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Dr. Rupert Roopnarine

"The WPA Leader had told the thousands of supporters gathered at Damon Square that “we have to recognise that after the people vote we have to protect the vote because we are dealing with a desperate band. All things are possible so when we cast that ballot on May 11 let us ensure that we make arrangements to secure every single ballot station and every single ballot box in the land because the revolution must succeed.”

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Originally Posted by Cobra:

Dr. Rupert Roopnarine

"The WPA Leader had told the thousands of supporters gathered at Damon Square that “we have to recognise that after the people vote we have to protect the vote because we are dealing with a desperate band. All things are possible so when we cast that ballot on May 11 let us ensure that we make arrangements to secure every single ballot station and every single ballot box in the land because the revolution must succeed.”

stupid snake


“Mr Roopnaraine should be reminded that it was the PPP who fought for free and fair elections and a return to democracy…the very democracy that affords him the luxury of making such ludicrous statements with luxury,” the General Secretary said.

Originally Posted by Cobra:

“Mr Roopnaraine should be reminded that it was the PPP who fought for free and fair elections and a return to democracy…the very democracy that affords him the luxury of making such ludicrous statements with luxury,” the General Secretary said.

stupid snake

Originally Posted by Cobra:

According to him, from all indications the APNU/AFC is preparing its supporters not to accept the results of the May 11 polls.


So much for democracy according the PNC.

stupid snake

Originally Posted by Cobra:

“Mr Roopnaraine should be reminded that it was the PPP who fought for free and fair elections and a return to democracy…the very democracy that affords him the luxury of making such ludicrous statements with luxury,” the General Secretary said.

And for this reason the vote should not be protected?


“Not only is his statement scandalous but rife with incitement and provocation…instead of accusing the PPP of rigging he should first explain the sordid event that took place in South Georgetown in 2011,”

Originally Posted by Cobra:

“Not only is his statement scandalous but rife with incitement and provocation…instead of accusing the PPP of rigging he should first explain the sordid event that took place in South Georgetown in 2011,”

stupid snake


Rupert was never East Indian.  From erection to DATE, HE ALWAYS SCREWED BLACK WOMEN and live among Afro Guyanese.


He is socialist who does not believe in GOD.


He like FREDDIE Kissoon, they have ZERO socialisation with the East Indian Community.


If Rupert could have grown a dread locks, he would have been a RASTA man.

Originally Posted by Brian Teekah:

Rupert was never East Indian.  From erection to DATE, HE ALWAYS SCREWED BLACK WOMEN and live among Afro Guyanese.


He is socialist who does not believe in GOD.


He like FREDDIE Kissoon, they have ZERO socialisation with the East Indian Community.


If Rupert could have grown a dread locks, he would have been a RASTA man.

Well... what a tragedy... the man screwed black women and lived among black people... such a tragedy.
Care to explain why this affects you so negatively?

Originally Posted by Cobra:

“Mr Roopnaraine should be reminded that it was the PPP who fought for free and fair elections and a return to democracy…the very democracy that affords him the luxury of making such ludicrous statements with luxury,” the General Secretary said.

The general Secretary  history is a falsehood. Roopnaraine is WPA. They were the ones in the trenches getting beat up, locked up and killed fighting the dictator while t he PPP was playing footsie with him via critical support.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Cobra:


The general Secretary  history is a falsehood. Roopnaraine is WPA. They were the ones in the trenches getting beat up, locked up and killed fighting the dictator while t he PPP was playing footsie with him via critical support.

Thank You!!


Cobra you are a poke!! It was Dr Roopnarine who had the balls to to burn down Congrees Place the night before the PNC CONGRESS.

The PPP and Jagan was too busy hugging up Burnham .

Originally Posted by Cobra:

“Mr Roopnaraine should be reminded that it was the PPP who fought for free and fair elections and a return to democracy…the very democracy that affords him the luxury of making such ludicrous statements with luxury,” the General Secretary said.

Which party's leader was assassinated during this fight for democracy?

Originally Posted by antabanta:
Originally Posted by Cobra:

“Mr Roopnaraine should be reminded that it was the PPP who fought for free and fair elections and a return to democracy…the very democracy that affords him the luxury of making such ludicrous statements with luxury,” the General Secretary said.

Which party's leader was assassinated during this fight for democracy?



Originally Posted by Chief:
Originally Posted by antabanta:
Originally Posted by Cobra:

“Mr Roopnaraine should be reminded that it was the PPP who fought for free and fair elections and a return to democracy…the very democracy that affords him the luxury of making such ludicrous statements with luxury,” the General Secretary said.

