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Former Member

Is absolutely repugnant. It really saddens me to see this. I would say ban the perpetrators, but no, just let them expose themselves. 

I know that the PNC and GECOM conspired to give the victory to APNU at all cost, and anyone who denies this is a dumb or vile person void of reason.  But none of this justifies any anti Black racism.

Just as I would not associate with the Jangos of the world, I would even more not associate with any of you racist bastards either.

There will never be peace in Guyana until all yall fackin ded out!

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@KATA    I don't think you have one eye, or you choose to hear what you want. We on this site is a medium to expose what is happening in Guyana. If the truth hurts, well that's how bad it is.   May I remind you ,this is not a DATING site, if we were not friends before it wouldn't happen now.

 I never asked your race, but you showed your Black colours and rightfully so you can defend your tribe.

 Right now , because of this election Guyana is divided by race,armed Blacks are roving into Indo villages looking to kill.



Banna I say things as I see them. I don't subject myself to any of that Koolaid that others do. If I say that blacks do something, it is because they did it. I am not in the business of sugar coating anything. If that is racism, then I am a proud racist.

I asked yesterday is there are any black poster here who have any objection on what the PNC is currently doing, Guess what? Deafening silence. Why you think that is the case? You don't see that as racist? But because blacks have duped people like you into fighting their race war for them they can just sit back and let you do the dirty work. Why do you think this sign was necessary? Go back and view the pictures when those businesses were burnt in the last riots. Who were they? Then you can go back to drinking your Koolaid.


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And don't try that con with me about great holy prophet. I am not one who can be swayed by con jobs. I say thing how I see them and when there was a Indian dominated party incharge of GECOM, this shit happening today did not happen. And the only way blacks were able to take of GECOM is because of some crabdaag Coolies who betrayed their own because they like you are Koolaid drinkers.


The blacks are quiet racists that spark suspicion. Love made them have the hair they have due to the fire of love with God and our precious mother Kali. They were trying to ascertain all direction of thought to defeat us in the time of Lord Krishna.

Maybe you are working for the US government that act like they like blacks that is messing us up in the Guyana elections. The MAN of India is the primary target by the police. Don't trust the new world order--It is runned by Jews who played a part in the Guyana elections. Respect your race; What we are was difficult to achieve. Lucifer is the link between heaven and hell and the excrement is the bridge to replace him. S*** is the short circuit so s*** well.


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2020-03-13 20-53-03.717
Ronald Anthony Arjune

You guys should read Bibi's post five above mine, she is on the money. There are blacks in the PPP and Indos in APNU, so you people should stop with the race talk.

What is happening in Guyana is dam ridiculous, I for one backed AFC and was one of the last here to agree with them joining forces with APNU but we all wanted to see the back of BJ..and I still wish he stayed his ass out but no, he is into everything the way, where the hell is Irfart with all this going on?

It seems APNU doesn't give a dam for the country just for themselves just as it was under BJ's leadership. The country needs to be purged.


Bai Cain it is much easier for you as a member of the Portuguese community to overlook what race plays in Guyana's society fabric because Portuguese were mostly insulated from that aspect. Your folks had nice cushy jobs and careers and it is not because they didn't earn it because they did and had the opportunity to do so. Just for an Indian to get a civil service job, he was required to assume an Anglo name and that was not the only discrimination that they faced. That said, I am going to ease up on that as my days on GNI are coming to a close soon.

