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Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Cobra:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Kari:

Cobra/Chief, let me be clear.....the protest rally would be commended by both of you for what it was - a call for any crime of this nature not to happen in our backyards.


Leave your biases against homosexuals out of the rally.


Understand also that the rally organizers were artists and not the myriad of names you both ascribe.


Geez....get off it. You guys have much more self-respect than that. Why go to the gutter?

Not talking about Cobra, but you seeing Chief for what he is worth.  He brought the gutter over with him.


He is a "champion" of rights talking about prejudice against muslims yet he ranting against gays.


Baseman believes gay is not a matter of choice, but a biological condition of both sexes causing some to straddle the boundaries of sexuality.  Let me explain, take a look at the "male" type, there are the type "A" extremes to the average and the type "A" opposites who are more feminine with gay tendencies.


We know that the determination of male/female is not simply a matter of XY chromosomes but a combination of other biological factors not yet fully understood.  Humans have a host of congenial issues, why do we believe our sexuality is not exposed to that risk?  We must remember, the human template is common to both sexes but develop into one or the other sometime after conception, this we still don't fully understand.


I meet gay people in the normal course of living and clearly, they are not in control of their emotions.


Chief is a selfish bastard, he loves LFSB, he want the PNC to rule Guyana, he cozy up with Brooklyn Jews who are the architects or modern Zionism against the powerless Palestinians, all in the name of his business interest.  Now he justify gay bashing as a some passage from the holy books.  Well, Chief, the bible also justifies "slavery".


Gays should be allowed to live their lives without prejudice and prosecution from the rest of society.


I believe Chief has gay tendencies which he is fighting/resisting and justifying his fight as "sanctioned" by god.

Cobra is a snake, and snake and mongoose always fight. That's the case with me and Chief, but very seldom we might agree on something. That doesn't mean I hate gays; I just don't want to accept that it's becoming open in our community. After all the fact, Zaman still get the limelight, where as, children and the elderly took a back seat in the Guyanese community. Folks, public outcry on gays and violence is becoming popular and community organization will jump on it to get their 15 seconds of fame. The Lefferts Blvd elevator is still going through red tape for the elderly. I would like to see organizations flex their muscles on this item that's long overdue. Just my two cents.

Yet you openly entertain Redux on GNI forum.


Cobra, many did not/still do not accept blacks in and other minority into their neighborhoods, many did not accept blacks in some restaurants, etc.


Guyana gat nuff antiman, so get used to it.  Obama has endorsed the lifestyle, so wake up and smell the coffee.

It this you, Baseman or somebody steel you handle? 

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Cobra:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Kari:

Cobra/Chief, let me be clear.....the protest rally would be commended by both of you for what it was - a call for any crime of this nature not to happen in our backyards.


Leave your biases against homosexuals out of the rally.


Understand also that the rally organizers were artists and not the myriad of names you both ascribe.


Geez....get off it. You guys have much more self-respect than that. Why go to the gutter?

Not talking about Cobra, but you seeing Chief for what he is worth.  He brought the gutter over with him.


He is a "champion" of rights talking about prejudice against muslims yet he ranting against gays.


Baseman believes gay is not a matter of choice, but a biological condition of both sexes causing some to straddle the boundaries of sexuality.  Let me explain, take a look at the "male" type, there are the type "A" extremes to the average and the type "A" opposites who are more feminine with gay tendencies.


We know that the determination of male/female is not simply a matter of XY chromosomes but a combination of other biological factors not yet fully understood.  Humans have a host of congenial issues, why do we believe our sexuality is not exposed to that risk?  We must remember, the human template is common to both sexes but develop into one or the other sometime after conception, this we still don't fully understand.


I meet gay people in the normal course of living and clearly, they are not in control of their emotions.


