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Is this street justice where people taking law into their own hands? Is guyana becoming a lawless society where killing is becoming a daily norm?


The Guyana Police Force is issuing a warning to citizens not to take matters into their own hands when they apprehend suspected criminals. The warning from the Police comes after a second man who was suspected to be a thief was badly beaten to death in the Corentyne Village of Port Mourant on Thursday

According to the Police, they received a call about a possible break and entry at a store in Port Mourant but when they got to the scene, they were told that some residents had already beaten the two suspected thieves and were driving them around in a car.


The statement from the Police said when they intercepted the vehicle at Williamsburg, Corentyne, they found 45-year-old Alfred Munroe called “Guana Man”of Manchester, Corentyne, and 18-year-old Annie Persaud called “Short Hair” in the trunk of the vehicle.


The two were tied with rope and there were visible signs of injuries about their bodies. Both persons were taken to the Port Mourant Hospital where Alfred Munroe succumbed to his injuries while Annie Persaud was treated and sent away.


Police investigators have since arrested five persons in connection with the murder. The motor car that the couple were found in has since been detained by the police.


The Guyana Police Force says it will deal with persons who decide to take on vigilante style justice on their own.

On Wednesday, a man who was suspected to be a thief was beaten to death in Sophia, Georgetown. He has been identified as Nigel Lowe. He was found badly beaten and tied to a power pole. Three persons have been arrested in connection with his beating death.


The Guyana Police Force has indicated that “members of the public who apprehend persons suspected of having committed unlawful acts are to hand them over to the police in order that the lawful procedures can take place and not to take the law into their own hands.”

Replies sorted oldest to newest

 Is guyana becoming a lawless society where killing is becoming a daily norm

It has been lawless sincein the early 2000's when  the PPP allowed the phantom gang to  do the police work..


Even thieves have families. Often these people would help apprehend and deliver their kin to the jail. However, when you so ignoble execute them you gouge deep wounds in the psyche. It will demand a response. Somewhere along the way we are going to cross the line and a blood bath will ensue. This is how states become failed states; when individual clans lose faith in the police and seek personal justice.



The police clearly is not doing their job. Why was the young woman treated and sent away? She ought to be in custody. There are a bunch of asses in the police force and it is the main reason why they are disrespected with this rise in vigilantism.


Guyana sweet sweet. Is suh sweet that the government doan c they are failing the citizens by not making an honest effort to create employment opportunities.


They rather let the citizens become like parasites-living off Foreign Based Guyanese, breaking and entering.

Originally Posted by Chief:

 Is guyana becoming a lawless society where killing is becoming a daily norm

It has been lawless sincein the early 2000's when  the PPP allowed the phantom gang to  do the police work..

What would you do if you found someone breaking into your home? 

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Prince:

What would you do if you found someone breaking into your home? 

dumbass 'question' from a puny mind

Since when a question is dumbass? I ask because I want people's opinion on how they would react to the same situation. Would you like to answer my dumbass question? So, what would you do if you find someone breaking into your home?

Originally Posted by Prince:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Prince:

What would you do if you found someone breaking into your home? 

dumbass 'question' from a puny mind

Since when a question is dumbass? I ask because I want people's opinion on how they would react to the same situation. Would you like to answer my dumbass question? So, what would you do if you find someone breaking into your home?

Bhai, Redux fell on his head when he was a Baby. He hasn't been back to normal since.

Originally Posted by Prince:
Originally Posted by Chief:

 Is guyana becoming a lawless society where killing is becoming a daily norm

It has been lawless sincein the early 2000's when  the PPP allowed the phantom gang to  do the police work..

What would you do if you found someone breaking into your home? 

Turm them over to the police!!

Originally Posted by Chief:
Originally Posted by Prince:
Originally Posted by Chief:

 Is guyana becoming a lawless society where killing is becoming a daily norm

It has been lawless sincein the early 2000's when  the PPP allowed the phantom gang to  do the police work..

What would you do if you found someone breaking into your home? 

Turm them over to the police!!

Thank you, sir!

Originally Posted by Prince:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Prince:

What would you do if you found someone breaking into your home? 

dumbass 'question' from a puny mind

Since when a question is dumbass? I ask because I want people's opinion on how they would react to the same situation. Would you like to answer my dumbass question? So, what would you do if you find someone breaking into your home?

Beat the shit of them, tie them with a rope, throw them in the trunk of my car and head for the berbice river bridge where I can dump them in the river...the same way brother Gaj and the PPP implement phamtom justice ... 

Originally Posted by Chief:
Originally Posted by Prince:
Originally Posted by Chief:

 Is guyana becoming a lawless society where killing is becoming a daily norm

It has been lawless sincein the early 2000's when  the PPP allowed the phantom gang to  do the police work..

