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Vanessa Sahadeo

Vanessa Sahadeo

March 2,2021


-family objects to autopsy being done at NA hospital

Minister of Health, Dr. Frank Anthony yesterday assured that action will be taken against those found at fault in the death of Vanessa Lewis-Sahadeo, the Corentyne mother who succumbed last Saturday morning after an unsuccessful delivery at the New Amsterdam Public Hospital.

During his contribution to the budget debate yesterday, Anthony told members of the National Assembly that following news of the death an investigation was immediately launched and the team has since completed the investigation. “And when I get those recommendations we will take action against the nurses and doctors and whoever is at fault in that unfortunate death,” he said.

Lewis-Sahadeo, 31, succumbed at the Georgetown Public Hospital (GPH) in the wee hours last Saturday morning, hours after being transferred from the New Amsterdam hospital where she had a stillbirth delivery.

An autopsy was conducted on Sahadeo’s baby daughter yesterday at the New Amsterdam Hospital and the cause of death was given as Newborn Hemorrhagic Syndrome, Sahadeo’s uncle, Joseph Lewis confirmed.

The uncle said yesterday that the family was told that the hemorrhagic syndrome is as result of a deficiency of Vitamin K. He said that they were advised that if a deficiency of Vitamin K was discovered, a dosage of the vitamin could have been administered one hour before birth but this was not done.

He added that the cause of death does not explain one side of the baby’s head being compressed and blood shot. “They apparently used clamps and when this didn’t work then they went and do the C section,” the man claimed.

Lewis-Sahadeo’s family has criticised the New Amsterdam Hospital’s care of the woman, who was a mother of three.

Meanwhile, the uncle said that the post-mortem examination to determine the cause of death of Lewis-Sahadeo, was expected to be done yesterday at the Georgetown Public Hospital. He noted that her relatives traveled to the city but were told that the New Amsterdam Public Hospital had not sent her chart as yet.

A short while after, relatives were then informed that the New Amsterdam Public Hospital requested that the body be transported to Region Six where the autopsy would be done but the woman’s family objected.

As a result, the autopsy was deferred until tomorrow, when it is expected to be done at the GPH. Relatives have requested that Dr. Nehaul Singh conduct the autopsy, and also, that a medical professional of their choice be present on their behalf.

Lewis yesterday told Stabroek News that President Irfaan Ali and Minister Anthony have both personally reached out to the family and assured them that “they will get to the bottom of the matter.” Additionally, he said, other ministers have reached out, with Minister of Agriculture Zulfikar Mustapha visiting them.

According to the uncle, a team comprising three doctors, including the Director General of the Ministry of Health Dr. Vishwa Mahadeo, Dr. Veerasammy Ramayya and Regional Chairman David Armogan visited the family on Sunday and identified themselves as part of the investigating team. He said they spoke with relatives in an effort to gather information.

Presently, the man noted, the family is awaiting the findings from the investigation to decide on what it does next. However, he stated, that they are hopeful that based on the recommendations from the investigation serious action will be taken against those found responsible.

Lewis stated that family members have reached out to nurses at the hospital and questioned why no medication was administered to Sahadeo and they were told that the medication is either expired or in short supply.

According to him, nurses cannot be blamed for what transpired as they can only work with what they have. He charged that management of the region’s health sector is “incompetent” as he called for senior persons to be replaced immediately. “The administration up there (Region Six) needs to change. We have to replace them.”

Noting, that the junior staff cannot function effectively without proper management, he said that if seniors are to be removed then those on the ground would know that “the big ones are being held accountable” and then they are likely to fall in line.

Also, the man said Sahadeo’s sister is currently pregnant along with another cousin and at some point will have to return to the hospital but they are scared to do so without any assurance that changes have been made.

