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The truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth... and that is, in Sadaam's Iraq, Mubarak's Egypt and Asad's Syria, the Christians not only were always treated much better than Muslims under these dictators, but they also enjoyed more rights and favored positions undeer the dictators and their governments. I do not believe that the anti-Asad activists are necessarily anti-Christian, but rather anti anything that supports Asad and it just so happens that most Christians are afraid to lose their special privileges and favoritism and would rather have the dictator remain in power than stake their chancs on any new democratic power. Why do you think in all tehyears past, you never heard a peep from the Christians against these dictators? We all knew they were bad right? Yet, the only people who protested were the Muslims. This my friends is the legacy of what the English after they divided up the Middle East. It's the truth and nothing but the whole truth.
Arab countries are not nations , these countries are fractured by ethnicity, where minorities have been decimated by their own muslim brothers. They are being held together as countries by sheer brute force. The British divided up the mideast according to demands of the sheiks , who by the way vowed to destroy other tribes if the british did not give them what they wanted . The problem is not a Betrayal By The British but the Greed and Hate of Arabs of each other .
The British divided up the mideast according to demands of the sheiks , who by the way vowed to destroy other tribes if the british did not give them what they wanted .

You think the sheiks were calling the shots? Dream on. Have you never heard of "Divide et impera"?

In the case of Syria, the Anglo-American hypocrisy reeks to heaven. They are funding and arming a bunch of rent-a-rebels who are shooting up the place, and then when China and Russia veto their resolution for a regime change imposed from the outside, Susan Rice is shrieking that the violence is China's and Russia's fault.
Originally posted by Henry:
The British divided up the mideast according to demands of the sheiks , who by the way vowed to destroy other tribes if the british did not give them what they wanted .

You think the sheiks were calling the shots? Dream on. Have you never heard of "Divide et impera"?

In the case of Syria, the Anglo-American hypocrisy reeks to heaven. They are funding and arming a bunch of rent-a-rebels who are shooting up the place, and then when China and Russia veto their resolution for a regime change imposed from the outside, Susan Rice is shrieking that the violence is China's and Russia's fault.

Dude you guys have always had a skewered perspective of the divide and conquer policy.

If the people are fractured and already divided it become only natural for invaders and colonisers to use that existing division to pith one against the other .

The Divide & Conquer technique has been in existence for eons and will continue to be used by those who seek power and control.

Henry you and many in the past and present give the British too much credit by insinuating it is a creation of the whiteman.

Every civilzation has employed the divide and conquer ploy since the dawn of mankind.

The west wants more democracies and democratic structures all over the world in every region hemisphere etc and will support what they believe and subscribe to .

Do you for one moment think europeans could have started and maintained the african slave trade had not already existed amongst africans ?

Should black americans not be angry with africa and africans for not coming to save them from slavery ? Should this not be part of the history books which lambasted the white man for slavery and excuse africans and african for assisting the whiteman in the trade ?

More Arabs have perished at the hands of their own Arab people !

Look at India where over 160 million untouchables remain oppressed after over 6 decades of independence ! The white man did not start caste nor did they support it . They exploited what existed .

Having a discussion with you guys on these issues is a waste of time because truth is not part of your mindset and psyche .

Do you think I blame the whiteman for indentureship ? No ! I must understand first how it became possible and all the blame is laid on the people of the subcontinent who because their own existing divide and rule , invited the conquerors to exploit what already existed.

Jews have learnt their lesson. Since Nazism they have come to understand that the thousands of years of oppression and abuse was caused and possible because of their division and fragmentation.

Arabs are being taught to hate each other and to keep them together leaders point their hate towards the jew and the common enemy .

Russia and China had no qualms and still dont , they have not and may not recover from their communist positions for another generation despite the fact they are embracing capitalism with a tinge of contained and controlled democracy.

Wake The F Up Dude ! each side selling their own designer sh1t and you buying and hoarding it.
Originally posted by kidmost:

Dude you guys have always had a skewered perspective of the divide and conquer policy.

If the people are fractured and already divided it become only natural for invaders and colonisers to use that existing division to pith one against the other .

The Divide & Conquer technique has been in existence for eons and will continue to be used by those who seek power and control.

Henry you and many in the past and present give the British too much credit by insinuating it is a creation of the whiteman.

Every civilzation has employed the divide and conquer ploy since the dawn of mankind.

The west wants more democracies and democratic structures all over the world in every region hemisphere etc and will support what they believe and subscribe to .
O rly? Can you explain why the "west" doesn't seem to want more democracies and democratic structures when it comes to Saudi Arabia, Qatar, or Thailand? And it's not "civilizations" that employ Divide and Rule, it's "empires." I don't think this has anything to do with the "white man" or any other race. It is an oligarchic tendency which was the unchallenged, dominant tendency in world history until about 500 years ago, when challenges began to appear. The British didn't invent imperialism, they are simply the most recent and most sophisticated incarnation of it.
I noticed your silence lucas until you coulod find some anti western spin.