What would you do if you found someone breaking into your home? 

Turm them over to the police!!

After they kill you and your family? Be serious!

Originally Posted by Prince:
Originally Posted by Chief:

 Is guyana becoming a lawless society where killing is becoming a daily norm

It has been lawless sincein the early 2000's when  the PPP allowed the phantom gang to  do the police work..

What would you do if you found someone breaking into your home? 

You have a right to defend yourself and family however, after overpowering the intruder you should let the law take over.  If you have a gun and took him out, then so be it, but as long as they are disabled, the law should take over. Vigilante justice should not become the norm.


Brummel is doing a poor job, possibly under the influence of his afc/pnc affiliation. Guyana is again saddled with an afc/pnc controlled police who don't do their jobs, and when the caring ones do, they are charged with police brutality. Vigilantism will always prevail when opposition control law enforcement and instruct them not to do their jobs. 

Originally Posted by Prince:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Prince:

What would you do if you found someone breaking into your home? 

dumbass 'question' from a puny mind

Since when a question is dumbass? I ask because I want people's opinion on how they would react to the same situation. Would you like to answer my dumbass question? So, what would you do if you find someone breaking into your home?

in The West, in ALL our lifetimes, thieves have been breaking into homes, getting caught, beaten, even killed . . .; however, subjecting them to TORTURE and/or LYNCHING is/has been way outside the civilized norm . . . ALWAYS criminal!


therefore, your "question" is asinine . . . seeking to establish a new low [normal?] for law 'enforcement' primitivism in PPP Guyana; a primitivism set in train by the ignorant and larcenous dr dr dr president and his NEPS tiefmen of death squad(s) fame


i hope u now understand why i do not DIGNIFY your egregious nonsense with an "answer"

Originally Posted by Chief:
Originally Posted by Prince:
Originally Posted by Chief:

 Is guyana becoming a lawless society where killing is becoming a daily norm

It has been lawless sincein the early 2000's when  the PPP allowed the phantom gang to  do the police work..

What would you do if you found someone breaking into your home? 

Turm them over to the police!!

Dead or alive?


Criminals have no place in a civilized society. Communities are safer without these hardened criminals. Exterminate the criminal elements from Guyana, they are like cockroaches. They deserve no mercy.


I see that you are defending your AFC/PNC criminal elements/friends. We must not forget that the AFC/PNC voted down crime fighting legislation. Hardened criminals are like cockroaches and they deserve no mercy.


It is quite interesting to see how the AFC rushes to defend their criminal elements/friends. It appears that they are a major source of funding.

Originally Posted by yuji22:

Criminals have no place in a civilized society. Communities are safer without these hardened criminals. Exterminate the criminal elements from Guyana, they are like cockroaches. They deserve no mercy.

hmmmm . . . seems like herr yugeee interned with RTLM during 1993-1994


RCMP needs to keep an eye on u


CoCaine, TK and others cackup and scratch from the safety of the western world while supporting criminals in Guyana.  Criminal activity is like a disease, you don't stop it and it spread like wildfire. You can't blame the vigilantes as they have lost confidence in the corrupt afc/pnc police. It is a dangerous precedence for citizens to take the law into their own hands, so the afc/pnc must instruct Brummel to cooperate and stop the supporting of criminals for political gain. They have the majority in parliament, put it to some good. 

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

Criminal activity is like a disease . . .

it's actually a symptom . . .


think lil . . . I know that's a hard something for dankeys to do

Nah, every society have criminals, even the close to perfect Denmark, Swiss and others.  The issue is, how is it handled.  Vigilantes are taking matters into their own hand due to the police reluctance to act.  The police is hesitant due to the "criminal rights" agenda of the PNC and opposition.  Look at the heat the police got for enforcing law and order in Linden.  This is an issue causing people to act.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

Criminal activity is like a disease . . .

it's actually a symptom . . .


think lil . . . I know that's a hard something for dankeys to do

Nah, every society have criminals, even the close to perfect Denmark, Swiss and others.  The issue is, how is it handled.  Vigilantes are taking matters into their own hand due to the police reluctance to act.  The police is hesitant due to the "criminal rights" agenda of the PNC and opposition.  Look at the heat the police got for enforcing law and order in Linden.  This is an issue causing people to act.

ress yuhself baseman. . . drug_b's klown act is better

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

Criminals have no place in a civilized society. Communities are safer without these hardened criminals. Exterminate the criminal elements from Guyana, they are like cockroaches. They deserve no mercy.

hmmmm . . . seems like herr yugeee interned with RTLM during 1993-1994


RCMP needs to keep an eye on u



Redux is in defence of his criminal element friends. I am not. So move on.

