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Bibi Haniffa posted:

So why was he kissing Granger's ass and finagling his way into the top spot at NCN?  Just for lil fun?  I don't trust Bish Panday's shadow.  He is right up there with Ramjattan and Moses as far as I am concerned.  

What ever happen to Jagdeo boy friend Bobby, he got plenty contracts from NCN for FREE. Like I stated before Bish has a successful Insurance business, he is rich, don't need NCN money, as he stated he did not like what is going on, and does not have time for bull shit. May I say, Bish is NOT a politician, he is a Businessman, he makes his money by legal means.

cain posted:

He he wuh happen Skeldondue you getting lil high tonite?

Oi man, did you hear dem boys say Bibi doan know what she talkin about...along with dem who follow her thinking?

SKeldonman don't smoke. He drinks occasionally and socially. All I care about is that Bibi knows what she is talking about. And she knows what she is talkin' about. If you cannot understand what she is talking about, then you should put that pipe and guitar down.

Prashad posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

So why was he kissing Granger's ass and finagling his way into the top spot at NCN?  Just for lil fun?  I don't trust Bish Panday's shadow.  He is right up there with Ramjattan and Moses as far as I am concerned.  

I don't think Bish realized he was dealing with anti-koolie. He probably was thinking he was supporting Moses and Kemraj. Not knowing these two fools are powerless around the racist anti-koolie squad.

Anyone who did not see the PNC domination coming was naive. The PNC should never be trusted.  They always had the dream to reestablish PNC paramountcy. The PNC has all the hard power structures in place and could pull the rug whenever without much risk.  The are doing it slowly and cleverly, pushing Indians to resign and the spots will be filled with PNC hacks.

I will not criticize Bish Panday or anyone as he/they chose to live and build in Guyana and took a gamble which he/they stood to pay the price, not any one of us living overseas.  All we do is go, have fun and run on imagination and exercise our intellect, for what it's worth.  For us it's a bad movie, for them it's real life.

The PPP had their negatives which alienated many, some of whom decided to take the grave risk to give the PNC/AFC a shot.  It was a risky move, but they did anyway.  This was a product of the arrogance of the PPP inner leadership.  They were far removed from the reality of the people's sufferings! They had strayed a million miles away from the ideals of the Jagans!

While we talk and criticize and judge people there, none of us are willing to give up our security, go there and deal with the issues on the ground.  We even complain about pesky mosquitoes.  They are doing just that.

kp posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

So why was he kissing Granger's ass and finagling his way into the top spot at NCN?  Just for lil fun?  I don't trust Bish Panday's shadow.  He is right up there with Ramjattan and Moses as far as I am concerned.  

What ever happen to Jagdeo boy friend Bobby, he got plenty contracts from NCN for FREE. Like I stated before Bish has a successful Insurance business, he is rich, don't need NCN money, as he stated he did not like what is going on, and does not have time for bull shit. May I say, Bish is NOT a politician, he is a Businessman, he makes his money by legal means.

Bish is a businessman Turn Politcian Turn Neemak.  Did you read his Facebook page last election time how he was cussing Coolies, and Women, and everyone in the PPP?   He thought he and Ramjattan would be ruling the world.  When I joined GNI a little over a year ago I was wondering if the Mitwah handle was Bish. Same language.  The man is shameless.  

Bibi Haniffa
ba$eman posted:
Prashad posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

So why was he kissing Granger's ass and finagling his way into the top spot at NCN?  Just for lil fun?  I don't trust Bish Panday's shadow.  He is right up there with Ramjattan and Moses as far as I am concerned.  

I don't think Bish realized he was dealing with anti-koolie. He probably was thinking he was supporting Moses and Kemraj. Not knowing these two fools are powerless around the racist anti-koolie squad.

Anyone who did not see the PNC domination coming was naive. The PNC should never be trusted.  They always had the dream to reestablish PNC paramountcy. The PNC has all the hard power structures in place and could pull the rug whenever without much risk.  The are doing it slowly and cleverly, pushing Indians to resign and the spots will be filled with PNC hacks.

