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Baseman posted:

Exploring launching Guyana Uprising Movement (GUM)!

Who dis banna?  An Indo radical??

Somebody should  tell him that Guyanese, as far as I can tell, are not ready to become ONE PEOPLE, ONE NATION AND ONE NATION.... dem busy cussin each other right here on dis site...while Afros live in Flatbush and Indos live in Richmond Hill. 

VishMahabir posted:
Baseman posted:

Exploring launching Guyana Uprising Movement (GUM)!


Who dis banna?  An Indo radical??

Somebody should  tell him that Guyanese, as far as I can tell, are not ready to become ONE PEOPLE, ONE NATION AND ONE NATION.... dem busy cussin each other right here on dis site...while Afros live in Flatbush and Indos live in Richmond Hill. 

That's probably Baseman.  

Leonora posted:
VishMahabir posted:
Baseman posted:

Exploring launching Guyana Uprising Movement (GUM)!


Who dis banna?  An Indo radical??

Somebody should  tell him that Guyanese, as far as I can tell, are not ready to become ONE PEOPLE, ONE NATION AND ONE NATION.... dem busy cussin each other right here on dis site...while Afros live in Flatbush and Indos live in Richmond Hill. 

That's probably Baseman.  

Afros live in Buxton, Wismar, Linden, Plaisance and # 51 village. Coolies live in Port Mourant, Skeldon, Black Bush, Guava Bush and most of the Corentyne and Berbice.

VishMahabir posted:
Baseman posted:

Exploring launching Guyana Uprising Movement (GUM)!

Who dis banna?  An Indo radical??

Somebody should  tell him that Guyanese, as far as I can tell, are not ready to become ONE PEOPLE, ONE NATION AND ONE NATION.... dem busy cussin each other right here on dis site...while Afros live in Flatbush and Indos live in Richmond Hill. 

Vish, do not judge a book by its cover.  He is actually my cousin, a dedicated Rastafarian from age 14 and never left.  His god is Haile Selassie!  He lives in Guyana and Canada and owns some Rastafarian restaurants in Guyana and Canada.  He also owns a food processing business in Guyana.

He is very well connected in Guyana, so don't judge.  He has a lot of connection in the Rasta community and could very well gain a following.

He voted PNC in 2015 and said he is sorely disappointed.

He does have an agenda, does it take him to the top?  Maybe not, but it could pull a following!  I believe, if he gains traction, it would hurt the PNC more than the PPP!

So no, he is not an Indo Radical, far from it!

Iguana posted:
Baseman posted:

Exploring launching Guyana Uprising Movement (GUM)!

He wants a "spirituous uprising". lol. Spirituous means "containing or impregnated with alcohol obtained by distillation". This bush rum maker knows how to get votes. All the drunkies here may abandon the PPP for him.

Ok, Sharma said he will electrocute Sophia and his party sitting in parliament!

Baseman posted:
Iguana posted:
Baseman posted:

Exploring launching Guyana Uprising Movement (GUM)!


He wants a "spirituous uprising". lol. Spirituous means "containing or impregnated with alcohol obtained by distillation". This bush rum maker knows how to get votes. All the drunkies here may abandon the PPP for him.

Ok, Sharma said he will electrocute Sophia and his party sitting in parliament!

Which is exactly why Guyana is a jokey country not to be taken seriously! My participation on GNI over the last few months has reminded me of why I avoided many Guyanese for years. the best left many years ago. Now the weeds have become kings of the forest there.

Reading here is good only for shits and giggles.

Last edited by Former Member
Iguana posted:
Baseman posted:

Ok, Sharma said he will electrocute Sophia and his party sitting in parliament!

Which is exactly why Guyana is a jokey country not to be taken seriously! My participation on GNI over the last few months has reminded me of why I avoided many Guyanese for years. the best left many years ago. Now the weeds have become kings of the forest there.

Reading here is good only for shits and giggles.