Which party's leader was assassinated during this fight for democracy?



Dat is CRAP!!!   Dr Jagan was never against Dr walter Rodney.  LIES LIES!!!

Originally Posted by Chief:

Buddy Nehru

Are you saying that Dr Rodney was not more of a threat to Dr Jagan than Mr Burnham?

How can Dr Rodney be a threat when he was a man of PEACE???  I understand politicians protect their "Territory" but to claim the GREAT Dr Jagan wanted to eliminate Dr Rodney is simply BULLCRAP!!!

Last edited by Nehru
Originally Posted by Chief:

Buddy Nehru

Are you saying that Dr Rodney was not more of a threat to Dr Jagan than Mr Burnham?

Chedddi and wife was not too happy when Forbes tried to do away wid Cheddie's leadership in 1955. Then, this lil Congo man Rodney was going to do away wid King Knog. And in the process he would have displaced Cheddie as well. Doan think Janet would stand for that. Maybe she demanded Cheddie have a word wid Forbes about Rodney. 

Originally Posted by seignet:
Originally Posted by Chief:

Buddy Nehru

Are you saying that Dr Rodney was not more of a threat to Dr Jagan than Mr Burnham?

Chedddi and wife was not too happy when Forbes tried to do away wid Cheddie's leadership in 1955. Then, this lil Congo man Rodney was going to do away wid King Knog. And in the process he would have displaced Cheddie as well. Doan think Janet would stand for that. Maybe she demanded Cheddie have a word wid Forbes about Rodney. 

HEHEHE Bera Nancy story.


According to him, from all indications the APNU/AFC is preparing its supporters not to accept the results of the May 11 polls.


Prepare for PNC riots after the election result is announced.

Originally Posted by Cobra:

According to him, from all indications the APNU/AFC is preparing its supporters not to accept the results of the May 11 polls.


Prepare for PNC riots after the election result is announced.


Originally Posted by Cobra:

According to him, from all indications the APNU/AFC is preparing its supporters not to accept the results of the May 11 polls.


Prepare for PNC riots after the election result is announced.

Cobby no riots bhai,39% indian votes can't cut the

mustard for the PPP/C


Why you think PPP will get 39% Indian votes?


You can fool some of the people, some of the time; all of the people some of the time; but you can't fool all the people all of the time!


PPP's days are numbered.  Roopnarine is a decent man who cares about the working class, not the wicked, parasitic, filthy rich class who suck the lifeblood of the country in alliance with the PPP kleptos.

Originally Posted by Cobra:

“Mr Roopnaraine should be reminded that it was the PPP who fought for free and fair elections.

And they also fought against the Burnham constitution and fought for shared governance.


Have they applied any of it?  No.  The PPP must learn to take its own advice.

Originally Posted by seignet:
Originally Posted by Chief:

Buddy Nehru

Are you saying that Dr Rodney was not more of a threat to Dr Jagan than Mr Burnham?

Chedddi and wife was not too happy when Forbes tried to do away wid Cheddie's leadership in 1955. Then, this lil Congo man Rodney was going to do away wid King Knog. And in the process he would have displaced Cheddie as well. Doan think Janet would stand for that. Maybe she demanded Cheddie have a word wid Forbes about Rodney. 

Janet told Rodney to leave Indians alone.  His only role was to woo blacks away from the PNC.


When Rodney refused to listen to them Janet was not happy at all.


We do not know who ordered the death of Rodney, but we do know that the the Jagans were not upset.  If there were free and fair elections the WPA would have won, as many Indians thought that the PPP was to weak, and their "constructive criticism" was condoning the Burnham dictatorship.


The death of Rodney sucked thw wind out of the WPA and the PPP kept its ownership of the Indian vote. We will see what next month shows.


PPP played a major, leading role. However, when the WPA came along, it really lifted the freedom movement.


Now, the people we fought for and put in, have now become the new oppressors.  We moved from dictatorship (pre-1992), to democracy (Jaganite, 1992), to Kleptocracy (1999 when the Jagotars came into power).


Now we have to fight to Take Back Guyana from these Kleptos who have traded all the goodwill they have. They act like they are addicted to thieving and can't stop.  Ordinary therapy would not work with the PPP; they simply have to be defeated massively on May 11.

Originally Posted by Chief:

Buddy Nehru

Are you saying that Dr Rodney was not more of a threat to Dr Jagan than Mr Burnham?