I will not criticize Bish Panday or anyone as he/they chose to live and build in Guyana and took a gamble which he/they stood to pay the price, not any one of us living overseas.  All we do is go, have fun and run on imagination and exercise our intellect, for what it's worth.  For us it's a bad movie, for them it's real life.

The PPP had their negatives which alienated many, some of whom decided to take the grave risk to give the PNC/AFC a shot.  It was a risky move, but they did anyway.  This was a product of the arrogance of the PPP inner leadership.  They were far removed from the reality of the people's sufferings! They had strayed a million miles away from the ideals of the Jagans!

While we talk and criticize and judge people there, none of us are willing to give up our security, go there and deal with the issues on the ground.  We even complain about pesky mosquitoes.  They are doing just that.

What do you know about the PPP inner leadership?  Tell us.

Bibi Haniffa
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Bish is a businessman Turn Politcian Turn Neemak.  Did you read his Facebook page last election time how he was cussing Coolies, and Women, and everyone in the PPP?   He thought he and Ramjattan would be ruling the world.  When I joined GNI a little over a year ago I was wondering if the Mitwah handle was Bish. Same language.  The man is shameless.  

Oww Bibi,you trying hard to discredit Bish Panday,

How about your hero the current leader of the PPP

who locked his wife out of the bedroom also married

without signing the legal papers,

[do you know it's illegal to do do that,Burnham Constitution said so]

was that wedding a sham to fool the East Indian ??

Last edited by Django
Bibi Haniffa posted:
kp posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

So why was he kissing Granger's ass and finagling his way into the top spot at NCN?  Just for lil fun?  I don't trust Bish Panday's shadow.  He is right up there with Ramjattan and Moses as far as I am concerned.  

What ever happen to Jagdeo boy friend Bobby, he got plenty contracts from NCN for FREE. Like I stated before Bish has a successful Insurance business, he is rich, don't need NCN money, as he stated he did not like what is going on, and does not have time for bull shit. May I say, Bish is NOT a politician, he is a Businessman, he makes his money by legal means.

Bish is a businessman Turn Politcian Turn Neemak.  Did you read his Facebook page last election time how he was cussing Coolies, and Women, and everyone in the PPP?   He thought he and Ramjattan would be ruling the world.  When I joined GNI a little over a year ago I was wondering if the Mitwah handle was Bish. Same language.  The man is shameless.  

I wish you can concentrate you vile comments to the real crooks and politicians, you don't know Bish Panday, I know him close to 40 years, he makes his living by selling insurance to the people and does not depend on the government. He leads from the front by staying in Guyana and when he sees wrong he calls it, just like what he did now. It looks as though you have a personal vendetta with Bish. I am not defined by any Political party, but when I see wrong I call it.I have inside info on several PPP , some ministers of the government, who from nothing but within five years amassed MILLIONS, but who  did they cheat and rob is the POOR struggling Guyanese people. Today when I see the PNC are duplicating what the PPP did and more, it drives me crazy. But Ms. BIBI, you try be in Bish's shoes to run a business and survive with all the crime and politics, I gather you were the privilege one when living in Guyana.I know you started this thread,you want to extend it's life by pounding dirt on someone who is not here to defend himself, how much lower can you go??


Bish grew his business under the PPP and received a lot of support from them.  I don't care which political party you and Bish support.  And you are free to call out whoever you want to call out.  Shame that you are supporting someone who has proven that he can't be trusted.  He double crossed his former friends and sold his soul to the devil just like Ramjattan his best friend did.  Bish was vital in putting the coalition in power.  He stood by Ramjattan all the way and he was not afraid to cuss people in public if they were against Ramjattan.

Bibi Haniffa
Drugb posted:
Chief posted:

Baseman I like your comment on this thread.

