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Anti-crime ranks stop, harass K/News staffer for bribe

Sep 22, 2016, News, http://www.kaieteurnewsonline....s-staffer-for-bribe/

It seems like ranks are not heeding the acting Commissioner of Police, David Ramnarine’s warning.

Less than a month ago, Ramnarine reminded the force that ranks from the anti-crime unit are not permitted to conduct the task of traffic ranks and that action will be taken against those accused of unprofessional conduct.

Acting Commissioner, David Ramnarine

Acting Commissioner, David Ramnarine

Last Saturday, a Kaieteur News staffer, Harry Brijmohan was harassed and made to pay a bribe after five anti-crime patrol ranks stopped him.

Brijmohan, who was riding a CG motorcycle, was a short distance from his home and decided to remove his helmet when the ranks stopped himβ€”two of the ranks were in plain clothes.

This was around 15:00 hrs when the lawmen stopped him.

The Kaieteur News staffer acknowledged that he broke the law and was willing to collect a ticket but the policemen told him that the offence was a non bailable one and that he needed to spend 72 hours behind bars.

When asked to make a phone call, Brijmohan was informed that he could not make any calls and would have to wait after 72 hours.

Here is how everything started; the young man was heading west along the road that leads to Providence New Scheme, East Bank Demerara (EBD). It is the road next to the stadium.

The policemen were in an unmarked vehicle, heading in the opposite direction and one of the ranks signaled him to stop.

When he did, they asked him for his documents and then asked him to empty his pockets after which they searched himβ€”they did not find anything illegal yet they told him that they had to charge him and he will be placed before the court.

β€œOne of them tell me that I should have ride away that his gun rusty because long he ain’t use it. They ask where I working and then they say where I working ain’t matter,” Brijmohan recounted.

He said that the men placed his motorcycle at the back of their vehicle and informed him that he had to go to the station.

β€œThey drive out to the junction. While driving, the two at the back telling me that I gun get charge and then they say that I can do something before I reach,” Brijmohan said.

He claimed that one of the men asked him if he had money to which he responded in the negative but another rank interjected and said that he was lying. Apparently when the motorcyclist reached for his licence in his wallet, the rank saw that he had money on him.

β€œThey say that once I reached at the station then I can’t do anything but I can do something before I reached and I said I got $3,000 and then they say no, is five of them and I got to give them $5000. I said no and they telling me that I got no other option,” Brijmohan recalled.

He said that while he was bargaining with the two police ranks, trying not to hand over all his cash, another rank said that they did not drink anything for the day.

In the end, he handed over $5,000 to the ranks and was allowed to go home.

A statement was taken from Brijmohan yesterday as the police seek to locate the policemen in question.

Demerara_Guy posted:

Anti-crime ranks stop, harass K/News staffer for bribe

Sep 22, 2016, News, http://www.kaieteurnewsonline....s-staffer-for-bribe/

It seems like ranks are not heeding the acting Commissioner of Police, David Ramnarine’s warning.

Less than a month ago, Ramnarine reminded the force that ranks from the anti-crime unit are not permitted to conduct the task of traffic ranks and that action will be taken against those accused of unprofessional conduct.

Acting Commissioner, David Ramnarine

Acting Commissioner, David Ramnarine

Perhaps, a clear indication that the Commissioner's words have no effects.

Django posted:
Nehru posted:

HAHAHA  PNC invented Bribes, Corruption and shake down. Well, you wait fuh dat.

The PPP had a chance to weed it out,what happened it continues on to today,the two dinosaurs PPP and PNC are no good for that country,you are so correct "Guyana gone fuh channa"

Deflect, deflect, sideswipe, pretend and move along.


Tek change ah yuh kakahole.

Django posted:
Nehru posted:

HAHAHA  PNC invented Bribes, Corruption and shake down. Well, you wait fuh dat.

The PPP had a chance to weed it out,what happened it continues on to today,the two dinosaurs PPP and PNC are no good for that country,you are so correct "Guyana gone fuh channa"

Django, shut you rass up. PNC had a chance to weed it out. They had 28 years and it got worse. PPP couldn't do it in 23 years. Blackman lazy and don't want to work, the reason for the corruption.
DONT BLAME THE PPP FOR THE INCOMPETENCE OF THE PNC. Alyu deh in pawa now; keep the PPP out ah dis.

skeldon_man posted:
Django posted:
Nehru posted:

HAHAHA  PNC invented Bribes, Corruption and shake down. Well, you wait fuh dat.

The PPP had a chance to weed it out,what happened it continues on to today,the two dinosaurs PPP and PNC are no good for that country,you are so correct "Guyana gone fuh channa"

Django, shut you rass up. PNC had a chance to weed it out. They had 28 years and it got worse. PPP couldn't do it in 23 years. Blackman lazy and don't want to work, the reason for the corruption.
DONT BLAME THE PPP FOR THE INCOMPETENCE OF THE PNC. Alyu deh in pawa now; keep the PPP out ah dis.

Very stupid answer, PNC had a chance to weed it out they didn't, (you usually say its the PNC who started this so how is this expected).

PPP got into office but instead of DOING BETTER THAN THE PNC they encouraged it for the next 23 years. The PPP are proven sleazy people, this is why they lost the election.

You should stop with the racist crap you spew here, but what can we expect from one who has joined the ranks of the ignorant Indian KKK?

Last edited by cain
cain posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Django posted:
Nehru posted:

HAHAHA  PNC invented Bribes, Corruption and shake down. Well, you wait fuh dat.

The PPP had a chance to weed it out,what happened it continues on to today,the two dinosaurs PPP and PNC are no good for that country,you are so correct "Guyana gone fuh channa"

Django, shut you rass up. PNC had a chance to weed it out. They had 28 years and it got worse. PPP couldn't do it in 23 years. Blackman lazy and don't want to work, the reason for the corruption.
DONT BLAME THE PPP FOR THE INCOMPETENCE OF THE PNC. Alyu deh in pawa now; keep the PPP out ah dis.

Very stupid answer, PNC had a chance to weed it out they didn't, (you usually say its the PNC who started this so how is this expected).

PPP got into office but instead of DOING BETTER THAN THE PNC they encouraged it for the next 23 years. The PPP are proven sleazy people, this is why they lost the election.

You should stop with the racist crap you spew here, but what can we expect from one who has joined the ranks of the ignorant Indian KKK?

Hope we see the PNC weed it out. OH wait! They do not prosecute anyone with a PNC membership card. There goes any hope.


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