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Another political party joins chorus against ministerial pay hike

October 17, 2015 6:24 am Category: latest news A+ / A-

URP submitting its Lists of Candidates to GECOM

URP submitting its Lists of Candidates to GECOM

[] – The small United Republican Party (URP) which contested the 2015 elections says that the recent 50% increase in ministerial salaries has forced to break it’s silence.

The party stated in a release that it “remained silent over the last five months as it gives the new AFC coalition government a chance to rule during its honey moon period. But the coalition seems hell bent on abusing ours and public silence to its policies and actions leading to this public rebuke of several policies.”

According to the URP: “The government disappoints on several fronts: large cabinet, square pegs in round holes appointments of Ministers and other personnel, the budget, handling of rice prices and farmers, firing of thousands of workers on account of ethnic and political affiliation, racial discrimination in appointments, arrogance on the part of several ministers, and the latest salary increase of Ministers.”

The party said the ministerial pay hike came “after the government called for wage sacrifices and the public was told the treasury is almost empty with public servants and pensioners being given only a 5% increase. It is also noted that people are surviving under very harsh social and economic conditions with this government cancelling $10K voucher for children for uniform and books that has been a rite of passage over the last several years.”

The APNU-AFC government “has done the same things that it criticized the PPP breaking its promise never to do them.”  The party noted that rice farmers were guarantee “some $9,000 a bag for paddy. Today farmers are getting between $850 and $1500 a bag and some paddy have been refused by millers.”

“Our party calls on the government to pursue policies that will benefit everyone and not hurt anyone. We urge the government to reverse course on the salary and on its discriminatory policies and put the nation’s interest above self and party interests,” stated the URP

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According to the URP: “The government disappoints on several fronts: large cabinet, square pegs in round holes appointments of Ministers and other personnel, the budget, handling of rice prices and farmers, firing of thousands of workers on account of ethnic and political affiliation, racial discrimination in appointments, arrogance on the part of several ministers, and the latest salary increase of Ministers.”

Originally Posted by asj:

According to the URP: “The government disappoints on several fronts: large cabinet, square pegs in round holes appointments of Ministers and other personnel, the budget, handling of rice prices and farmers, firing of thousands of workers on account of ethnic and political affiliation, racial discrimination in appointments, arrogance on the part of several ministers, and the latest salary increase of Ministers.”

seriously . . .? the URP got less than 500 votes nationwide


anybady canvassing de rasta (herb) party supporters' opinion?


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