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Corentyne woman says she delivered premature baby while standing at NA hospital

-infant passed away three days later

The New Amsterdam Public Hospital

The New Amsterdam Public Hospital

March 2, 2021


As mothers continue to speak out about their experiences at the New Amster-dam Public Hospital, a young woman from Num-ber 1 Road, Corentyne, yesterday disclosed that she delivered her premature baby while standing at the facility in January.

Alisha Khan, 24, was admitted at the New Amsterdam Public Hospi-tal on January 21st after being transferred from Port Mourant as she was experiencing severe pain and bleeding. At that time, she was 27 weeks pregnant.

According to the woman, in the evening she was told that she would have to be taken to the labour room, since it was expected that her baby was coming prematurely.

However, in the labour room it was explained to her that she would likely have to be transferred to the Georgetown Public Hospital (GPH) since if the baby were to come early, there would be no available incubators.

“They said the hospital do not have so many incubators and other baby in the incubator and they don’t have no empty incubator to put the child if I give birth”, she recalled.

The young woman stated, that one doctor was demanding she be transferred to the GPH, while another said that they could monitor and then decide on the transfer, since at that stage they weren’t sure if the baby was coming.

It was eventually decided that she would be placed in the ward for further observation, and she was told to “walk, go to the ward.”

She recalled that she experienced pain the entire night and during the wee hours of the morning of January 22nd, she informed the nurse. “She [the nurse] went and called the doctor and the doctor take over 30 minutes to come and then just ask ‘What happen?’”

The doctor then left after the young woman told her about the pain, and a short while after the nurse informed her that they could not administer any pain relief medication due to her being pregnant. “Me just lie down with the pain and me a sweat big, big. Me call back pon she [the nurse] and tell she me a get more pain and then she give me an injection”.

A short while after this, Khan said, she felt the urge to go to the washroom, which she did. However, while in the washroom she noticed “something coming down” along with blood so she hurried out back.

She said she was hurrying to call on the nurse. “The nurse tell me if anything let me call she, how she going the next ward to lie down and I come out the toilet and I start call for she and she come and me feel like something a come down and she told me not to strain and push and then she send one next nurse to call the doctor.”

However, at that stage Khan started to deliver her baby while standing which forced one of the nurses to hold the baby in her underwear by front and another by back. “One hand hold it on the front and the other nurse hand hold it on the back.”

According to her, another nurse rushed for a bedpan and placed the baby into it. “I had the baby and the doctor didn’t reach. Till they were cleaning up the doctor reach,” the woman said.

But while nurses were cleaning Khan, she noticed her baby moving in the bedpan. “The baby come down with the sack and afterbirth and they think that the baby pass away. I tell her the baby moving in the bedpan and then they take the baby to the labour room then doctor come and take out the baby from the sack”, she stated.

Her baby boy, who came just around 4 am, was then placed in the hospital’s Neonatal Intensive Care Unit. “I ask them his weight and so and they couldn’t tell me anything, ’til when we collect baby and they give us a lil card then I see his weight”, the mother, who broke into tears while recounting the ordeal noted.

On January 25th, she was informed that her baby had died. The woman said she was told that since the medical professionals were aware that the baby was not fully developed, which led to his death, a post-mortem examination would not be done.

The young woman, who is also a mother of a 3-year-old daughter, said she grieves for her child every day since and she hopes that in her speaking out no other mother would have the same experience. “I think the doctors and nurses need to work more at the hospital”, she said yesterday.

She added, that she believes had the doctor paid more attention to her then maybe her baby could have survived. “If the doctor been come in time maybe them coulda attend to my baby before me and save him”, she said.

She noted that relatives encouraged her to speak out after reading the stories of Vanessa Lewis Sahadeo and her baby, and Bhanmattie Jagnanan, recently in Stabroek News.


Probe completed; Ministry awaiting recommendations to act

Death of Berbice mother and baby….