So tell me are you having orgasms while hundreds of Syrian women and kids are being slaughtered by a savage thug?

Also who is punishing Christians in the Middle East? Certainly not Christians in Europe or North America.

6,000 people, mainly Muslims have been slaughtered in Syria over the past year. Yes a Muslim did it.
Originally posted by Henry:
Originally posted by kidmost:

Dude you guys have always had a skewered perspective of the divide and conquer policy.

If the people are fractured and already divided it become only natural for invaders and colonisers to use that existing division to pith one against the other .

The Divide & Conquer technique has been in existence for eons and will continue to be used by those who seek power and control.

Henry you and many in the past and present give the British too much credit by insinuating it is a creation of the whiteman.

Every civilzation has employed the divide and conquer ploy since the dawn of mankind.

The west wants more democracies and democratic structures all over the world in every region hemisphere etc and will support what they believe and subscribe to .
O rly? Can you explain why the "west" doesn't seem to want more democracies and democratic structures when it comes to Saudi Arabia, Qatar, or Thailand? And it's not "civilizations" that employ Divide and Rule, it's "empires." I don't think this has anything to do with the "white man" or any other race. It is an oligarchic tendency which was the unchallenged, dominant tendency in world history until about 500 years ago, when challenges began to appear. The British didn't invent imperialism, they are simply the most recent and most sophisticated incarnation of it.

fist you tell me how a handful of men can conquer command and control millions of people.

Of course the europeans are more sophisticated at it . First they send in their anthropologists to study and understand the people(s) then learn the best way to use them to allow them access to own and control them.
Originally posted by Henry:
Originally posted by caribj:

6,000 people, mainly Muslims have been slaughtered in Syria over the past year. Yes a Muslim did it.
A variety of Muslims did it, and roughly half of them were armed and funded by the "west."

dude the majority who rules are armed by the russians and chinese the minorities who are victims are now being aided by the west.
Originally posted by kidmost:
dude the majority who rules are armed by the russians and chinese the minorities who are victims are now being aided by the west.

Actually, the "west" (AKA the British) don't give a fig about the "minorities," but they are extremely interested in the Russians and Chinese. They are interested in getting their major competitors to fight and neutralize one another (exactly the same game plan that led up to WWI and WWII.) So, if they can manipulate the US into an attack on either Syria or Iran, Russian and China will respond and WWIII is on.

On other point that should be mentioned in regard to the religious angle is that the Brits have followed a pattern in this region of imposing "regime change" on secular governments, and replacing them with Islamicist or Al-Qaeda-linked governments, as they did in Libya -- all the while carrying on about what a big threat Al-Qaeda and Islamicism pose to the "west."
Originally posted by Henry:
A variety of Muslims did it, and roughly half of them were armed and funded by the "west."

And is Assad one of those armed by the "West"? No he is being armed by Russia, which see nothing one in his brutality.

So continue to have orgasms while hundreds of Syrian women and kids are being slaughtered.
Originally posted by caribj:
Originally posted by Henry:
governments, and replacing them with Islamicist or Al-Qaeda-linked governments, ."

You are really mad if you think the west likes Islamist linked gov'ts. Do you think Israel likes them.....well you know full well that Washington is controlled by Jerusalem/Tel Aviv.

The idea the Israel controls the US is hogwash. Both are controlled, nowadays, by Britain (i.e. "the west.") As far as "liking Islamicists" -- sometimes they do indeed find it convenient to like them. For example, when Ariel Sharon was housing minister, he funded Hamas as a charity with gov't funds. Why? Because they were competing with the Arafat faction. Divide and rule again. It's not a question of "liking" them-- it's a matter of attempting to cynically use them. Do you know how much the US gov't gave Osama bin Laden in the 1980s? Over 2 Billion dollars.
Originally posted by Henry:
The idea the Israel controls the US is hogwash. Both are controlled, nowadays, by Britain (i.e. "the west.") ]

You are drunk or high on crack. Britain gets kicked around and ignored by the EU, these days having no more clout than Estonia.

The 80s was a different era. Bin Laden was a different man before the US killed him. Reagan and him had the same enemy. They fell out.
Originally posted by caribj:
Originally posted by Henry:
The idea the Israel controls the US is hogwash. Both are controlled, nowadays, by Britain (i.e. "the west.") ]

You are drunk or high on crack. Britain gets kicked around and ignored by the EU, these days having no more clout than Estonia.

The 80s was a different era. Bin Laden was a different man before the US killed him. Reagan and him had the same enemy. They fell out.
The man is a member of the LaRouche Cult. They are brainwashed into preaching loonie anti-British conspiracies.

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