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Granger poised to name GECOM Chairman unilaterally- PPP


Opposition Leader, Bharrat Jagdeo and Opposition Chief Whip, Gail Teixeira.

Opposition Leader, Bharrat Jagdeo on Sunday declined to immediately react to President David Granger deeming the list of nominees for post of Chairman of the Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM) “unacceptable”, but his People’s Progressive Party (PPP) believed the Guyanese leader appeared set to unilaterally name someone.

“Let’s see who he picks or if he is going to ask for a second list. I doubt he is going to ask for another list. It looks as if he is going in the direction to invoke his own power to name someone and under that clause he has no discretion,” said PPP Executive Member, Gail Teixeira.

Jagdeo said he prefers to await Granger’s formal letter, stating his position on the six names that were submitted to assist the President in finding a replacement for Dr. Steve Surujbally who resigned with effect from November 31, 2016.

“When I receive a letter from him then I will respond formally. I have not received any letter from the President rejecting the list so far,” he told Demerara Waves Online News.

Teixeira, however, said President Granger seemingly signaled that he would be naming a GECOM Chairman unilaterally. “It would be interesting if they didn’t but predictably, I think that’s what they are going to do,” she told Demerara Waves Online News. She said the President has no discretion and would have to unilaterally appoint a judge or  retired judge from Guyana or any other Commonwealth jurisdiction. “He has no discretion to move outside of that to find a fit and proper person,” she added.

FLASH BACK: Opposition Leader, Bharrat Jagdeo meeting with President David Granger.

Teixeira said the governing APNU+AFC coalition appeared set to inflict “another hit at democracy” in which Jagdeo’s list has emerged out of consultation with religious, civil society and non-governmental organisations.

The Opposition Leader’s nominees are Governance and Conflict Resolution Specialist, Lawrence Lachmansingh; Businesswoman, Rhyaan Shah; History Professor, James Rose; Retired Major General Norman Mc Lean;  Business Executive, Ramesh Dookhoo and Attorney-at-Law and Chartered Accountant, Christopher Ram.

However President Granger Sunday morning told a media brunch on the lawns of State House that he has rubbished Jagdeo’s list of nominees. “The list that was sent to me was unacceptable,” he said. He stressed that Guyana’s constitution appeared to place greater preference for the GECOM’s Chairman to be current or former judge in Guyana or the the Commonwealth or qualified to be appointed such a judge or any other fit and proper person. The President noted that the Constitution provides for the appointment of a person with such a legal background if the Opposition Leader submits a list that is unacceptable to him (the President).

“Four times in one article it mentions that word- “judge”- so the only thing about the list is that it comprises six names,” Granger added.

The non-governmental African Cultural and Development Association (ACDA) has already criticised Jagdeo for failing to consult with Afro-Guyanese organisations and has called on the President to reject the list.

Describing then President Desmond Hoyte as a “brilliant lawyer,” Teixeira said it was he who had selected Ambassador Rudy Collins from a list of six nominees who had been presented by then Opposition Leader, Cheddi Jagan.

When Jagan and Jagdeo became Presidents, the PPP official said it was the Opposition Leaders from the People’s National Congress Reform (PNCR) that had submitted lists with the names of  gold miner Edward Hopkinson (1994);  Attorney-at-Law, Doodnauth Singh (1995); Retired  Major General, Joseph Singh (1998) and Dr. Surujbally (2002) as GECOM Chairman. “None of those were judges and I didn’t hear the PNC object because it was from a list they had submitted so it is highly contradictory what he (Granger) is saying base on the precedent of his own party which he heads,” she said.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

I saw the sign long before today that Granger is in for the long run. He can never rely on and fair free election to win, therefore, he must look at alternative ways that will benefit the PNC in 2020.


Granger is a Mugabe type of DAAG.  Animals like that are more dangerous than the wild HOG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I told these FILTH HEADS over and over that they are STUPID and has no idea about the PNC!!!


These FILTH HEADS will never come to their senses. The key words are FILTH HEADS!!!  How can they????


Had PPP did this while in government- there will be massive protests in Georgetown .... time to sell out and get out 

we had plans to build a modernized mall next to Stabroek Stelling but we're watching on 

RiffRaff posted:

5 more years

So, you cuss the PPP for perceived excesses and you celebrate the PNC taking blatant actions to create the condition to rig and steal future elections!  It's great to see you fullahs showing your colors.  You people cannot be trusted, that's why baseman supports Trump, Flynn and the rest.

