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Former Member


January 30, 2014, By Filed Under Features/Columnists, Peeping Tom, Source


Yesterday was an historic day in the struggle to protect the Constitution of Guyana from being violated by the country’s opposition parties. And rightly so. It was the judiciary, the ultimate guardian of the Constitution that helped preserve important principles of constitutionalism.

The Chief Justice has made a most significant ruling. It has been long awaited. Had it not been issued, it would have further emboldened an opposition and may have led to dire consequences for constitutional rule and the rule of law.

The Courts have once again demonstrated its independence and fearlessness. It has ruled on an important constitutional issue. And while there have been soundings of an appeal, the grounds upon which such an appeal are said to be based are facetious.

One opposition leader has signaled a possible ground of appeal. He has argued that the Committee of Supply holds “the power of the purse”. If this is the principal ground upon which the appeal is going to be based, then it would better advised that any appeal be shelved because there is no basis in the argument that because the Committee of Supply has the power of the purse, a power established by convention, that this amounts to it being able to cut or amend the Budget.

The Constitution is the supreme law of the land and Guyana’s Constitution, as now interpreted by the Court, prohibits the legislature from cutting or otherwise amending the Estimates. It however allows the legislature to either approve or not approve, in its entirety, the Estimates.

This, in fact, is a far more advantageous power than simply having the power to amend Estimates because it allows the opposition with its one lead majority to refuse to pass the Appropriations Bill.

When that happens the Minister of Finance has to go back and amend his Budget. The Court has ruled that the legislature cannot do this. It is for the Minister to go back and continue, as the need arises, to go back until such time as an Appropriations Bill suitable to the legislature, is passed.

The ruling of the Court, unlike what the opposition party feels, does not take away from the Committee of Supply, the power of the purse. In fact in reinforces that power but argues rightly that it is for the Minister to decide the size of the purse and then to seek approval from the legislature for that purse. It is not for the legislature to decide to add or to subtract from what is inside the purse.

The opposition parties must not view yesterday’s ruling as a defeat from them. Guyana exists under a system of constitutional rule and any victory for the Constitution is a victory against arbitrary and absolute power. The reason for constitutional rule is precisely to constrain arbitrary and absolute power.

The rules of the Constitution also protect the opposition in that governments cannot do things that are ultra vires of the Constitution.
For example, there was once a court ruling to the effect that while no one has an absolute right to be granted a broadcast license, applications not considered in a timely manner constitute a violation of freedom of expression.

There is going to come a time, most likely soon, when the PPPC will regain its majority in the National Assembly and therefore it is the opposition parties’ advantage that the Court have asserted in yesterday’s ruling that the Court can rule on the constitutionality and lawfulness of legislation.
There may come a time too when an opposition party may win an election. But in all probability the opposition will win the Executive but like the case of the PPPC today, not have a majority in the legislature. It is doubtful whether any opposition party can gain 50 per cent of the seats in the National Assembly, in the distant future. The opposition’s best chances of gaining Executive Office remain via a minority government.

If that happens, will the opposition wish to see their own Budget being cut and slashed as they have unlawfully done with the 2012 Budget? Would they wish to become then a victim of what they are doing now to the PPP?
The opposition parties were always flirting with danger when they argued that the parliament was independent and therefore not subject to the supervision of the judiciary.

When the opposition suggested this they seemed to be unaware of the fact that the very opposition parties had in the past mounted challenges to the constitutionality of certain legislative acts such as the extension, at one time, of the life of the Ethnic Relations Commission.

That argument therefore about the independence of parliament can backfire on the very opposition.

Justice Chang has delivered yet another master class. Guyana should be proud that we can produce jurists of this quality. This is solid ruling and one which this columnist predicts will be affirmed by the Court of Appeal and whichever other forum in which it may be challenged.

