52]
11Edmond post office shooting198615 (inc. the perp.)6Semi-automatic pistols[51]
Columbine High School massacre199915 (inc. both perps.)24Semi-automatic rifle, semi-automatic pistol, shotguns[55]
13Binghamton shootings200914 (inc. the perp.)4Semi-automatic pistols[56]
Fort Hood shooting200914 [fn 1]33 (inc. the perp.)Semi-automatic pistol and revolver[57][58]
15Camden shootings dagger1949133Semi-automatic pistol[59][60]
Wilkes-Barre shootings1982131Semi-automatic rifle[61][62][63]
Wah Mee massacre1983131Semi-automatic pistol(s) and/or revolver(s)[fn 2][64]
Washington Navy Yard shooting201313 (inc. the perp.)8Semi-automatic pistol and shotgun[65][66]
Thousand Oaks shooting201813 (inc. the perp.)25Semi-automatic pistol[67][68]
20Aurora shooting20121270Semi-automatic rifle, pistol, and shotgun[69][52][70]
21Easter Sunday massacre1975110Semi-automatic pistols and revolver[71]
Geneva County massacre200911 (inc. the perp.)6Semi-automatic rifles, revolver, and shotgun[72][73]
Pittsburgh synagogue shooting2018117 (inc. the perp.)Semi-automatic rifle, semi-automatic pistols[74]
24Palm Sunday massacre1984100Semi-automatic pistols[75]
GMAC shootings199010 (inc. the perp.)6Semi-automatic rifle[51]
Atlanta shootings199910 (inc. the perp.)13Semi-automatic pistols and revolver[51]
Red Lake shootings200510 (inc. the perp.)5Semi-automatic pistols and shotgun[76]
Umpqua Community College shooting201510 (inc. the perp.)8Semi-automatic pistols and revolver[77]
Santa Fe High School shooting20181014Shotgun and revolver[78]

See also


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