Looks like Base going back to the AFC, let us not forget that he was a rabid aFC supporter before turning rogue when they conceded to the PNC umbrella. 

Base is not going back to any AFC.  Base will remain on the side of the PPP but I'm not blinded to any and everything.  I supported the AFC for a short time, but all the time, I wanted a better and more responsive PPP.  When I saw their PNC slant, i immediately distance and severed.  I have my own views and to be critical on issues where I think they could have done better does not make me anti-anything!  I think for myself and don't just follow the flock!

I still contend they are the best there is however, this does not mean they are infallible!  This also does not mean the PNC and AFC don't have positives!

As I said, none of us live there and deal with the everyday life and politics of Guyana, as such, whatever we say is just an exercise in benign politiking!  It impacts us not and we have no impact.

Django posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Bish is a businessman Turn Politcian Turn Neemak.  Did you read his Facebook page last election time how he was cussing Coolies, and Women, and everyone in the PPP?   He thought he and Ramjattan would be ruling the world.  When I joined GNI a little over a year ago I was wondering if the Mitwah handle was Bish. Same language.  The man is shameless.  

Oww Bibi,you trying hard to discredit Bish Panday,

How about your hero the current leader of the PPP

who locked his wife out of the bedroom also married

without signing the legal papers,

[do you know it's illegal to do do that,Burnham Constitution said so]

was that wedding a sham to fool the East Indian ??

Why don't you get off of BJ's personal life and become more substantive in what you say!  Are you some intellectual pigmy where all you do is peep into other people's key hole?

ba$eman posted:
Drugb posted:
Chief posted:

Baseman I like your comment on this thread.

Looks like Base going back to the AFC, let us not forget that he was a rabid aFC supporter before turning rogue when they conceded to the PNC umbrella. 

Base is not going back to any AFC.  Base will remain on the side of the PPP but I'm not blinded to any and everything.  I supported the AFC for a short time, but all the time, I wanted a better and more responsive PPP.  When I saw their PNC slant, i immediately distance and severed.  I have my own views and to be critical on issues where I think they could have done better does not make me anti-anything!  I think for myself and don't just follow the flock!

I still contend they are the best there is however, this does not mean they are infallible!  This also does not mean the PNC and AFC don't have positives!

As I said, none of us live there and deal with the everyday life and politics of Guyana, as such, whatever we say is just an exercise in benign politiking!  It impacts us not and we have no impact.

So if logic serves me correct, if you want a more responsive PPP you join the AFC?  Every single AFC member is an anti PPP supporter.  Would you have remained with the AFC if they didn't join the PNC?

Bibi Haniffa
skeldon_man posted:
VVP posted:


Why do you keep saying that the man was fired?  Looks to me that he just walked away realizing that his efforts were wasted.  Successful do not need these types of shitty jobs.

Could it be resign or get fired? Who knows? None man nah talk when dem wife beat dem up.

I get the impression that he is the type of person that would tell them f off.

Is he related to the Bish Panday that has the liquor store in Barr Street?

ba$eman posted:
Prashad posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

So why was he kissing Granger's ass and finagling his way into the top spot at NCN?  Just for lil fun?  I don't trust Bish Panday's shadow.  He is right up there with Ramjattan and Moses as far as I am concerned.  

I don't think Bish realized he was dealing with anti-koolie. He probably was thinking he was supporting Moses and Kemraj. Not knowing these two fools are powerless around the racist anti-koolie squad.

Anyone who did not see the PNC domination coming was naive. The PNC should never be trusted.  They always had the dream to reestablish PNC paramountcy. The PNC has all the hard power structures in place and could pull the rug whenever without much risk.  The are doing it slowly and cleverly, pushing Indians to resign and the spots will be filled with PNC hacks.

I will not criticize Bish Panday or anyone as he/they chose to live and build in Guyana and took a gamble which he/they stood to pay the price, not any one of us living overseas.  All we do is go, have fun and run on imagination and exercise our intellect, for what it's worth.  For us it's a bad movie, for them it's real life.

