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Ramjattan condemns “excessive beating” of new GDF Reserve Officers

Public Security Minister Khemraj Ramjattan

Public Security Minister Khemraj Ramjattan has condemned the alleged abuse of new recruits of the Guyana Defence Force (GDF) which was recently brought to light and later initiated an investigation.
The Force had disclosed earlier this week that an investigation has been launched into the alleged abuse of new officers during what was described as an “initiation” process. Ramjattan told media operatives on Friday that if such actions are true, they will not be condoned.
“If indeed there is abuse of any human beings in Guyana, this must be condemned. There is an element of ‘ragging’ that happens – this was probably overzealousness and it probably went beyond the red line. Obviously, this went a little too far to injure people,” the Minister positioned.
Major Michael Shahoud told Guyana Times on Tuesday that several of the newly commissioned ranks had complained about the treatment they received.
While the official did not divulge more information about the “excessive” whipping, he noted that the “initiation into the club” is a tradition and could not say what went wrong this time.
The issue was first highlighted in a section of the media where a young doctor, who was part of the Reserve Course, is likely to undergo surgery for an injury to his eye.
Another officer, who refused to speak on the matter when contacted, said that he had worked extremely hard to graduate the course and would not want to put himself and colleagues in a position to be victimised or stripped of their instruments.
He nevertheless confirmed that he was one the victims who had suffered from the process. “I recalled going to sleep in pain after the exercise…it was extreme. Initially, I heard about the tradition but did not think it was this painful,” he added.
Another officer told Guyana Times that ranks who would have received their instruments on Thursday last were summoned to a meeting last Wednesday. Following the complaints, the senior ranks believed that the incident went too far and that it was not supposed to be violent to warrant hospitalisation. It was reported that in the past, the newly commissioned ranks were welcomed to the club by receiving some lashes with soaps wrapped in socks. This time around, the ranks were reportedly beaten with belts and other items.
Over 50 new ranks attached to the Guyana Defence Force (GDF) were administered their oath and presented with Instruments of Commission in the presence of their Commander in Chief, President David Granger on Thursday last.
This year, 28 officers successfully completed the Standard Officers Course 50, three of which were members of the Belize Defence Force and one from the Guyana Prison Service. In addition, 27 individuals, including six females, completed the Reserve Officers Course 16.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

The GDF is operated like a fraternity. Not sure I agree that this is why Indos don't join. Those who controls the military /police in a 3rd world country controls power. If Indos are not interested in power then PNC deserves to be in govt. You gotta be in it to win it, otherwise don't complain when blacks bully you around. 

Drugb posted:

The GDF is operated like a fraternity. Not sure I agree that this is why Indos don't join. Those who controls the military /police in a 3rd world country controls power. If Indos are not interested in power then PNC deserves to be in govt. You gotta be in it to win it, otherwise don't complain when blacks bully you around. 

I agree!


If there is a culture of hazing in the GDF; it is an odium, a stain on the force. It has to end with no excuse offered. Last year another indian fellow died because he was beaten. Those responsible in this instance for harboring this culture has to be held accountable. It is an obscenity in this time an age. Guess what...not a damn word from Granger who wanted to put all his soldier buddies on state pension in useless positions.

Stormborn posted:

If there is a culture of hazing in the GDF; it is an odium, a stain on the force. It has to end with no excuse offered. Last year another indian fellow died because he was beaten. Those responsible in this instance for harboring this culture has to be held accountable. It is an obscenity in this time an age. Guess what...not a damn word from Granger who wanted to put all his soldier buddies on state pension in useless positions.

Not surprised. There were no words from him regarding the $18M signing bonus either. Nor were there any regarding the other acts of malfeasance by his Coalition ministers either.


The reasons why Indians don't want to join the arm forces is that they are lazy, unpatriotic and weak to go through rigorous training. The Indian fellas could beat their wives but don't want to get a good thrashing in uniform. They have the mindset not to take orders from Blackman. All you are neemakarams, harkaties. Complain, complain, meh rass. All you get am too fat rass. 


Unlike Nagamootoo who has no problem tekkin orders from blackman even though he is supposedly higher ranked in de govament dan de blackman. Naganootoo iz de rale tamil tiga.  

Prince posted:

The reasons why Indians don't want to join the arm forces is that they are lazy, unpatriotic and weak to go through rigorous training. The Indian fellas could beat their wives but don't want to get a good thrashing in uniform. They have the mindset not to take orders from Blackman. All you are neemakarams, harkaties. Complain, complain, meh rass. All you get am too fat rass. 

I'll buy you a full length mirror for your birthday. This way you can see your lazy ass big belly and triple chin without having to take a second look.


Ramjattan and Nagamootoo were never enlisted in the Army, but they received honorary medals of bravery since they join the coalition government. Since Granger was a soldier, he honored the two coolie men with medals of bravery and they have worn them proudly to salute their leader in public ceremonies. The essence of the story is if you are a wimp, you must be graced with ceremonial bravery among soldiers. Do you know why Ramjattan can tell another coolie to haul his ass? Do you know why Nagamootoo was in favor of closing the sugar estate? The answer is bravery. 

Prince posted:

Ramjattan and Nagamootoo were never enlisted in the Army, but they received honorary medals of bravery since they join the coalition government. Since Granger was a soldier, he honored the two coolie men with medals of bravery and they have worn them proudly to salute their leader in public ceremonies. The essence of the story is if you are a wimp, you must be graced with ceremonial bravery among soldiers. Do you know why Ramjattan can tell another coolie to haul his ass? Do you know why Nagamootoo was in favor of closing the sugar estate? The answer is bravery. 

The answer is Judas Neemakharam.

Baseman posted:

Initiation and some taking it too far happens all over the world.  Those in charge just need to ensure limits!

I wonder if folks think that the Marines are a gang of girl guides selling cookies.

If Indos don't want to join its their choice but then they mustn't scream, wail, and whine when the GDF remains 80%+ black.


The PPP for 23 years took no active role in in reforming by balancing the Security Sector based on the make up of the population of Guyana. That is the main reason why Crime  is the number one industry in the country. Roger Khan should have been named Commissioner of Police and the crime rate would have been under control at all levels, and the place would have been safer for everyone. This criminal was also a crime fighter. 

caribny posted:
Baseman posted:

Initiation and some taking it too far happens all over the world.  Those in charge just need to ensure limits!

I wonder if folks think that the Marines are a gang of girl guides selling cookies.

If Indos don't want to join its their choice but then they mustn't scream, wail, and whine when the GDF remains 80%+ black.

No one is whining that the GDF is 80% black. People do the jobs that they like when they are able to do them. The complaint is that the mostly black GDF use the machinery of the state to back the mostly black party against mostly Indian civilians.

Dondadda posted:

 Roger Khan should have been named Commissioner of Police and the crime rate would have been under control at all levels, and the place would have been safer for everyone. This criminal was also a crime fighter. 

You all PPP should decide what you believe.  You scream that RK is a hero and then wail that you had nothing to do with him. RK was a FARC connected drug dealer and connected to criminal activity, both in the USA and in Guyana.

It was bad enough that the police commissioner at the time was banned from entry into ABC nations. Had GY followed your silly advice the nation would have been put under sanctions and foreign aid canceled.

ksazma posted:

No one is whining that the GDF is 80% black. People do the jobs that they like when they are able to do them. The complaint is that the mostly black GDF use the machinery of the state to back the mostly black party against mostly Indian civilians.

Really?  And yet you all whine that you needed a FARC connected criminal because "GDF and GPF is pure blackman who does rape and kill we dawta!".


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