And Trump said he will build a wall and Mexico will pay!  Is weh you living?

Baseman posted:
VishMahabir posted:
Baseman posted:

Exploring launching Guyana Uprising Movement (GUM)!

Who dis banna?  An Indo radical??

Somebody should  tell him that Guyanese, as far as I can tell, are not ready to become ONE PEOPLE, ONE NATION AND ONE NATION.... dem busy cussin each other right here on dis site...while Afros live in Flatbush and Indos live in Richmond Hill. 

Vish, do not judge a book by its cover.  He is actually my cousin, a dedicated Rastafarian from age 14 and never left.  His god is Haile Selassie!  He lives in Guyana and Canada and owns some Rastafarian restaurants in Guyana and Canada.  He also owns a food processing business in Guyana.

He is very well connected in Guyana, so don't judge.  He has a lot of connection in the Rasta community and could very well gain a following.

He voted PNC in 2015 and said he is sorely disappointed.

He does have an agenda, does it take him to the top?  Maybe not, but it could pull a following!  I believe, if he gains traction, it would hurt the PNC more than the PPP!

So no, he is not an Indo Radical, far from it!

Is Ginger your cousin. Pic looks different. If he is. He sold the restaurant on David st kitty years ago  and have a cook shop in Canada  call Food basket -  in Etobicoke. 

Indeed he HAD lots of connections in Guyana.. wonder if Cain deals with him. 


Dave posted:
Baseman posted:
VishMahabir posted:
Baseman posted:

Exploring launching Guyana Uprising Movement (GUM)!

Who dis banna?  An Indo radical??

Somebody should  tell him that Guyanese, as far as I can tell, are not ready to become ONE PEOPLE, ONE NATION AND ONE NATION.... dem busy cussin each other right here on dis site...while Afros live in Flatbush and Indos live in Richmond Hill. 

Vish, do not judge a book by its cover.  He is actually my cousin, a dedicated Rastafarian from age 14 and never left.  His god is Haile Selassie!  He lives in Guyana and Canada and owns some Rastafarian restaurants in Guyana and Canada.  He also owns a food processing business in Guyana.

He is very well connected in Guyana, so don't judge.  He has a lot of connection in the Rasta community and could very well gain a following.

He voted PNC in 2015 and said he is sorely disappointed.

He does have an agenda, does it take him to the top?  Maybe not, but it could pull a following!  I believe, if he gains traction, it would hurt the PNC more than the PPP!

So no, he is not an Indo Radical, far from it!

Is Ginger your cousin. Pic looks different. If he is. He sold the restaurant on David st kitty years ago  and have a cook shop in Canada  call Food basket -  in Etobicoke. 

Indeed he HAD lots of connections in Guyana.. wonder if Cain deals with him. 


He has been reopening Guyana.  He still owns the Real Estate.  He is in Guyana a lot these days!

Baseman posted:
Iguana posted:
Baseman posted:

Ok, Sharma said he will electrocute Sophia and his party sitting in parliament!

Which is exactly why Guyana is a jokey country not to be taken seriously! My participation on GNI over the last few months has reminded me of why I avoided many Guyanese for years. the best left many years ago. Now the weeds have become kings of the forest there.

Reading here is good only for shits and giggles.

And Trump said he will build a wall and Mexico will pay!  Is weh you living?

oh yes . . . Trump

the man you spent years fetching water for on GNI


Last edited by Former Member
Prashad posted:

This is one of the reasons why we East Indians of Guyana, Douglas and Allies of our people should strive for our own independent sovereign country. We have to protect our culture and religious identity.

You should get someone like Vish to sponsor you on a tour with your soap box. What / which part of Guyana you have your eye on for your kingdom?

Mitwah posted:
Prashad posted:

This is one of the reasons why we East Indians of Guyana, Douglas and Allies of our people should strive for our own independent sovereign country. We have to protect our culture and religious identity.

