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Former Member

The campaign against former President Bharrat Jagdeo has taken on a new dimension with the break and enter of an office from which he operates a non-profit organization. Over the weekend unknown persons broke into the Bharrat Jagdeo Foundation leaving a number of electronic devices, including computers, laptops, a television set and several documents missing.

The discovery was made when staff turned up to work on Monday to find the building completely ransacked and items missing. The Guyana Police Force has reportedly launched an investigation.

Since demitting office Jagdeo has been the recipient of a nasty vilification campaign being waged by Kaieteur News owner Glen Lall in concert with the two opposition political parties. Lall a former backtracker turned businessman was reported by U.S embassy officials in leaked diplomatic cables as having his fingers firmly on the pulse of Guyana' criminal underworld.

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Councie.....Kwame was in de office with a lil boy on saturday.


Security said ....They had 2 Suitcase when the arrived....around 2 PM


According to De Guards ......

Kwame turned off De Security Camera as soon as they got there....

so they could not see what they were doing in the building....



Later in the nite a Chiney man Brought some food.....


Because no one is allowed in the Compound...

one of the Guards took de food at de gate

went to de Door and knocked.....


Kwame and De lil Boy were Naked in de de office.


Kwame ask de Guard if he want lil bit....

DE Guard say "No Thanks" but he will ask de Chiney man.


Chiney Man refused Kwame Invitation and left saying

"Chiney eat Dog but nooo Bu@@ery"

"Chiney no go Jagdeo place"


Kwame and lil boy left with 2 heavy suitcase around midnite....


Monday Morning office staff plug back in Security camera.


Originally Posted by Conscience:

The campaign against former President Bharrat Jagdeo has taken on a new dimension with the break and enter of an office from which he operates a non-profit organization. Over the weekend unknown persons broke into the Bharrat Jagdeo Foundation leaving a number of electronic devices, including computers, laptops, a television set and several documents missing.

The discovery was made when staff turned up to work on Monday to find the building completely ransacked and items missing. The Guyana Police Force has reportedly launched an investigation.

Since demitting office Jagdeo has been the recipient of a nasty vilification campaign being waged by Kaieteur News owner Glen Lall in concert with the two opposition political parties. Lall a former backtracker turned businessman was reported by U.S embassy officials in leaked diplomatic cables as having his fingers firmly on the pulse of Guyana' criminal underworld.

The Watergate scandal was a major political scandal that occurred in the United States in the 1970s as a result of the June 17, 1972 break-in at the Democratic National Committee (DNC) headquarters at the Watergate office complex in Washington, D.C., and the Nixon administration's attempted cover-up of its involvement. 



Never put it past Jagdeo.


Supposing he alledgedly orchestrate this break in?


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