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

Criminals have no place in a civilized society. Communities are safer without these hardened criminals. Exterminate the criminal elements from Guyana, they are like cockroaches. They deserve no mercy.

hmmmm . . . seems like herr yugeee interned with RTLM during 1993-1994


RCMP needs to keep an eye on u



Redux is in defence of his criminal element friends. I am not. So move on.

Redux is a PNCites defending criminals, so what's new.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

Criminal activity is like a disease . . .

it's actually a symptom . . .


think lil . . . I know that's a hard something for dankeys to do

Nah, every society have criminals, even the close to perfect Denmark, Swiss and others.  The issue is, how is it handled.  Vigilantes are taking matters into their own hand due to the police reluctance to act.  The police is hesitant due to the "criminal rights" agenda of the PNC and opposition.  Look at the heat the police got for enforcing law and order in Linden.  This is an issue causing people to act.

We are now seeing the results of the PNC/AFC voting down anti crime fighting legislation that was supported by the international community. We cannot expect the citizens to sit back and allow the criminals to murder and rob them. 


The PNC/AFC would love for a return of the PNC days when citizens were robbed, murdered and raped without police intervention. Thanks to Jagdeo, most of those criminal elements have been eradicated. PNC's Fineman comes to mind.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

Criminals have no place in a civilized society. Communities are safer without these hardened criminals. Exterminate the criminal elements from Guyana, they are like cockroaches. They deserve no mercy.

hmmmm . . . seems like herr yugeee interned with RTLM during 1993-1994


RCMP needs to keep an eye on u



Redux is in defence of his criminal element friends. I am not. So move on.

Redux is a PNCites defending criminals, so what's new.

look at these 2 lil gurls . . . reduced to babbling & whining

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

Criminals have no place in a civilized society. Communities are safer without these hardened criminals. Exterminate the criminal elements from Guyana, they are like cockroaches. They deserve no mercy.

hmmmm . . . seems like herr yugeee interned with RTLM during 1993-1994


RCMP needs to keep an eye on u



Redux is in defence of his criminal element friends. I am not. So move on.

Redux is a PNCites defending criminals, so what's new.

redux comes here and boldly defends actions of criminals and he longs for the glory days of the PNC where citizens were murdered, raped and terrorized. He recently denied that the facts posted here on the Wismar inquiry were accurate.


This is how vile and dangerous these PNC elements are. But the days of terror are over and now the people will not tolerate his PNC criminal friends.


Originally Posted by yuji22:

redux is again exposing this personality. Admin must take a close look at his post. 

sometimes I wonder if u made it out of puberty . . . mentally that is

Originally Posted by yuji22:

. . . He [redux] recently denied that the facts posted here on the Wismar inquiry were accurate.

Okay . . . well, lets do this:


If what u say is TRUE, I ask that Amral/Sunil ban me immediately!


On the other hand, if u are the simple-minded LIAR we all know u are, and cannot document this vile SLANDER . . . you're the one who gets banned



Originally Posted by yuji22:

Criminals have no place in a civilized society. Communities are safer without these hardened criminals. Exterminate the criminal elements from Guyana, they are like cockroaches. They deserve no mercy.

 Criminality is a  legally defined term fool. Outside the law it means nothing. The basic imperatives but a society is the non infringement of  liberty and the prohibition to injury outside supervised assent. Should  man's 16 siblings should now respond in kind to the assault on their kin then per your anarchic stupidity they would be well within their rights. But in your stupid mind you get to kill their brother ( crook or not) but they simply should sit on their hands!

Originally Posted by yuji22:

redux is again exposing this personality. Admin must take a close look at his post. 

Were the admin to intervene it should be to ban your ignorant behind. He must admit at some level a discussion board demands a basic measure of intelligence.

Originally Posted by Mr.T:
Originally Posted by Chief:
Originally Posted by Prince:
Originally Posted by Chief:

 Is guyana becoming a lawless society where killing is becoming a daily norm

It has been lawless sincein the early 2000's when  the PPP allowed the phantom gang to  do the police work..

What would you do if you found someone breaking into your home? 

Turm them over to the police!!

Dead or alive?

That's why I love you!!

Out of all the contributors to this topic you ask the serious question.

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

. . . He [redux] recently denied that the facts posted here on the Wismar inquiry were accurate.

Okay . . . well, lets do this:


If what u say is TRUE, I ask that Amral/Sunil ban me immediately!


On the other hand, if u are the simple-minded LIAR we all know u are, and cannot document this vile SLANDER . . . you're the one who gets banned



it's been OVER 5 hrs !!!


why is sackless, LIARD yugeeee running from my challenge?


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