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The Netherlands' most popular party wants to ban all mosques

Party for Freedom (PVV) leader Geert Wilders says he wants to fight Islam

The Independent Online

The leader of the most popular Dutch party ahead of parliamentary elections next year has said he wants to ban all Islamic symbols, mosques and the Koran from the country. 

The far-right Party for Freedom (PVV), led by Geert Wilders, has released its one-page manifesto ahead of the March 2017 legislative elections in which it calls for the total “de-Islamification” of the Netherlands. 

Under PVV proposals mosques, Islamic schools and asylum centres will be closed; the borders will be shut down with a blanket ban on migrants from Islamic countries; women will be forbidden from wearing a headscarf in public; and the Koran will be banned.

In its manifesto posted on Wilders’ Facebook page on Wednesday, Islam was at the top of the 11-point plan with other pledges to ban expressions of the faith which were “contrary to the country’s order”.

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There is no such thing as anti-islamic.The real word should be Anti-brown South Asian. This is because the real Arab is part of white society and a part of white privilege. No Anti-islamic  is happening there.




ksazma posted:

How come none of these leaders want to ban Middle East Oil?

Oil is a two way street. Oil is the main source of income for the ME region. They can keep the oil and die a slow death. On the other hand, Muslims and their provocative way of living in other people's country is a constant problem. Islam is not the problem. Muslims are the problem who think they are above Islam. Muslims are getting kicked from pillar to post and they still want to be wrong and strong, whereas, they can't speak anything about freedom and free speech in their own country. Does that sound like Islam teachings, or neemakaram Muslims?



After the fall of communism it was foretold that the next war will be with Islam.

It is no accident that the west invaded Iraq  and now the entire region is in shambles.

As a practising  Muslim I believe that God will test us. I have no fear for History has been on the side of Muslims. The test is right now, Muslims are being torn apart and to use Cobra words " being knocked from pillar to post:.

Muslims will emerge from this test stronger and will be okay by the help of Almighty  Allah. 

Wilders can ban every printed Qu'ran but can he take it out of the scholar's  memory? H e can tear down every Mosque but can he prevent people from praying g 5 times per day?



Chief don't be a man without a real identity. Brown South Asians  includeMuslims are being thrown from pillar to post. The white Arab Muslims have business as usual because of their white privilege.

Last edited by Prashad
ba$eman posted:
ksazma posted:

How come none of these leaders want to ban Middle East Oil?

Hey, you never know.  Trump and Putin might partner up to do just that!

I will believe it when I see it dude. Reagan said back in the '80's that "there is something the Arabs have that we want and the Arabs will not keep us away from it" of something like that.

I will not be caught making excuses for the actions of those Muslims who go about wreaking havoc on others but people like Wilders are no better than those wicked Muslims.

Like Chief said, the Qur'an resides in the memories of millions of Muslims all over the world so he would only be fooling himself unless he is just trying to fool the people like Trump did.

Chief posted:

After the fall of communism it was foretold that the next war will be with Islam.

It is no accident that the west invaded Iraq  and now the entire region is in shambles.

As a practising  Muslim I believe that God will test us. I have no fear for History has been on the side of Muslims. The test is right now, Muslims are being torn apart and to use Cobra words " being knocked from pillar to post:.

Muslims will emerge from this test stronger and will be okay by the help of Almighty  Allah. 

Wilders can ban every printed Qu'ran but can he take it out of the scholar's  memory? H e can tear down every Mosque but can he prevent people from praying g 5 times per day?


There is no way this banna can do what he is saying he will do...banning the Quran? How is that possible? Tear down every mosque? Like Trump, they all looking to get elected and playing to the emotions of the people.


This happens when open and tolerant societies take in intolerant cultures.  Islam is viewed as not a tolerant culture.  Islamism is a clear and present danger to Western societies!

VishMahabir posted:
Chief posted:

After the fall of communism it was foretold that the next war will be with Islam.

It is no accident that the west invaded Iraq  and now the entire region is in shambles.

As a practising  Muslim I believe that God will test us. I have no fear for History has been on the side of Muslims. The test is right now, Muslims are being torn apart and to use Cobra words " being knocked from pillar to post:.

Muslims will emerge from this test stronger and will be okay by the help of Almighty  Allah. 

Wilders can ban every printed Qu'ran but can he take it out of the scholar's  memory? H e can tear down every Mosque but can he prevent people from praying g 5 times per day?


There is no way this banna can do what he is saying he will do...banning the Quran? How is that possible? Tear down every mosque? Like Trump, they all looking to get elected and playing to the emotions of the people.

When you want to get to the moon, aim for the stars!

VishMahabir posted:
ksazma posted:

How come none of these leaders want to ban Middle East Oil?

I think they might all go solar.

The non-Muslim world have more oil than the Muslim world.  But as along as cheap Arab oil is available, hey so what!  Oil is fungible anyway!

Prashad posted:

Chief don't be a man without a real identity. Brown South Asians  includeMuslims are being thrown from pillar to post. The white Arab Muslims have business as usual because of their white privilege.

What is a white Arab ? Have you ever been to any country in North Africa or the Middle East ? 


I listen to Greet Wilders and he was clear that he does not hate Muslims. He only stress that the INTOLERANT Muslims and Muslims that want to migrate with their Culture are not welcome in his opinion.

He believe Muslims should be allowed to worship in their Mosque BUT must live according to Dutch Laws, Culture and Tradition.


Is that a lot to ask from people who want to join a new Country??

Keffer posted:
Prashad posted:

Chief don't be a man without a real identity. Brown South Asians  includeMuslims are being thrown from pillar to post. The white Arab Muslims have business as usual because of their white privilege.

What is a white Arab ? Have you ever been to any country in North Africa or the Middle East ? 

You clearly have not been exposed to Arabs of the middle East.  The real Arabs are white people. Those brown South Asians who try to pass themselves off as Arabs will get a good PAKI  kick in the behind from the real white Arabs like what is happening in the Paki pens of Dubai 

Nehru posted:

I listen to Greet Wilders and he was clear that he does not hate Muslims. He only stress that the INTOLERANT Muslims and Muslims that want to migrate with their Culture are not welcome in his opinion.

He believe Muslims should be allowed to worship in their Mosque BUT must live according to Dutch Laws, Culture and Tradition.


Is that a lot to ask from people who want to join a new Country??

They already in Holland . 

I was living there in the late 70s and there are lots of Turkish and Moroccans since then.

Wilders is playing the fool.

Nehru posted:

I listen to Greet Wilders and he was clear that he does not hate Muslims. He only stress that the INTOLERANT Muslims and Muslims that want to migrate with their Culture are not welcome in his opinion.

He believe Muslims should be allowed to worship in their Mosque BUT must live according to Dutch Laws, Culture and Tradition.


Is that a lot to ask from people who want to join a new Country??

Correct, he is against Islamist Terrorism and Islamism!

Chief posted:
Nehru posted:

I listen to Greet Wilders and he was clear that he does not hate Muslims. He only stress that the INTOLERANT Muslims and Muslims that want to migrate with their Culture are not welcome in his opinion.

He believe Muslims should be allowed to worship in their Mosque BUT must live according to Dutch Laws, Culture and Tradition.


Is that a lot to ask from people who want to join a new Country??

They already in Holland . 

I was living there in the late 70s and there are lots of Turkish and Moroccans since then.

Wilders is playing the fool.

Widers not playing the fool, the Islamist are!  What these nation needs to do is heavily curtail, if not stop, Muslims from migrating and give those alreads there time to assimilate, even if it takes 100 years.


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