There are no losers in this ruling. Everyone has won.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
The Constitution is the supreme law of the land and Guyana’s Constitution, as now interpreted by the Court, prohibits the legislature from cutting or otherwise amending the Estimates. It however allows the legislature to either approve or not approve, in its entirety, the Estimates.




There are no losers in this ruling. Everyone has won.



January 30, 2014, By Filed Under Features/Columnists, Peeping Tom, Source

Process to indeed change the Guyana Constitution ...


1. It requires the approval of, at least, two-thirds of the MPs in parliament to make the needed changes.


2. For practical purposes, the PPP/C has 50% of the MPs.


Question:  Has the PNC plus the AFC made any practical presentations in parliament to indeed make the amendments?


Note that the needed changes to the constitution existed since Forbes Burnham was Prime Minister/President.

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:

Process to indeed change the Guyana Constitution ...


1. It requires the approval of, at least, two-thirds of the MPs in parliament to make the needed changes.


2. For practical purposes, the PPP/C has 50% of the MPs.


Question:  Has the PNC plus the AFC made any practical presentations in parliament to indeed make the amendments?


Note that the needed changes to the constitution existed since Forbes Burnham was Prime Minister/President.

Let the Opposition sit on their ASSES but DONT complain about the Constitution!!!

Originally Posted by Mars:
Originally Posted by Mr.T:

Let us not kid ourselves. Ian Chang has been accepting PPP payments in exchange for coming up with judicial rulings that favours the PPP. Ian is in dire need of funds in order to complete his palace.

The actual ruling in this case is full of holes. Ian should hang his head in shame for bowing to PPP $$$.

So true.



All The OPPOSITION has to do is  cut the entire BUDGET as Chang instructed in his ruling and send it back to Shaati Bhai to make the amendments and present it again for approval. If they don't like a line item, send it back again.


Long live the Burnham Constitution.

Originally Posted by Nehru:

Any Rass klath Bumbaath ah Lawyer now. Uncle Mara, which Law School you attended??

This ruling is actually a blessing in disguise for the Granger et al in the opposition. Chang Based his Judgement on his own personal opinion. The higher courts of appeal may find many faults with this and overturn his  ruling based on precedents and other technical aspects.


I've said it before and I am saying it again, I fully agree with the Judge's ruling. Our court system and judges must be independent of political fear and presents their verdict justifiably. The country's business has to run with money and with the full amount. I don't see the need for an appeal unless the joint opposition decided to be stubborn about it.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Cobra:

I've said it before and I am saying it again, I fully agree with the Judge's ruling. Our court system and judges must be independent of political fear and presents their verdict justifiably. The country's business has to run with money and with the full amount. I don't see the need for an appeal unless the joint opposition decided to be stubborn about it.

Let them appeal Bhai. Guyana is a TRUE Democracy.

Originally Posted by Cobra:

I've said it before and I am saying it again, I fully agree with the Judge's ruling. Our court system and judges must be independent of political fear and presents their verdict justifiably. The country's business has to run with money and with the full amount. I don't see the need for an appeal unless the joint opposition decided to be stubborn about it.

how our court system and judges can be independent ,when the government have to decide how much money they have to get,this is why the opposition want the justice system be pay with money that the government have no control over

Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by Cobra:

I've said it before and I am saying it again, I fully agree with the Judge's ruling. Our court system and judges must be independent of political fear and presents their verdict justifiably. The country's business has to run with money and with the full amount. I don't see the need for an appeal unless the joint opposition decided to be stubborn about it.

how our court system and judges can be independent ,when the government have to decide how much money they have to get,this is why the opposition want the justice system be pay with money that the government have no control over

And which part of the Planet it is different????  Laad Ah Mercy

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by Cobra:

I've said it before and I am saying it again, I fully agree with the Judge's ruling. Our court system and judges must be independent of political fear and presents their verdict justifiably. The country's business has to run with money and with the full amount. I don't see the need for an appeal unless the joint opposition decided to be stubborn about it.

how our court system and judges can be independent ,when the government have to decide how much money they have to get,this is why the opposition want the justice system be pay with money that the government have no control over

And which part of the Planet it is different????  Laad Ah Mercy

well if you don't know then you too stupid to ask

Originally Posted by Cobra:

I've said it before and I am saying it again, I fully agree with the Judge's ruling. Our court system and judges must be independent of political fear and presents their verdict justifiably. The country's business has to run with money and with the full amount. I don't see the need for an appeal unless the joint opposition decided to be stubborn about it.

