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March 18 is Local Govt Elections

  • Friday, 20 November 2015 13:59

March 18 is Local Govt Elections

Minister of Communities Ronald Bulkan has revealed that the APNU+AFC administration has named a date for local government elections.
Bulkan at a press conference on Friday, stated that LGE would be held on March 18, 2016.
"Local government is about handing decision-making power to the people to enable them to efficiently and effectively manage their communities. With these facts in mind, I am pleased to inform you that local government elections will be conducted on March 18, 2016." Bulkan stated.
Bulkan reminded that elections are important because they are a democratic constitutional right.
He said they are essential because the entire local government system is currently rotten and must be rehabilitated and made fully functional.
"Democratic renewal of local government organs is long overdue," said Bulkan.
Guyana has not held Local Government Polls since 1994 under the former administration.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Promise Jagdeo & Ramotar

could not keep in 21 years....


Fulfiled by Moses & Granger

in only 6 months


Local gov’t polls

set for March 18th

The long delayed local government elections will be run off on Friday, March 18th, 2016 Communities Minister Ronald Bulkan announced this morning.

Bulkan made the announcement at a news conference.


The polls, which will be held in the nine towns and 62 Neighbourhood Democratic Councils (NDCs), have not been held since 1994, although the constitution stipulates that they are to be held every three years.


Setting the date for the early holding of the polls had been one of the pledges made by the APNU+AFC coalition for its first 100 days in office. The coalition government had initially indicated that it wanted the polls to be held before the end of the year.


A statement issued today by the Minister of Communities follows:

Ladies and gentlemen, this is an important time in our history; your government has recently declared that Guyanese will have the opportunity to democratically elect Councillors to manage towns and neighbourhoods.


Elections are important because they are a democratic constitutional right. They are essential because the entire local government system is currently rotten and must be rehabilitated and made fully functional. Democratic renewal of local government organs is long overdue.


Local government is about handing decision-making power to the people to enable them to efficiently and effectively manage their communities. With these facts in mind, I am pleased to inform you that local government elections will be conducted on March 18, 2016.


Ø  A functioning local government system is a fundamental aspect of democratic governance. It is important because it deals with people’s lives in their communities. Strong local government is at the heart of national development because who wields decision-making power at the Municipal and neighbourhood levels directly determine and decide where and how your tax dollars will be used to develop individual communities and ultimately, the nation. Development at every level, depends on a strong system of good, democratic, effective and efficient local governance.


Ø  Article 12 of the Constitution states, β€œLocal government by freely elected representatives of the people is an integral part of the democratic organisation of the State.” As a democratic administration committed to the rule of law, your government, therefore is obligated and committed to holding LGE.


Ø  Local governments are mandated by law to provide many essential services such as, improving living conditions, creating jobs in the various local areas, maintaining roads, bridges and other important infrastructure, garbage collection, cleaning of drains, promoting a healthy environment and encouraging citizen involvement in their communities. As Guyanese who have been living without a functioning local government system, we can all attest to the necessity of restoring and repairing the dysfunctional system which currently exists, since we have experienced the results of the collapse of local government systems.


Ø  Article 74 0f the Constitution says, β€œIt shall be the primary duty of local democratic organs to ensure in accordance with law the efficient management and development of their areas and provide leadership by example.” Article 75 states that, β€œParliament shall provide that local democratic organs shall be autonomous…” The administration is committed to giving effect to all laws including those articles of our Constitution. Your government commits itself to empowering local democratic organs to carry out their mandate as stated in Articles 74 and 75 by replacing the heavy fist of central government interference with the open hand of positive, helpful intervention to assist local bodies to do their work effectively. In other words, the relationship between central and local government must, and will, be altered and corrected in accordance with constitutional provisions.


Ø  Government at the grassroots level – local government – was embedded in Guyana’s system of political administration on Tuesday the 5th of August, 1980, when the Local Democratic Organs Bill was passed in the National Assembly. On that historic day, then Vice-President Hoyte said, β€œβ€¦the purpose of the current bill is to revolutionize the local government system.” He further said, … β€œthe new Constitution identifies the local government system as the foundation of the democratic organization of the State and to enable the massive involvement of the people in the task of managing their communities and developing the areas in which they live.” This system of grassroots-democracy was therefore bequeathed to us since 1980, but was, unfortunately, never properly implemented as it was intended to be. Today we have the opportunity to transform Guyana by following the letter and spirit of the Constitution.


Ø  The legislation governing local government organs was further strengthened following the local government reform process initiated in the aftermath of the 1997 general elections and the ensuing menu of measures accompanying the Herdmanston Accord. The five new pieces of legislation are:






Ø  Act # 16 of 2013 – FISCAL TRANSFERS ACT 2013




Ø  Act # 5 of 2015 – LOCAL GOVERNMENT (AMENDMENT) ACT 2015


Ø  When we elect new local leaders on March 18, 2016, we will be making a break with the ways of the past; the new leaders will not just replace the old ones. The new, democratically elected officials will be empowered according to law, and they will be expected to perform their decision-making roles, according to law. They will not be subject to domination and control by central government.