By Malisa Playter-Harry, Mar 02, 2021 News, Kaieteur News Online - https://www.kaieteurnewsonline...ommendations-to-act/

Kaieteur News – Days after news broke about the passing of a newborn baby girl and her mother at the New Amsterdam (N/A) Hospital in Berbice, the Ministry of Health had launched an investigation. Relatives had lambasted medical professionals stationed at the hospital, the hospital’s administration and even health services, in general, in Region Six. They believed that what took place was a clear act of negligence and incompetence on the part of the doctors and nurses who attended to Vanessa Lewis-Sahadeo and her stillborn baby. Lewis-Sahadeo when she was pregnant with her baby girl.

Minister of Health, Dr. Frank Anthony, during his budget debate presentation yesterday noted that the death of the mother and her baby was “unfortunate” and that a team was sent to the N/A Hospital on Sunday to investigate what took place. Minister Anthony further stated that the investigation has been completed and he is awaiting the recommendations from the team. Based on those recommendations, action will be taken against those culpable, the Minister said.

“When I get those recommendations, we will take action against the nurses and doctors and whoever is at fault in that unfortunate death,” the Minister said.

Meanwhile, the uncle of the dead woman, Joseph Lewis, who resides in Georgetown, told reporters that a post mortem was conducted at the New Amsterdam Hospital by one Dr. Lopez and the autopsy revealed that the baby suffered from Newborn Hemorrhagic Syndrome (a deficiency in Vitamin K). The disease itself causes bleeding in the newborn baby but can be prevented.

Lewis stated that he was advised by doctors that had that been the case, a dose of Vitamin K would have been administered, at least one hour prior to delivery or within one hour after delivery, but that was not done. He pointed out that based on what was seen on the baby, nothing was mentioned about the indentation of the infant’s temple and the visible blood shot seen. He stated that clamps were used to remove the baby from the womb but that may have caused complications and medical professionals decided to execute a C-section, Lewis related. In addition, he said that a post mortem was expected to be done yesterday on his niece at the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation (GPHC) but that was not done because the N/A Hospital had not sent her chart. The N/A Hospital instead requested to have Lewis-Sahadeo’s body be brought back to Berbice for the autopsy to be done. But the relatives were skeptical of such a move and decided to protest against it. They have since expressed their desire to have Dr. Nehaul Singh carry out the autopsy at the GPHC.

Lewis disclosed that the team which was sent to conduct the investigation comprised of Dr. Vishwa Mahadeo, Director General at the Ministry of Health; David Armogan, Region Six Chairman; Dr. Veersammy Ramayya and the REO of Region Six. He stated that they paid a visit to Lewis-Sahadeo’s parents on Sunday.

Lewis is optimistic that proper action will be taken against those responsible for the death of his niece and her baby. He believes too that the nurses cannot solely be blamed for what occurred but rather the management should be held accountable as well. He even went as far as sharing his conviction that the management of the health services in Region Six should be removed.

According to Lewis, Government officials, including President Irfaan Ali; Minister of Health, Dr. Frank Anthony; and the Minister of Agriculture, Zulfikar Mustapha, have since reached out to him and the family and have gave their assurance that the matter will be properly investigated.

The 32-year-old, Vanessa Lewis-Sahadeo, of Lot 19, 3rd Street, Williamsburg, Corentyne, had reportedly developed complications and was sent to the GPHC, where she died. Hours earlier her baby girl was pronounced dead at the N/A Hospital.

On Friday, February 26, 2021, Lewis-Sahadeo spoke with her mother, Claris Cecil, on the phone and told her that she was about to be taken into the labour room to be given drips (Saline). She had stated then too that the doctors and nurses had checked her pressure and it was normal.

Lewis-Sahadeo was experiencing low pressure when she was admitted, but the doctors had given Cecil a prescription to purchase the medication for Lewis-Sahadeo to use.

At just around 14:00 hrs., Cecil said she received a call from a nurse at the N/A Hospital and was told that her daughter delivered her baby, but the baby is dead and that they had to remove her womb. She immediately informed her husband and he broke down in tears. They got dressed and headed down to the hospital. She said that when they arrived, she saw her daughter on a stretcher and thought she was dead, but the nurses told her that she was not dead but had to be transported to the GPHC and that she needed blood.