You see this?

Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by Cobra:

Let's stay on topic with the judge's ruling. Yes, I see it, but that's for another thread.

That could possible influence any ruling.

Mitwah, is one constitution Guyana has and the Court is the guardian of that constitution. I simple agrees with Chang's ruling just as I disagree with the PPP on many things. The buck has to stop somewhere. The opposition is wrong on many things as well.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by Cobra:

I've said it before and I am saying it again, I fully agree with the Judge's ruling. Our court system and judges must be independent of political fear and presents their verdict justifiably. The country's business has to run with money and with the full amount. I don't see the need for an appeal unless the joint opposition decided to be stubborn about it.

You see this?

Mits, I've been to that house. Ian's girl is a wealthy real estate person. It might not be accurate this time to provide this visual as anything nefarious.

Originally Posted by Cobra:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by Cobra:

Let's stay on topic with the judge's ruling. Yes, I see it, but that's for another thread.

That could possible influence any ruling.

Mitwah, is one constitution Guyana has and the Court is the guardian of that constitution. I simple agrees with Chang's ruling just as I disagree with the PPP on many things. The buck has to stop somewhere. The opposition is wrong on many things as well.

its one constitution guyana have and the ppp fight 28 yrs to change it,now you glorify it.the ppp is sucking from it

Originally Posted by Kari:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by Cobra:

I've said it before and I am saying it again, I fully agree with the Judge's ruling. Our court system and judges must be independent of political fear and presents their verdict justifiably. The country's business has to run with money and with the full amount. I don't see the need for an appeal unless the joint opposition decided to be stubborn about it.

You see this?

Mits, I've been to that house. Ian's girl is a wealthy real estate person. It might not be accurate this time to provide this visual as anything nefarious.

I am just being facetious. I worked in the courts in Guyana.

Originally Posted by Cobra:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by Cobra:

Let's stay on topic with the judge's ruling. Yes, I see it, but that's for another thread.

That could possible influence any ruling.

Mitwah, is one constitution Guyana has and the Court is the guardian of that constitution. I simple agrees with Chang's ruling just as I disagree with the PPP on many things. The buck has to stop somewhere. The opposition is wrong on many things as well.

I have said this is a good ruling in favour of the joint opposition. All they have to do is follow Chang's ruling to the letter and reject the budget in its entirety so that the PPP can go back to the drawing board and make the changes and present again for approval.

Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by Cobra:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by Cobra:

Let's stay on topic with the judge's ruling. Yes, I see it, but that's for another thread.

That could possible influence any ruling.

Mitwah, is one constitution Guyana has and the Court is the guardian of that constitution. I simple agrees with Chang's ruling just as I disagree with the PPP on many things. The buck has to stop somewhere. The opposition is wrong on many things as well.

I have said this is a good ruling in favour of the joint opposition. All they have to do is follow Chang's ruling to the letter and reject the budget in its entirety so that the PPP can go back to the drawing board and make the changes and present again for approval.

I agree, they should do it again and again until they get it right for approval. However, the opposition should not use this ruling to hold the country ransom at the same time.

Originally Posted by Nehru:

Cobra, You saw today's Chronicle front page where Minister Nandalall telling Ramjhaaaaataaaaaaaaan " YUh Stupid Rass, yuh cant read, dem Chief Justice seh yuh cant CUT"

Speaker rejects High Court ruling on

budget cuts

Speaker rejects High Court ruling on budget cuts

30/01/2014, by , in latest news
Acting Chief Justice Ian Chang

Acting Chief Justice Ian Chang


[] – One day after Chief Justice Ian Chang ruled that the National Assembly has no power, under the law to cut/reduce budgetary estimates, the Parliament Office has dispatched a statement claiming that the ruling is an interpretation that would have far-reaching ripples and effects throughout the Commonwealth parliamentary systems and procedures.

