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BREAKING: Clairmont Mingo arrested


Police Tuesday afternoon arrested the Returning Officer of Region Four Clairmont Mingo.

Mingo, who emerged as a controversial figure following the heavily disputed March 2 general and regional elections, was arrested at a house in West Coast Berbice.

Usually reliable sources told the News Room that he was taken to the Criminal Investigations Department (CID) in Georgetown for questioning.

Court Marshalls have been looking for Mingo to serve him criminal charges which were filed by a private citizen but were unable to locate him for several weeks.

The charge relates to the fraudulent elections declaration of March 5 which has Mingo’s signature; a national vote recount found that the numbers were inflated in favour of the APNU+AFC Coalition while the People’s Progressive Party (PPP) emerged as the true winner.

Mingo remains in the employ of the Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM) but the News Room understands that he has not shown up at the office for months.

The Guyana Police Force has since launched a criminal probe into the March 2 polls.

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Hours after they began questioning former Region 4 Returning Officer Calirmont Mingo about fraud and other acts in relation to the developments at the Region 4 Returning Office in March, the police have also taken into custody Carolyn Mikhaila Duncan.
Duncan according to detectives was an assist to Mingo and it is believed that she had some part to play in the offences for which Mingo was earlier arrested today.
@Former Member posted:

Mingo is entitled to have his attorney presented with him before any questioning. That is a normal procedure in all legal proceedings. 

Not unless he asks for his attorney. The moment he does, he would have stopped talking so it would be a waste of time for the police to just keep him sitting idly there. Who knows, maybe Wade isn't even Mingo's attorney. Maybe Lawrence sent Wade to intimidate Mingo into not cooperating.

@Django posted:

Why would you think ,Mingo didn't request such ?

Neither you or I know what he did. But if Mingo is as educated as people say he is and if he is as bold as he behaved when he even committed contempt of the CJ's order, he would immediately stopped talking the moment he ask for his attorney so the police would be getting nothing more from him. At no time in Wade's introduction to the police did he state that Mingo has requested his presence.

@Former Member posted:

Neither you or I know what he did. But if Mingo is as educated as people say he is and if he is as bold as he behaved when he even committed contempt of the CJ's order, he would immediately stopped talking the moment he ask for his attorney so the police would be getting nothing more from him. At no time in Wade's introduction to the police did he state that Mingo has requested his presence.

Would not venture in responding to the usual excuses and frivolous questions of the accused, carry on smartly.

Every accused have a LEGAL RIGHT to an Attorney when questioned.

Last edited by Django
@Django posted:

Would not venture in responding to the usual excuses and frivolous questions of the accused, carry on smartly.

I am surprised that you would be troubled by Mingo being pulled into the station when he was running and hiding from the police for months now. You yourself said that he committed fraud so you should be happy that he is finally being called upon to answer for that committed fraud.


I am proud of my Indian brothers and sisters who had patience in dealing with the election matter. It appears that being humiliated has its rewards. The afro-Guyanese think that because I think that sin is not a crime they have the right to harm with the force of truth. The flesh contact with flesh can neutralize the truth since it develops feelings so touch each other. 

Ronald Anthony Arjune
@Django posted:

As mentioned full of excuses ,keep on condoning wrong doings of the the current government. It's not even a month they are behaving like DICTATORS.

Not very different from showing their true colours as they did before with arrogance, nastiness and vindictiveness.  Its hard for some people to change, when all governments in Guyana are crooks.  

@Django posted:

As mentioned full of excuses ,keep on condoning wrong doings of the the current government. It's not even a month they are behaving like DICTATORS.

As you chota bhai I am just following in your footsteps mere bare bhai. You condoned the wrongs of the Coalition up to and until the declaration on August 2, 2020, five long months after the elections. Obviously neither of us have the moral capital to criticize either. We can only comment on the matter being addressed. We were until you felt comfortable to move beyond the topic and make a comment about me shown below.

@Former Member posted:

Neither you or I know what he did. But if Mingo is as educated as people say he is and if he is as bold as he behaved when he even committed contempt of the CJ's order, he would immediately stopped talking the moment he ask for his attorney so the police would be getting nothing more from him. At no time in Wade's introduction to the police did he state that Mingo has requested his presence.

Would not venture in responding to the usual excuses and frivolous questions of the accused, carry on smartly.

Every accused have a LEGAL RIGHT to an Attorney when questioned.

@Tola posted:

Not very different from showing their true colours as they did before with arrogance, nastiness and vindictiveness.  Its hard for some people to change, when all governments in Guyana are crooks.  

Power hungry !!! started on the wrong footing ,they are widening the divide. No problem investigating what happened with elections ,let it be done the LAWFUL way.

They should also pull all the other RO and PO in Regions where electoral FRAUD was discovered.


A PPP NDC agent been there for dankey years and use vindictiveness to get reelected.  There is a community centre that was vandalized, with a play ground and a cricket pitch. Its a fenced area and the NDC  has the only gate key to allow his animals to graze in the centre grounds, damaging the cricket pitch when it rains. The RO is as corrupt as the NDC and don't act on complaints.  The school playground grass is too tall to play cricket and the community centre is not available with animals grazing.

The PPP government don't look after their voters and the Africans don't care. They are all crooks.   

Last edited by Tola

I am proud of my Indian brothers and sisters who had patience in dealing with the election matter. It appears that being humiliated has its rewards. The afro-Guyanese think that because I think that sin is not a crime they have the right to harm with the force of truth. The flesh contact with flesh can neutralize the truth since it develops feelings so touch each other. 

Hi Ronald. Good thing PNC lost. ask Cain. 

@Former Member posted:

Not unless he asks for his attorney. The moment he does, he would have stopped talking so it would be a waste of time for the police to just keep him sitting idly there. Who knows, maybe Wade isn't even Mingo's attorney. Maybe Lawrence sent Wade to intimidate Mingo into not cooperating.

You just can't make up story as you go long. I can't accept the highlighted portion of your sentence as factual. 


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