“My husband tell dem he does give blood at the hospital and ayuh na get a pint blood to give me daughter. He tell dem he gon give dem blood and dem tell he dem can’t give she blood just like that, dem got to clean the blood,” the woman said. She added that she was then told that an ambulance had to take her daughter to the GPHC, but the ambulance took someone else to Georgetown and they were awaiting its return to transport Lewis-Sahadeo. The ambulance reportedly arrived hours later and Lewis-Sahadeo was transferred to the GPHC. The grieving mother of the dead woman said that she was told that “dem damage up she, dem tek out she womb, dem clamp the baby on she head and tek out the baby and pull out the womb. When dem do that now she start bleed and dem can’t control the bleeding, they run she in theatre.”

Lewis, the uncle, had said that when Lewis-Sahadeo arrived at the GPHC, a team of doctors were waiting to take control of his niece. He said they immediately began to administer blood and oxygen to her and during that time one of the doctors spoke with him.

“They said that she was more than 90 percent wasted and they had given her five percent chance at that time to live. Then they went into the theatre and they asked me to wait. I waited outside after a few hours and then they called me, and I saw the lead consultant, a Portuguese doctor, and he updated me on what happened,” Lewis shared.

He explained that the doctor informed him that when his niece was admitted, based on the information on her chart, her pressure was high and it kept spiking. He said the doctor disclosed that “the pressure increase and it resulted in two things, it ruptured her brain and it ruptured the cord attaching the baby to the mother. That triggered a bleeding and they (at New Amsterdam Hospital) decided to do a C-section, the C-section increased the bleeding.” He was told that it was possible that the baby had already died and the doctors had probably decided to save the life of his niece by removing her womb.

“That didn’t help, and fluid started to flood the chamber and the bleeding increased so they pad it up, clamp it and put a tube in her to drain her, ventilate her and ship her away to Georgetown like a butchered cow,” said the heart broken uncle.

It was around 03:00 hrs. the following day, that he received the call about his niece’s death in the Intensive Care Unit of the GPHC.

Lewis praised the team at the GPHC for their efforts in trying to save his niece, but chastised those at the N/A Hospital for the way they handled her.

“They were very professional, doctors and the (other) medical staff of GPHC must be commended; they did a wonderful job there and they treated us like human beings. But we can’t say the same for New Amsterdam Hospital. That administrator there is arrogant. She treated us like animals and as if we had no right to be there,” he said. The family is still looking to have a private autopsy done on both the baby and Lewis-Sahadeo.

Lewis-Sahadeo leaves to mourn her three children, ages six, nine and 11, along with other relatives.


Doctor, nurses suspended after being found “negligent” in death of mother, newborn

, Source - Lewis-Sahadeo

A doctor and two nurses have been suspended after they were found to be negligent in taking care of their patient, 31-year-old Vanessa Lewis-Sahadeo who, along with her newborn baby, died while receiving care at two public health facilities.

After giving birth to her fourth child at the New Amsterdam Hospital on February 26, Lewis-Sahadeo was transferred to Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation (GHPC) in an unconscious state where she succumbed a few hours later. She was rushed to the city medical facility after reportedly developing complications at the regional hospital. The newborn baby had died at the New Amsterdam Hospital.

An investigation was immediately conducted.

Health Minister Dr Frank Anthony, in providing an update on the situation, revealed that “based on that report, we strongly believe that the doctor who was in charge of the patient seemed to be negligent and we also believe that the nurses who were involved were also negligent.”

“I am taking immediate steps to suspend that doctor…and two of the nurses who were involved,” he added.

The Health Minister noted that there will be “follow up actions” which will be announced later.

Lewis-Sahadeo, of Williamsburg, Region Six (East Berbice-Corentyne) was a mother of three children – ages 11,9 and 6.


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