You should get someone like Vish to sponsor you on a tour with your soap box. What / which part of Guyana you have your eye on for your kingdom?

What! Look shut up and get back into my sh-t so I can flush you down the tiolet.  You just want to make trouble early in this morning.

Prashad posted:
Mitwah posted:
Prashad posted:

This is one of the reasons why we East Indians of Guyana, Douglas and Allies of our people should strive for our own independent sovereign country. We have to protect our culture and religious identity.

You should get someone like Vish to sponsor you on a tour with your soap box. What / which part of Guyana you have your eye on for your kingdom?

What! Look shut up and get back into my sh-t so I can flush you down the tiolet.  You just want to make trouble early in this morning.

Seriously Prashad, where do you envision the seat of the government of your new nation to be located?

GTAngler posted:
Prashad posted:
Mitwah posted:
Prashad posted:

This is one of the reasons why we East Indians of Guyana, Douglas and Allies of our people should strive for our own independent sovereign country. We have to protect our culture and religious identity.

You should get someone like Vish to sponsor you on a tour with your soap box. What / which part of Guyana you have your eye on for your kingdom?

What! Look shut up and get back into my sh-t so I can flush you down the tiolet.  You just want to make trouble early in this morning.

Seriously Prashad, where do you envision the seat of the government of your new nation to be located?

Prash this is serious. Enquiring minds want to know.

GTAngler posted:
Prashad posted:
Mitwah posted:
Prashad posted:

This is one of the reasons why we East Indians of Guyana, Douglas and Allies of our people should strive for our own independent sovereign country. We have to protect our culture and religious identity.

You should get someone like Vish to sponsor you on a tour with your soap box. What / which part of Guyana you have your eye on for your kingdom?

What! Look shut up and get back into my sh-t so I can flush you down the tiolet.  You just want to make trouble early in this morning.

Seriously Prashad, where do you envision the seat of the government of your new nation to be located?

In de outhouse.

Mars posted:
cain posted:
GTAngler posted:

Seriously Prashad, where do you envision the seat of the government of your new nation to be located?

In de outhouse.

D_G, once Burnham's Specialist Engineer in charge of Latrine Construction, will help him to build his "seat of government" (pun intended).

Perhaps the person responsible for Latrine Construction was supervising the sites while you were chest-high in one cleaning out the stuff.

Demerara_Guy posted:
Mars posted:
cain posted:
GTAngler posted:

Seriously Prashad, where do you envision the seat of the government of your new nation to be located?

In de outhouse.

D_G, once Burnham's Specialist Engineer in charge of Latrine Construction, will help him to build his "seat of government" (pun intended).

Perhaps the person responsible for Latrine Construction was supervising the sites while you were chest-high in one cleaning out the stuff.

I never had a PNC party card or wuk fuh the PNC like you. In your down time when you were not constructing latrines, you had to go up to Belfield and bathe Burnham horse and clean out the stables. No wonder you always shoveling shit on GNI. 

Mars posted:
Leonora posted:

You guys aren't giving Baseman's cousin a chance.    

I have a better chance of seeing God than he has of winning a seat come elections time. It seems like everyone has a natarass party now. All bady want lil oil money.

You better shut yuh rass. That refrigerator man party got a seat.  Why you think Rasta man cannot?  Guyana gatt nuff Rasta!

Baseman posted:
VishMahabir posted:
Baseman posted:

Exploring launching Guyana Uprising Movement (GUM)!

Who dis banna?  An Indo radical??

Somebody should  tell him that Guyanese, as far as I can tell, are not ready to become ONE PEOPLE, ONE NATION AND ONE NATION.... dem busy cussin each other right here on dis site...while Afros live in Flatbush and Indos live in Richmond Hill. 

Vish, do not judge a book by its cover.  He is actually my cousin, a dedicated Rastafarian from age 14 and never left.  His god is Haile Selassie!  He lives in Guyana and Canada and owns some Rastafarian restaurants in Guyana and Canada.  He also owns a food processing business in Guyana.