The PPP had their negatives which alienated many, some of whom decided to take the grave risk to give the PNC/AFC a shot.  It was a risky move, but they did anyway.  This was a product of the arrogance of the PPP inner leadership.  They were far removed from the reality of the people's sufferings! They had strayed a million miles away from the ideals of the Jagans!

While we talk and criticize and judge people there, none of us are willing to give up our security, go there and deal with the issues on the ground.  We even complain about pesky mosquitoes.  They are doing just that.

That is peanuts. They can start to play around with the immigration laws like Williams did and change the outcome of the next election. 

Bibi Haniffa posted:
ba$eman posted:
Drugb posted:
Chief posted:

Baseman I like your comment on this thread.

Looks like Base going back to the AFC, let us not forget that he was a rabid aFC supporter before turning rogue when they conceded to the PNC umbrella. 

Base is not going back to any AFC.  Base will remain on the side of the PPP but I'm not blinded to any and everything.  I supported the AFC for a short time, but all the time, I wanted a better and more responsive PPP.  When I saw their PNC slant, i immediately distance and severed.  I have my own views and to be critical on issues where I think they could have done better does not make me anti-anything!  I think for myself and don't just follow the flock!

I still contend they are the best there is however, this does not mean they are infallible!  This also does not mean the PNC and AFC don't have positives!

As I said, none of us live there and deal with the everyday life and politics of Guyana, as such, whatever we say is just an exercise in benign politiking!  It impacts us not and we have no impact.

So if logic serves me correct, if you want a more responsive PPP you join the AFC?  Every single AFC member is an anti PPP supporter.  Would you have remained with the AFC if they didn't join the PNC?

No, I left in 2011, they were not yet part of the PNC.  I actually preferred a rapprochement with the PPP however, they cuss the PPP too much so I did not see the PPP accepting them.  So, I decided enough is enough, I "going home", as Granger instructed his flock!

My distancing started prior to the election when all my anti-PNC postings were being deleted from the AFC Facebook page!  I made it clear to all, I'm no pro-PNC but more pro-PPP, even while with the AFC!  I also made it clear, I would like a new force, the AFC to win, but second to that is the PPP.  This caused some in the AFC to brand me a PPP plant!

My actions were personally costly as I alienated myself from a circle I had just built upon returning to the US after a long time.  However, I did not see any other way as I was not willing to compromise my stand, which was and is, the PPP, even with it's flaws, the best force for good in Guyana!

I prefer to stand alone, than to stand compromised!

ba$eman posted:
Django posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Bish is a businessman Turn Politcian Turn Neemak.  Did you read his Facebook page last election time how he was cussing Coolies, and Women, and everyone in the PPP?   He thought he and Ramjattan would be ruling the world.  When I joined GNI a little over a year ago I was wondering if the Mitwah handle was Bish. Same language.  The man is shameless.  

Oww Bibi,you trying hard to discredit Bish Panday,

How about your hero the current leader of the PPP

who locked his wife out of the bedroom also married

without signing the legal papers,

[do you know it's illegal to do do that,Burnham Constitution said so]

was that wedding a sham to fool the East Indian ??

Why don't you get off of BJ's personal life and become more substantive in what you say!  Are you some intellectual pygmy where all you do is peep into other people's key hole?

He is a public figure,why are you upset when the truth is told about his morality,is it because you lick his for your daily sustenance.

skeldon_man posted:
VVP posted:


Why do you keep saying that the man was fired?  Looks to me that he just walked away realizing that his efforts were wasted.  Successful do not need these types of shitty jobs.

Could it be resign or get fired? Who knows? None man nah talk when dem wife beat dem up.

Granger henchman Cornette pushed him out.  And VVP good point there.  Successful people don't need these types of shitty jobs.  Why was he there to begin with???