Ø  The newly elected local leaders will have power to make decisions that affect citizens living within the respective Municipalities and Neighbourhood Democratic Councils, it is therefore important that each eligible voter casts a ballot, according to his or her conscience. If you do not vote, other people will choose local government officials without your input.


Ø  I invite everyone to ponder on these important matters which will determine Guyana’s direction of development for the next three years.


Inform yourselves of what

each candidate has to offer –

listen to all of them – then,

cast your ballot based on the issues.


Let us put the past behind us

and move forward to a better life

for all residents within our respective communities.

Last edited by Former Member

IMO, here's how things may play out:

-- National Budget in early February. Finance Minister will announce big pay raise for public sector workers, incentives/duty free concessions for farmers and fishermen, etc.

-- Big pay day around February 18 in time for Mashramani.

-- Street lights, paved roads, clean trenches, improved water supply in NDCs.

-- LGE on March 18.

-- Results by March 20 as follows: PPP reps will win in ALL coolie communities, APNU+AFC reps will win in all other contesting localities. APNU+AFC will edge out PPP in hinterland communities.


Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

IMO, here's how things may play out:

-- National Budget in early February. Finance Minister will announce big pay raise for public sector workers, incentives/duty free concessions for farmers and fishermen, etc.

-- Big pay day around February 18 in time for Mashramani.

-- Street lights, paved roads, clean trenches, improved water supply in NDCs.

-- LGE on March 18.

-- Results by March 20 as follows: PPP reps will win in ALL coolie communities, APNU+AFC reps will win in all other contesting localities. APNU+AFC will edge out PPP in hinterland communities.


Gil...... if Harmond Zip his mouth

and Behave himself going forward....


and if.....just if........

couple of them fellas from the Previous govt

get hauled before the courts.....


How can this affect the outcome of LGE.

Originally Posted by Jalil:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

IMO, here's how things may play out:

-- National Budget in early February. Finance Minister will announce big pay raise for public sector workers, incentives/duty free concessions for farmers and fishermen, etc.

-- Big pay day around February 18 in time for Mashramani.

-- Street lights, paved roads, clean trenches, improved water supply in NDCs.

-- LGE on March 18.

-- Results by March 20 as follows: PPP reps will win in ALL coolie communities, APNU+AFC reps will win in all other contesting localities. APNU+AFC will edge out PPP in hinterland communities.


Gil...... if Harmond Zip his mouth

and Behave himself going forward....


and if.....just if........

couple of them fellas from the Previous govt

get hauled before the courts.....


How can this affect the outcome of LGE.

Jalil, as my comments before May 11 had shown, I had expected a big margin of victory for APNU+AFC. As it turned out, Indians voted solidly for the PPP and gave Freedom House MORE votes than in 2011.

I had underestimated the herd mentality of Indians. As you can see in GNI and other social media, the majority of them have closed ranks and are determined to preserve the PPP status quo, at all costs.

So, in my opinion, the "ifs" you mention will not affect the race-based outcome of upcoming LGE.

It is a sad and alarming commentary that in this 21st century, most Indo-Guyanese are voting with their skin color only. That includes the younger more educated generation who are modern in most ways but are still under the iron-grip of their elders in electoral matters.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

I had underestimated the herd mentality of Indians.

Don't know why you did when I and others here told you long ago that the AFC Indo faction wasnt going to bring in too many votes. 


Of course the AFC Indo faction screamed after the election that they were the "king Makers" and so should be awarded full control over the coalition.  Even now, Jalil, one of their loudest, screams about black PNC Monkeys.


As of now, knowing how few Indo votes that the AFC brought in, there are factions who want APNU to do for blacks what the PPP did for elite Indians.  Contrary to some who sing "Kumba Yah", Guyana remains as divided as ever. 


Already some are telling Granger to ensure that Africans get their cut before the PPP comes back into power.  Those who deny the fact of Indo racism just strengthen the resolve of that faction.  As one of them said "an Indian is an Indian no matter what he says".  In other words Indians will protect other Indians and will only pretend to be race blind.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

I had underestimated the herd mentality of Indians.

Don't know why you did when U and others here told you long ago that the AFC Indo faction wasnt going to bring in too many votes. 


Of course the AFC Indo faction screamed after the election that they were the "king Makers" and so should be awarded full control over the coalition.  Even now, Jalil, one of their loudest, screams about black PNC Monkeys.

CaribJ my friend

let us use numbers that you will understand.


If AFC + APNU got 200,000 Votes

and PNC got 60% of those Votes

we can safely say.......

PNC got at least 120,000 Votes in Guyana.


Of that number we know

they got over 100,000 Black Votes.

Nothing wrong ....They did Very well.


But all I am saying

the PNC has

3/Three/Tres Howlers from the PNC Old School

who making things hard for the Nagamootoo & Granger Govt.


If we move those 3 To Monkey Mountain

Granger can concentrate and

do the things he want to do....

Knowing there is not a Howler

lurking around to yank his balls.


So it is possible of the 99,997 other

we have many, many other Decent Blacks in the PNC.


But it is the 3 from the Old  School PNC 

who keep howling and yanking Granger Balls



Look today....after 30 days

one of the Howlers was forced to face the public

and he had to apologize....YES TODAY.





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