I have never been a political person as evidence from the fact that the only reason I began living on Political is because some idiots chased the people away who were posting on Social which killed Social. Therefore, I have never been a PPP supporter but because I lived through the PNC ear and saw their diabolical behavior, I could never bring myself to approve of them. I disliked Burnham since I was a child and demonstrated that dislike even when I was in school and during my employ before I left Guyana. There was no mistaking between my classmates, teachers, co-workers or supervisors that I have no intention of recognizing Burnham in any way, shape or form. I was very vocal about it even before I knew that I will not be spending my entire life in Guyana. Because I can never accept the PNC, I side with the PPP since in Guyana voting is binary as demonstrated again this year. I actually liked the role that the AFC played n their early days because I was cognizant of the entrenchment of both the PPP and PNC. I believe the AFC squandered that value when they became an arm of the PNC in 2015 and in the space of 5 short years, they have evaporated and only their name really remains. It will be interested to see if Ramjattan would even be appointed as Prime Minister when Granger is finally sworn in this weekend of next week. I would say that as much as Jagdeo is not without sin, he never pulled this shit. He simply relied on his base making up a large slice of the Guyanese population. You will again say that you are glad the PPP lost but although there was some doubt about the Coalition's victory in 2015 there is no doubt in the cloud hovering over the credibility of this year's one.

Interesting that you would ask about Ali. I didn't see much of Ali's counterpart, Granger either. I was thinking yesterday that if Nandlall was the presidential candidate, who would have stood in Nandlall's shoes yesterday and the ones prior in bring all those lawsuits to the floor. Not that the PPP does not have other excellent lawyers because they do. A bunch of them. But Nandlall has that ability to explain legal matters in very clear and concise manner and was invaluable during the whole process. And I am sure that many of the other PPP lawyers can be just as adequate. I preferred Nandlall also but looks like all of that matter no longer as Granger is going to walk up to the podium and lie that he has been re-elected President of Guyana.

Guyana's future is up in the air now as no one really know how this transgression will be viewed by the powerful countries that holds Guyana's fortune in their hand. Time will tell.


PNC solves it the way they see fit. PPP cannot reverse. Just fat talk. Why do they think Claudette Singh will grant a recount?  And even if, once those boxes are opened, why you think it will not be the same fiasco as with the SOPs?  Wake up people.

PNC has everything stacked in their favor except 20,000 votes.  And this they will manufacture.  PPP relying on PNC controlled institutions to save the PPP?  Ayuh get real.  Day late and a dollar short.  You squandered 23 years.

The PNC will offer a few carrots and make amends with the international community. With lil oil money, and the fact that it is not yet reflected in Guyana’s economy, they will ride it out.  

CARICOM and the Black leadership in the US will work to reconcile the PNC with the immediate outside world. America will look at their Venezuela issues and not push too hard.  If ayuh think race don’t matter, ayuh more stupid than imagine.  Now run behind Black politicians in America!  Dem is ayuh new heroes.

Ayuh Enjoy mekking nuff nuff money, building big big house, nice nice cars, plenty plenty woman, and who cannot, ayuh cut cane, plant rice, kech fish, etc. Blackman gon rule by the gun if necessary and by the rose as they see fit. I doubt we will see another PPP administration in our lifetime!  Thank you PPP.  Ayuh never learn. Now you can guh cuss America and the White man till you drop!

Last edited by Former Member

Base, you talkin SKONT!! It has nothing to do with all that.  IT HAS TO DO WITH DEMOCRACY, RULE OF LAW, FREE AND FAIR ELECTION!! Are you saying the US, UK, CAN no longer believes in Democracy, Rule of Law in the Western Hemisphere? Can you tell us when those policies were changed? Are you aware many lives, blood and resources were sacrificed to fight for those principle around the world???


@Former Member: The PNC will offer a few carrots and make amends with the international community. With lil oil money, and the fact that it is not yet reflected in Guyana’s economy, they will ride it out

I do not believe you think that all nations like Britain, Canada, EU and America will look the other way simultaneously. I don't think Canada and EU will fall for this "lil oil money" shit.


Isn't that what y'all did to install this thief in Guyana? How did that work out for y'all? Hindsight is 20 20. But some of y'all willfully ignored who the PNC really was in you silly quest for one love and today the only one love is Granger and his cronies. Time will tell if Ramjattan even get to smell the PM seat.


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