Bibi Haniffa
Last edited by Bibi Haniffa
Django posted:
ba$eman posted:
Django posted:


Oww Bibi,you trying hard to discredit Bish Panday,

How about your hero the current leader of the PPP

who locked his wife out of the bedroom also married

without signing the legal papers,

[do you know it's illegal to do do that,Burnham Constitution said so]

was that wedding a sham to fool the East Indian ??

Why don't you get off of BJ's personal life and become more substantive in what you say!  Are you some intellectual pygmy where all you do is peep into other people's key hole?

He is a public figure,why are you upset when the truth is told about his morality,is it because you lick his for your daily sustenance.

Well, how do you know what happened in his bedroom, did he kick her out to make place or you??

Bibi Haniffa posted:
skeldon_man posted:
VVP posted:


Why do you keep saying that the man was fired?  Looks to me that he just walked away realizing that his efforts were wasted.  Successful do not need these types of shitty jobs.

Could it be resign or get fired? Who knows? None man nah talk when dem wife beat dem up.

Granger henchman Cornette pushed him out.  And VVP good point there.  Successful people don't need these types of shitty jobs.  Why was he there to begin with???

Maybe he saw it as a civic duty to try to get NCN to function better.  


ba$eman posted:
Django posted:
ba$eman posted:
Django posted:


Oww Bibi,you trying hard to discredit Bish Panday,

How about your hero the current leader of the PPP

who locked his wife out of the bedroom also married

without signing the legal papers,

[do you know it's illegal to do do that,Burnham Constitution said so]

was that wedding a sham to fool the East Indian ??

Why don't you get off of BJ's personal life and become more substantive in what you say!  Are you some intellectual pygmy where all you do is peep into other people's key hole?

He is a public figure,why are you upset when the truth is told about his morality,is it because you lick his for your daily sustenance.

Well, how do you know what happened in his bedroom, did he kick her out to make place or you??

My thoughts exactly.

VVP posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
skeldon_man posted:
VVP posted:


Why do you keep saying that the man was fired?  Looks to me that he just walked away realizing that his efforts were wasted.  Successful do not need these types of shitty jobs.

Could it be resign or get fired? Who knows? None man nah talk when dem wife beat dem up.

Granger henchman Cornette pushed him out.  And VVP good point there.  Successful people don't need these types of shitty jobs.  Why was he there to begin with???

Maybe he saw it as a civic duty to try to get NCN to function better.  


No. His motives were political. Bish Panday is a relative of Ramjattan and and took it upon himself to sideline anyone who stood in Ramjattan's way to power.  That job at NCN was payment for his support of the coalition. Little did he know he would meet up with his meter - a man by the name of Cornette who is not only more vicious than him but way more educated.  

Bibi Haniffa
Last edited by Bibi Haniffa
Bibi Haniffa posted:
VVP posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
skeldon_man posted:
VVP posted:


Why do you keep saying that the man was fired?  Looks to me that he just walked away realizing that his efforts were wasted.  Successful do not need these types of shitty jobs.

Could it be resign or get fired? Who knows? None man nah talk when dem wife beat dem up.

Granger henchman Cornette pushed him out.  And VVP good point there.  Successful people don't need these types of shitty jobs.  Why was he there to begin with???

Maybe he saw it as a civic duty to try to get NCN to function better.  


No. His motives were political. Bish Panday is a relative of Ramjattan and and took it upon himself to sideline anyone who stood in Ramjattan's way to power.  That job at NCN was payment for his support of the coalition. Little did he know he would meet up with his meter - a man by the name of Cornette who is not only more vicious than him but way more educated.  

You are just speculating. You are taking personal  issue of someone you simply hate. Bish  touches a soft spot that you been nursing a long time. Go and breathe some fresh air  it will clear your mind.

skeldon_man posted:

Django bhai, I don't know how you take such a licking and keep on ticking. You are like the Timex watch. Your butt must be so blistered, you won't be able to sit for a couple of weeks. Did BJ ever see your butt in the light?

What licks,some from the nonsense crew behaves like fish mongers.

