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Sheik101 posted:
Nehru posted:
Ray posted:

sad, especially at the holidays.

sad how some people using this to berate a country

the pnc brought guyana to a shit hole standard and worst!!!!!

Nonesense! U need to address the *******s behind the wheel. Not the Govt.

The government is not enforcing the laws.  People bribe their way out of everything including getting their drivers license.  Policemen turn a blind eye to those speeding.  The country has no leadership.  Each for his own and God for us all.

Bibi Haniffa
Sheik101 posted:
Nehru posted:
Ray posted:

sad, especially at the holidays.

sad how some people using this to berate a country

the pnc brought guyana to a shit hole standard and worst!!!!!

Nonesense! U need to address the *******s behind the wheel. Not the Govt.

Total BS!  The callousness on the roads reflects the callousness in the wider society which is reflecting the callous behavior of the Govt and authorities to the rule of law!  It is for the Govt to protect the innocent people, and this includes all forms of law and order!

Even in the midst of the PNC terror campaign in the 2000's people felt safer than today!


I had mini bus plying the GT to Rosignal run in the early 90s. When my drivers  don’t show up, I would take the run, passengers are pissed when you don’t speed up to get the ferry.. a few cases I stop and put their skont out . 

Some bus driver try to do three trips per day - for a take home of $4500. 

Dave posted:

I had mini bus plying the GT to Rosignal run in the early 90s. When my drivers  don’t show up, I would take the run, passengers are pissed when you don’t speed up to get the ferry.. a few cases I stop and put their skont out . 

Some bus driver try to do three trips per day - for a take home of $4500. 

I agree here!  The problem is multi-faceted!  They need to look into various aspects, including the type of vehicles used as buses.  The Govt should phase out those mini-vans and license the import real small to medium buses for commercial use.

Also, the fare structure should ensure a decent ROI without taking undue risks!

If the police are out there with radar, etc then speeding will be controlled!


The government don't respect the Law of the land and Constitution , they set a fine example for it's Citizens to follow. The Buck stops at the Top, "monkey see monkey do"  lead by example.

 It will get WORST next year, when Oil money start flowing, the Donkey cart owner will be driving Desoto Car, more cars with the same old roads.


Mahaicony accident: Father of two recently started to drive minibus


Forty-eight-year-old Seechand Lall Chandilall commenced driving the route 50 minibus BRR 5478 only month ago but has been a minibus driver for approximately a year.

He died instantly and was trapped in the vehicle after he crashed head-on into a beverage laden truck GPP 9433 on the Fairfield, Mahaicony East Coast Demerara public road Wednesday morning.

Police said that Chandilall, a father of two children – ages 13 and 6 – was speeding along the road when he suffered a ‘blow-out’ of the left side rear wheel.

As a result, he lost control and collided with the left front portion of the lorry which was proceeding east along the northern side of the road.

Chandilall had a bus-load of passengers, four of whom who died on the spot and three who are in a critical condition.

The mangled minibus after the accident

At his Bath Settlement, Berbice home, his children and relatives are in shock.

One of his sisters, Nadira Chandilall said he is the third brother to have died; she lost a brother in December 2017 and another one in December 2018.

Nadira said Chandilall was ill for a quite some time and only recently started driving minibuses.

“To lose another brother this month is really hard to deal with,” the sister said.

The remains of the truck

The critically injured passengers have been identified as 46-year-old Cecil Gordon of Farm, Mahaicony; 60-year-old David Jacobs and his daughter 15-year-old Angela Jacobs, who had her left arm amputated.

The driver of the truck, 46-year-old Sherlon Wills of Mahaica also suffered severe injuries.

They are all hospitalized at the Georgetown Public Hospital.

Sean posted:

This is a very unfortunate incident. Speeding and recklessness Are contributing factors. Education and enforcement are critical to road safety. Any Tom Dick or Harry can buy a drivers licence in Guyana. 

A few years ago I jumped out of the minibus when it stopped. The chauffeur asked me why. I said I don't want to be in heaven before my parents. I told him I will see him in heaven if he ever gets there. I paid him and walked away. It was like you were on a damn octopus ride.

Last edited by Former Member

How Labba sad dis marnin reading dis. Tings fall apart down deh a lang time ago. Yuh brive and give de driver licence. Yuh play loud music and smoke dope foh drive passenga. De politician dem does mek infrastruckture foh show dat something get done. No bady does tink how abie can design wan road system foh people na run in pon wan another. 

Labba posted:

How Labba sad dis marnin reading dis. Tings fall apart down deh a lang time ago. Yuh brive and give de driver licence. Yuh play loud music and smoke dope foh drive passenga. De politician dem does mek infrastruckture foh show dat something get done. No bady does tink how abie can design wan road system foh people na run in pon wan another. 

them say thats is why TK does jump ship .. when he realize things a fall apart quickly ...

Last edited by Former Member

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