He was a threat to BOTH.  Likely that which ever of the two ordered the hit didnt upset the other.


Jagan was quite happy to serve as a PM (toothless poodle) in a National gov't with Burnham as President.  Obviously Burnham would NOT have changed the constitution, so I do not know what Jagan thought that he could get.


The PPP likes to pretend that they single handedly fought against the Burnham regime.  No it was the WPA and other civic entities which spear headed that fight.

Originally Posted by Jay Bharrat:

PPP played a major, leading role.

The PPP was no more effective than the PNC has been in dealing with the Jagdeo PPP.


In both instances alliances with others is what led to a broad based fight against the Burnham dictatorship, and the Jagdeo kleptocracy. We will see if 2015 will be a year like 1992.


Jagan was quite happy to serve as a PM (toothless poodle) in a National gov't with Burnham as President.


It shows the quality of the man, his humility and putting nation first - the way Moses has done.


To work for the greater good, you give up personal desires and preferences; that's why we have the Coalition.

Originally Posted by Jay Bharrat:

Jagan was quite happy to serve as a PM (toothless poodle) in a National gov't with Burnham as President.


It shows the quality of the man, his humility and putting nation first - the way Moses has done.


To work for the greater good, you give up personal desires and preferences; that's why we have the Coalition.

You all Jaganites amuse me.  Jagan condoned a PNC dictatorship and was willing to become part of it.  He was WEAK!  And in addition at no time did he try to attract the black vote when most were upset with the state that Burnham had plunged the country in.  The man clung to the notion that the Indian vote was the majority, and he owned it.


That's why the WPA was helpful.  They helped back people understand that Every Race Punishing.  Most Blacks liked how the PNC took care of them through Afrocentric policies. Rodney was a Marxist and explained the class struggle, and people understood that Burnham was not a savior we thought he was.


To say Jagan was weak, diminishes the stature of the Father of the Nation. Stop it!

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Jay Bharrat:

Jagan was quite happy to serve as a PM (toothless poodle) in a National gov't with Burnham as President.


It shows the quality of the man, his humility and putting nation first - the way Moses has done.


To work for the greater good, you give up personal desires and preferences; that's why we have the Coalition.

You all Jaganites amuse me.  Jagan condoned a PNC dictatorship and was willing to become part of it.  He was WEAK!  And in addition at no time did he try to attract the black vote when most were upset with the state that Burnham had plunged the country in.  The man clung to the notion that the Indian vote was the majority, and he owned it.

Carib Burnham would have never allowed any party to

win,anyway that's gone let us focus on the present.

Originally Posted by Jay Bharrat:

That's why the WPA was helpful.  They helped back people understand that Every Race Punishing.  Most Blacks liked how the PNC took care of them through Afrocentric policies. Rodney was a Marxist and explained the class struggle, and people understood that Burnham was not a savior we thought he was.


To say Jagan was weak, diminishes the stature of the Father of the Nation. Stop it!

Black people didnt need any one to tell them that they were punishing.  The polling stations in G/town were empty in the 1973 election and the subsequent referendums at elections held in 1978 and in 1980.


The issue was that the PPP did nothing to attract black people, because by the 60s and into the 70s they had become a race based Indian party, seen as hostile to blacks.  In the 70s many remembered the heinous acts of the PYO against blacks, including women and kids. They also didnt remember hearingt Jagan trying to prevent that.


The WPA did what the PPP should have being doing when Rodney was alive. He was killed (at the orders of Burnham, maybe condoned by the Jagans) and so Burnham's dictatorship became even more intense.


Quit trying to make Jagan as a hero.  He was a WEAK man who was dominated by two dictators.  His wife Janet, and his buddy Forbes.  Rumors had it that, before the split, Janet and Forbes used to entertain each other.  Strong women usually dont like weak men.  This is why Janet began to hate blacks so much after Forbes went his own way.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Django:

Carib Burnham would have never allowed any party to

win,anyway that's gone let us focus on the present.

Yes that is the weak Jaganite thinking.  This is why Burnham knew that all he had to do was kill Rodney (maybe with the blessing of the Jagans) and all will be over.


Here is the deal.  Nothing that Burnham did was what the Jagans wouldnt have done. Nationalization and a socialist experiment.  In fact the Jagans, being die hard Marxist Leninists would gone even further.


The only problem that the Jagans had was that they were excluded from power.

Last edited by Former Member

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