I tried not to respond to thier usual garbage,sometimes i don't let it slide.

ba$eman posted:
Django posted:
ba$eman posted:
Django posted:


Oww Bibi,you trying hard to discredit Bish Panday,

How about your hero the current leader of the PPP

who locked his wife out of the bedroom also married

without signing the legal papers,

[do you know it's illegal to do do that,Burnham Constitution said so]

was that wedding a sham to fool the East Indian ??

Why don't you get off of BJ's personal life and become more substantive in what you say!  Are you some intellectual pygmy where all you do is peep into other people's key hole?

He is a public figure,why are you upset when the truth is told about his morality,is it because you lick his for your daily sustenance.

Well, how do you know what happened in his bedroom, did he kick her out to make place or you??

Public figure laundry is out there,

the woman expose him,why are jumping to the defense,may you are one of the same.

kp posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
VVP posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
skeldon_man posted:
VVP posted:


Why do you keep saying that the man was fired?  Looks to me that he just walked away realizing that his efforts were wasted.  Successful do not need these types of shitty jobs.

Could it be resign or get fired? Who knows? None man nah talk when dem wife beat dem up.

Granger henchman Cornette pushed him out.  And VVP good point there.  Successful people don't need these types of shitty jobs.  Why was he there to begin with???

Maybe he saw it as a civic duty to try to get NCN to function better.  


No. His motives were political. Bish Panday is a relative of Ramjattan and and took it upon himself to sideline anyone who stood in Ramjattan's way to power.  That job at NCN was payment for his support of the coalition. Little did he know he would meet up with his meter - a man by the name of Cornette who is not only more vicious than him but way more educated.  

You are just speculating. You are taking personal  issue of someone you simply hate. Bish  touches a soft spot that you been nursing a long time. Go and breathe some fresh air  it will clear your mind.

Not really, I don't hate all the PNC guys.   In fact some of them are good friends of mine.  I didn't realize you were in the PNC club.  I misread you for a while there.  It happens to the best of us.

Bibi Haniffa
Last edited by Bibi Haniffa
Bibi Haniffa posted:
kp posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
VVP posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
skeldon_man posted:
VVP posted:


Why do you keep saying that the man was fired?  Looks to me that he just walked away realizing that his efforts were wasted.  Successful do not need these types of shitty jobs.

Could it be resign or get fired? Who knows? None man nah talk when dem wife beat dem up.

Granger henchman Cornette pushed him out.  And VVP good point there.  Successful people don't need these types of shitty jobs.  Why was he there to begin with???

Maybe he saw it as a civic duty to try to get NCN to function better.  


No. His motives were political. Bish Panday is a relative of Ramjattan and and took it upon himself to sideline anyone who stood in Ramjattan's way to power.  That job at NCN was payment for his support of the coalition. Little did he know he would meet up with his meter - a man by the name of Cornette who is not only more vicious than him but way more educated.  

You are just speculating. You are taking personal  issue of someone you simply hate. Bish  touches a soft spot that you been nursing a long time. Go and breathe some fresh air  it will clear your mind.

Not really, I don't hate all the PNC guys.   In fact some of them are good friends of mine.  I didn't realize you were in the PNC club.  I misread you for a while there.  It happens to the best of us.

I don't belong to a club I give to Guyanese I have a good life I am not here wauting for which ever party gets in power to get something in return. From all indications someone close to you was in government and now detroned by the PNC and it REALLY  HURTS.



I cannot understand why you chose to call Mr. Bish Panday names.

Economy after many posters point out to you that you are incorrect about Bish, you still beating your chest that yes you are correct.

During last week testimony on Capitol Hill , many of the people who are up for confirmation admit that they disagree with some of the positions that President Trump  has taken but they decide to still serve. This is how you have to look at Bish Panday, he is a sucessful businessman  a, he was asked by the current Government  to serve, after a while he is not satisfied with the results, so he left . 

HE was not kicked neither is he a neemakharam.


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