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kp posted:
sachin_05 posted:
kp posted:

Whimp, Clown, Dummy these are words used by an idiot. Little boy with a little brain you are irrelevant no need a have a debate. Get a job and assimilate with civilize human and you will think much better of your self.

 Be wan big man then and answer na..  [Baseman Quote] ..."Where is the study[by PPP] and report issued after 2005?"  It’s is not two equal wrongs clown, it’s a huge willful negligence where nothing was done for 10 long years, vs a delay in action for two..... 

I answer to no one much less lowlife you can kiss base ass I care less.

yuh big man mouth gone in yuh kakahole now when you cornered....

Baseman posted:
kp posted:
cain posted:
kp posted:

Isn't this another project INHERITED from the PPP and today touted as a huge success by the PNC, anything good happening today was started by the PPP and these PNC crab dogs wants to take the CREDIT.

so you gonna now admit coke dealings along with violent crimes were inherited from the PPP or how about the washed out road we recently saw posted, or is only good things they are credited with?

Coke dealings are Self Employ occupations is part of a democratic society, there is coke dealings in Canada, USA and every developed country, In Canada is coke for guns . Why don't you blame the high tides and flooding in Georgetown and West Coast on the PNC. This government is collecting pay for over three years plus Bonuses and 50% raise, what have the done so far, ZERO PRODUCTION, Never in Guyana's history have so many people laid off by the STATE, THOUSANDS,have they created ANY jobs?????NO!NO! That washed out bridge supposed to be maintained by the existing government and not by the Opposition, but what! the PNC sit on their asses and does NOTHING, No expenditure on infrastructures. Well they can't run a CAKE SHOP!!!

What did the PPP do after the 2005 floods?  They had 10 years to address so why suddenly it should be resolved in two years!

2005 was an anomaly, 100 year flood, similar to hurricane Sandy in the NY area.  Everyone knows that the coast land is below sea level. Clogged kokers does not help either.  What has the PNC done to enact the recommendations of the Delft university study?  We need to keep the govt of the day to task, not reach back and blame previous govts. 

Reeper posted:
Baseman posted:
kp posted:
cain posted:
kp posted:

Isn't this another project INHERITED from the PPP and today touted as a huge success by the PNC, anything good happening today was started by the PPP and these PNC crab dogs wants to take the CREDIT.

so you gonna now admit coke dealings along with violent crimes were inherited from the PPP or how about the washed out road we recently saw posted, or is only good things they are credited with?

Coke dealings are Self Employ occupations is part of a democratic society, there is coke dealings in Canada, USA and every developed country, In Canada is coke for guns . Why don't you blame the high tides and flooding in Georgetown and West Coast on the PNC. This government is collecting pay for over three years plus Bonuses and 50% raise, what have the done so far, ZERO PRODUCTION, Never in Guyana's history have so many people laid off by the STATE, THOUSANDS,have they created ANY jobs?????NO!NO! That washed out bridge supposed to be maintained by the existing government and not by the Opposition, but what! the PNC sit on their asses and does NOTHING, No expenditure on infrastructures. Well they can't run a CAKE SHOP!!!

What did the PPP do after the 2005 floods?  They had 10 years to address so why suddenly it should be resolved in two years!

2005 was an anomaly, 100 year flood, similar to hurricane Sandy in the NY area.  Everyone knows that the coast land is below sea level. Clogged kokers does not help either.  What has the PNC done to enact the recommendations of the Delft university study?  We need to keep the govt of the day to task, not reach back and blame previous govts. 

Nonsense, Flooding have been occurring very consistent, thus the pumps.  2005 was the worse in decades.  

Still, you don’t answer the question, wAs was a study not done and actions taken since 2005.  The issues raised in that report existed since back then.  One would nag e thought, given the severity of the 2005 incident, the ppp would have taken the necessary steps from recurring.  They did nothing.  At least the coalition initiated a study.  I blame them for not following up, but the PPP gets no points either. 

Nehru posted:


They have dem own problems.  They creating other problems!


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