Chief is a selfish bastard, he loves LFSB, he want the PNC to rule Guyana, he cozy up with Brooklyn Jews who are the architects or modern Zionism against the powerless Palestinians, all in the name of his business interest.  Now he justify gay bashing as a some passage from the holy books.  Well, Chief, the bible also justifies "slavery".


Gays should be allowed to live their lives without prejudice and prosecution from the rest of society.


I believe Chief has gay tendencies which he is fighting/resisting and justifying his fight as "sanctioned" by god.

Cobra is a snake, and snake and mongoose always fight. That's the case with me and Chief, but very seldom we might agree on something. That doesn't mean I hate gays; I just don't want to accept that it's becoming open in our community. After all the fact, Zaman still get the limelight, where as, children and the elderly took a back seat in the Guyanese community. Folks, public outcry on gays and violence is becoming popular and community organization will jump on it to get their 15 seconds of fame. The Lefferts Blvd elevator is still going through red tape for the elderly. I would like to see organizations flex their muscles on this item that's long overdue. Just my two cents.

Yet you openly entertain Redux on GNI forum.


Cobra, many did not/still do not accept blacks in and other minority into their neighborhoods, many did not accept blacks in some restaurants, etc.


Guyana gat nuff antiman, so get used to it.  Obama has endorsed the lifestyle, so wake up and smell the coffee.

 Didn't he say the straight man has an obligation to gays? That they should  buy a drink and sit with them and so on? I don't see an issue with this, but in true serpentine fashion, he speaks with a forked tongue......until he check his email when I get off from wuk this afternoon. hahahahaha.

Originally Posted by Kari:

Baseman, every thing above is nonsense.


Chief does not "like" Burnham. His commentary on LFSB are contextual and are meant to highlight differences and similarities with Cheddie and his successors.

He is not advocating to have PNC-type rule in Guyana.

He is fiercely anti-homosexuality on religious grounds. Meet him there and do not label him as homophobic.

Religion has many things worth querying and Chief is not dogmatic about these. HE is open to discussion on them.

Chief does not reside in the gutter. I used a metaphor to describe the emotion rather than the intellect of a raging question in a dying circle - that is religious acceptance of what 90% of the world has come to live with - homosexuality as a human condition.

Thank you Kari.

Originally Posted by Ronald Sugrim:
Originally Posted by Chief:

Kari dam well knew that these same artiste that he is f

referring to made public statements claiming that Zaman was attacked because he is Gay. Now they showed up at the rally speaking something else.


They need to apologise to the owner of the Tassa Band abnd the owner of the bar. 

Chief has a point here. The Rally started out as a place or event in which they would criticise gay bashing, but someone saw the tape and told them that the tassa man was physically attacked first and then the whole tone changed. Did Lakshmee from the TV see the tape before she organised or supported the rally?  If not then this was highly misguided on her part.

    Also young people lost their lives in clubs within the last 2 months but no anti-violence rally was called. Wonder why. And at the rally who spoke up for the tassa guy? Did Lakshmee mention his name or the fact that he too was attacked?  

Exactly what Iam speaking about.


Lakshmee was a later co-ordinator.


Richard David from the Indo Caribbean Alliance was the King of the Ants Nest.


Shabana Sharif from the Jahaji Sisters.


I am quoting a part of an email that I got from Richard David



....For the record, I asked you what RHEDC's position was and you said you needed more info.  Everyone was asked by me to remove RHEDC from the list of supporting organizations until you made a decision. You made every attempt to discredit everyone involved in the rally, thwart the rally, and with the email --continue to sabotage the anti-violence rally. 

End of Quote

This rally was supposedly an anti-violence but in reality it was about Player's Restaurant and Zaman and nothing about the Tassaman who was also beaten

Vish M

On fb Lakshmee keeps asking for the tassa man to appear on her show. But she could have looked at the tape before the rally and then all the commotion would have ended. Now she is calling Son Son of Players all the bad names. Another thing. The tassa man may be taking legal advice and that is why he does not want to talk to anyone. Who knows?  


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