According to the statement, the right of the National Assembly to approve, including the right to amend budgetary estimates, is a long established right.

“The Ruling of the Hon. Chief Justice, Mr. Ian Chang, C.C.H., S.C., of January 29, 2014, provides an interpretation of the Rules and Standing Orders of the National Assembly relative to their conformity with Constitution of Guyana. Article 171 of the Guyana Constitution is the same as those provisions in the Constitutions of all Commonwealth nations as the Standing Orders and Rules of the Parliaments of Commonwealth Nations,” it statement noted.

The statement warned that though the decision of the High Court is to be respected, it remains subject to the inherent right of appeal that is reposed in the National Assembly.

“The doctrine of the separation of powers is the foundation of Guyana’s, and all parliamentary democracies, which recognises that the rule of law must be respected and upheld. The principle of comity dictates that the three branches of government – the Executive, the Legislative and the judicial are all separate and equal, and are to respect the rights and authority of each other.”

The Speaker was made a party to the proceedings in his capacity as a representative of the National Assembly and stated that it is for the National Assembly to determine and direct the way forward in conformity with Article 171.

The Combined Opposition has also maintained that power does reside with them to reduce budgetary estimates and skeptically warned of cuts to the upcoming 2014 National Budget.


Speaker of the National Assembly, Raphael Trotman. [iNews' Photo]

Speaker of the National Assembly, Raphael Trotman. [iNews' Photo]

Attorney – at – Law and Opposition Parliamentarian, Basil Williams said the opposition’s position regarding cutting the budget has not changed, regardless of what the CJ has decided. The possibility is that the ruling could be side stepped by the Opposition, who may go ahead and reduce 2014 budgetary estimates as they have done for the last two years.


Chang in his ruling stated that the National Assembly can only approve or disapprove the entire budget or sections therein and deemed the cutting of the National 2012 Budget as unlawful.

According to Chang, the power to approve or disapprove the estimates simply means that it is conferred with a ‘gate keeping’ function by the constitution and does not imply or involve a power to amend the estimates presented by the Executive Minister.

Chang in his ruling and contrary to that of the Speaker of the National Assembly, Raphael Trotman also stated that the Standing Orders of Parliament which permits the House to effect cut or reduction to the estimates is not law.

According to him, it is the function of the Court to act as a guardian of the Constitution and an interpreter of the Standing Orders along with the Speaker.  “It must be noted that standing orders are not written laws.”

Attorney-at-Law and Leader of the Alliance for Change (AFC), Khemraj Ramjattan have since noted his intention to appeal the Chief Justice’s decision.

The Opposition MP believes there are errors in the ruling and maintains that the Opposition has the right under the law to amend budgetary estimates. The Guyana Government had taken the Opposition to court following the slashing of the 2012 National Budget by $20.9 billion.


The Speaker of the National Assembly always has an opinion.


The decision of the Chief Justice is binding until a higher ruling of the Courts render a final decision that differs from the Chief Justice's decision.

Originally Posted by Conscience:

The joint opposition knows to their gut, they have no power to cut the Budget, it was a great political grand standing, to flex their razor thin majority muscle.

They can reject the budget as per Chang. Will the PPP then call an election?

Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by Conscience:

The joint opposition knows to their gut, they have no power to cut the Budget, it was a great political grand standing, to flex their razor thin majority muscle.

They can reject the budget as per Chang. Will the PPP then call an election?

Mits you like to mek jokes or what?  The PPP will never hold elections since they will LOSE.  They will tek their licks, it is time the opposition vote down the entire budget.


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