Imran posted:

Had PPP did this while in government- there will be massive protests in Georgetown .... time to sell out and get out 

we had plans to build a modernized mall next to Stabroek Stelling but we're watching on 

Imran Bhai,

Hold off on plans until the next election. I have spoken with some businessmen from Guyana and they have a wait and see approach right now.

Guyana is like a sink hole under these AFC/PNC clowns.

What is even more distressing is that Moses has gone into hiding and is no longer a loudmouth. The PNC shut him up real quickly.


Is the PPP correct?  Why don't they put up 6 names from the legal profession who can become judges - Charles Ramson.

I cannot sit around and watch the PPP collapse to this political dunce - Granger.

The PPP lost its way for a decade between 2006-2015 but it come from a history of solid politics.  It has to get back to basics on the ground war.

The PPP is not one of those shilly shally parties like the URP and NRP and God Bless Guyana. It was there for more than 50 years.

It is time for the PPP to think for itself.


KishanB posted:

Is the PPP correct?  Why don't they put up 6 names from the legal profession who can become judges - Charles Ramson.

I cannot sit around and watch the PPP collapse to this political dunce - Granger.

The PPP lost its way for a decade between 2006-2015 but it come from a history of solid politics.  It has to get back to basics on the ground war.

The PPP is not one of those shilly shally parties like the URP and NRP and God Bless Guyana. It was there for more than 50 years.

It is time for the PPP to think for itself.


Why don't you go back and be their leader and show them the way?

cain posted:

How come these so called business people didnt do business while PPP were in govt?

You don't know me Cain , we have been in business 50 plus years successfully. We add locations in GT and surrounding areas during PPP government and plans in place to build this modernized mall since 2013 ... political climate is the hindrance 

if your brothlen can live like human - Guyana would be on top the map , it has the resources 

yuji22 posted:
Imran posted:

Had PPP did this while in government- there will be massive protests in Georgetown .... time to sell out and get out 

we had plans to build a modernized mall next to Stabroek Stelling but we're watching on 

Imran Bhai,

Hold off on plans until the next election. I have spoken with some businessmen from Guyana and they have a wait and see approach right now.

Guyana is like a sink hole under these AFC/PNC clowns.

What is even more distressing is that Moses has gone into hiding and is no longer a loudmouth. The PNC shut him up real quickly.

I think Moses is hiding in Shame since Red House Feasco

ba$eman posted:
RiffRaff posted:

5 more years

So, you cuss the PPP for perceived excesses and you celebrate the PNC taking blatant actions to create the condition to rig and steal future elections!  It's great to see you fullahs showing your colors.  You people cannot be trusted, that's why baseman supports Trump, Flynn and the rest.

Riff has been worshipping PNC since he was living at Melanie Damiahna - his godfather was Joe Bacchus 


This is all funny stuff....wish some of you would put your money where your mouth is

ba$eman posted:
RiffRaff posted:

5 more years

So, you cuss the PPP for perceived excesses and you celebrate the PNC taking blatant actions to create the condition to rig and steal future elections!  It's great to see you fullahs showing your colors.  You people cannot be trusted, that's why baseman supports Trump, Flynn and the rest.

What does my religion got to do with anything? ANyway...typical response from a bigot


KishanB posted:

Is the PPP correct?  Why don't they put up 6 names from the legal profession who can become judges - Charles Ramson.

I cannot sit around and watch the PPP collapse to this political dunce - Granger.

The PPP lost its way for a decade between 2006-2015 but it come from a history of solid politics.  It has to get back to basics on the ground war.

The PPP is not one of those shilly shally parties like the URP and NRP and God Bless Guyana. It was there for more than 50 years.

It is time for the PPP to think for itself.


You are real dry goat shit. If Granger calls, you'll leave all your "Bahamian"(if true) luxury and catch the next flight to rinse his feet with milk and honey. Carry on bai KB!!


There were quite a few Indian businessmen in GT who supported the PNC. We will see if they continue to do so under the current depressed business conditions. They had their grievances with the PPP who got big for their breeches. If Granger play his cards right and continue to do nothing, his party may stand a chance to win again.  But if he continues this path of squeezing businesses to make up shortfall in revenue, he will be in trouble. 

RiffRaff posted:

This is all funny stuff....wish some of you would put your money where your mouth is

ba$eman posted:
RiffRaff posted:

5 more years

So, you cuss the PPP for perceived excesses and you celebrate the PNC taking blatant actions to create the condition to rig and steal future elections!  It's great to see you fullahs showing your colors.  You people cannot be trusted, that's why baseman supports Trump, Flynn and the rest.

What does my religion got to do with anything? ANyway...typical response from a bigot

All you fullahs are very predictable!


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