He is very well connected in Guyana, so don't judge.  He has a lot of connection in the Rasta community and could very well gain a following.

He voted PNC in 2015 and said he is sorely disappointed.

He does have an agenda, does it take him to the top?  Maybe not, but it could pull a following!  I believe, if he gains traction, it would hurt the PNC more than the PPP!

So no, he is not an Indo Radical, far from it!

It is your Maamoo from Cornelia Ida. Don’t play stupid now.

Dondadda posted:
Baseman posted:
VishMahabir posted:
Baseman posted:

Exploring launching Guyana Uprising Movement (GUM)!

Who dis banna?  An Indo radical??

Somebody should  tell him that Guyanese, as far as I can tell, are not ready to become ONE PEOPLE, ONE NATION AND ONE NATION.... dem busy cussin each other right here on dis site...while Afros live in Flatbush and Indos live in Richmond Hill. 

Vish, do not judge a book by its cover.  He is actually my cousin, a dedicated Rastafarian from age 14 and never left.  His god is Haile Selassie!  He lives in Guyana and Canada and owns some Rastafarian restaurants in Guyana and Canada.  He also owns a food processing business in Guyana.

He is very well connected in Guyana, so don't judge.  He has a lot of connection in the Rasta community and could very well gain a following.

He voted PNC in 2015 and said he is sorely disappointed.

He does have an agenda, does it take him to the top?  Maybe not, but it could pull a following!  I believe, if he gains traction, it would hurt the PNC more than the PPP!

So no, he is not an Indo Radical, far from it!

It is your Maamoo from Cornelia Ida. Don’t play stupid now.

No, but I believe one of his brother in laws from.  Not sure of details. Or maybe his father side has connection there.  

Mitwah posted:
GTAngler posted:
Prashad posted:
Mitwah posted:
Prashad posted:

This is one of the reasons why we East Indians of Guyana, Douglas and Allies of our people should strive for our own independent sovereign country. We have to protect our culture and religious identity.

You should get someone like Vish to sponsor you on a tour with your soap box. What / which part of Guyana you have your eye on for your kingdom?

What! Look shut up and get back into my sh-t so I can flush you down the tiolet.  You just want to make trouble early in this morning.

Seriously Prashad, where do you envision the seat of the government of your new nation to be located?

Prash this is serious. Enquiring minds want to know.

It is not for Prashad to decide where the seat of Government will be located.  It is the people who have to decide.  All Prashad wants is for the seat of Government to be in a secure location that gives the people a natural geographic and political advantage when facing the enemy.

Leonora posted:

You guys aren't giving Baseman's cousin a chance.    

What Ginger fail to see is this.  Ras Tafari Salasie will never give a koolie man from Guyana a piece of land in Ethiopia to live on like how he did for Jamaicans. He never did it when he was alive and he certainly will not do it when he is dead.  Be proud of your own culture, be proud of your own history and your own identity.  I told this to the chief and Keffer and I am telling this now to baseman.

Mitwah posted:

Prash building his castle in the air. 

It is not a matter of Prashad living in a castle in the air.  Every East Indian and Dougla person in Guyana have to realize that now is the most important time in our history on the South American continent.  It is either we as a people become an Independent Sovereign Nation that can give us the institutions to protect our identity, culture and religions or we become the cultural hegemony of some other peoples' identity.

Prashad posted:
Mitwah posted:

Prash building his castle in the air. 

It is not a matter of Prashad living in a castle in the air.  Every East Indian and Dougla person in Guyana have to realize that now is the most important time in our history on the South American continent.  It is either we as a people become an Independent Sovereign Nation that can give us the institutions to protect our identity, culture and religions or we become the cultural hegemony of some other peoples' identity.

Ok. Then it's time that you put some spices in yuh fraf. 


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