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Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by asj:

Stakeholders means nothing, the lying President needs to talk with Ramjhattan and Granger, what he is doing is crazy, time wasting and silly.

Rumjhattan is insignificant. He's like a nano second. Talks too much and nothing to offer.

that is why he have the mighty ppp on their belly crawling

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by asj:

Stakeholders means nothing, the lying President needs to talk with Ramjhattan and Granger, what he is doing is crazy, time wasting and silly.

Rumjhattan is insignificant. He's like a nano second. Talks too much and nothing to offer.

Ramjattan does not need the Corrupt PPP/C, the Duck and his rest of ducklings, would jump for joy (quack quack quack)  if Ramjattan were to take his seven seats and alligned with the Corrupt PPP/C 

How come you are so blunt and cannot see that, bai like you need waan wire brush to clean the bobo from your eyes, and all the time I thought you were surprises me.

Originally Posted by asj:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by asj:

Stakeholders means nothing, the lying President needs to talk with Ramjhattan and Granger, what he is doing is crazy, time wasting and silly.

Rumjhattan is insignificant. He's like a nano second. Talks too much and nothing to offer.

Ramjattan does not need the Corrupt PPP/C, the Duck and his rest of ducklings, would jump for joy (quack quack quack)  if Ramjattan were to take his seven seats and alligned with the Corrupt PPP/C 

How come you are so blunt and cannot see that, bai like you need waan wire brush to clean the bobo from your eyes, and all the time I thought you were surprises me.

he is only smart to thief the fool is a racist all he can see is color 

Originally Posted by asj:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by asj:

Stakeholders means nothing, the lying President needs to talk with Ramjhattan and Granger, what he is doing is crazy, time wasting and silly.

Rumjhattan is insignificant. He's like a nano second. Talks too much and nothing to offer.

Ramjattan does not need the Corrupt PPP/C, the Duck and his rest of ducklings, would jump for joy (quack quack quack)  if Ramjattan were to take his seven seats and alligned with the Corrupt PPP/C 

How come you are so blunt and cannot see that, bai like you need waan wire brush to clean the bobo from your eyes, and all the time I thought you were surprises me.

The problem with you is that you swallow the toilet paper(KN), hook line and sinker.

You need to get the hatred of the PPP out out your brain. You need to look at how the PNC with the support of the AFC is squeezing the average Joe. You babble on forever about the PPP percieved alleged corruption but you have not shown an iota of evidence. None of you naysayers on this board have ever offered any valid evidence of corruption where the perpetrator has been convicted in a court of law.

PNC left Guyana with a debt that 2 generations might not have been able to pay. Jagdeo successfully begged(you could make all the nonsense suggestions) the world to forgive most of Guyana's debts.


Did you ever ask yourself who benefitted from the 28 years of wholesale theft? Did you ever ask yourself where did all the money go? Did you ask yourself who was responsible for all the crimes committed during that time? Have you ever wondered what would happen if the PNC and AFC ruled Guyan as a coalition? Would the PNC rig the elections again and throw the AFC out like they did to the UF? Would the citizens be begging for food again? I could go on forever.


You need to take the yaaz and boo boo out of your eyes. Ramjhuttrum wants the milk and honey. He is an attorney..the only thing matters to him is MONEEEEEY.   

The afc is in a dying stage. It has cancer and is in hospice.

Originally Posted by asj:

No matter what you can think up in that silly brain of yours, the Corrupt PPP/C will still be that, and idiots like you will follow them to your grave. Take a dozen School Boys and put them to run the Guyana Govt and they will do a better job than that of the Corrupt PPP/C:




So why, an idiot schoolboy like you, gather some ignorant degenerate folks like yourself and go run Guyana?

The PPP has problems especially in the law enforcement sector. You seem to think this is the end of the world for Guyanese. You see your glass as half empty and not half full...the eternal pessimist.


Put this in your pipe and smoke it...AFC will never rule Guyana. It's a minor party. It's going the way of: GUMP, GAIL, JUSTICE, ROAR, UF AND THE REST. It's a mushroom party that will dry up with the weather. Stay tune..Dick Morris will be paid handsomely for advice that I can give them for free.

Last edited by Former Member

Quote "The PPP has problems especially in the law enforcement sector. You seem to think this is the end of the world for Guyanese. You see your glass as half empty and not half full...the eternal pessimist."unquote


Bwoy if you stop lieing, it will pay you better, but continue to lie and then no one will pay any attention to you, you will repeat your lies so many times that you yourself will believe them to be facts.


1) Law Enforcement Sector is a Problem,  you accept that, but what about the other sectors???

2) Ministry of Health is a Problem (people are being killed of at the Leonora Cottage Hospital) no drugs in the main Hospital, and the regional Hospitals.

And yet your eyes is shut by boo boo, You like the rest of the corrupt ppp/c takes joy when you see people being killed.

3) Ministry of Housing, there is a severe problem, as poor people cannot get houselots, go there every Wednesday and you will see the lines and the crowd of people, it is like when you have a very large gathering trying to get US Visa to run out of Guyana.

And it you are living on the East Bank of Demerara, see the quality of Water that is forced on the resident by the Minister Responsibility, needless to say that it is filled with gumps and some times there is worms. 

4) Office of  the President: Seems that everyone that works there is a pathetic lier, even the President of Guyana. (I have had my experience/s)

5) Traverse down to GPO and try to get a document, and see the bribe one has to pay, or the number of times one has to traverse to get things done.

Go to the regions and see the Garbage piles that makes Guyana a stink place to live, wake up in the morning and you are greeted by eyesores, compliments of the Corrupt PPP/C


The list can go on and on as once the entire Govt is Corrupt, it stands to reason that every department will be corrupt.


Bwoy if you stop lieing, it will pay you better, but continue to lie and then no one will pay any attention to you, you will repeat your lies so many times that you yourself will believe them to be facts.


That's the problem with the PNC/AFC supporters on this board. I pointed this out to one of the posters on this board. You folks think Guyana should be run like America. Hello! Guyana is a third world country and will always be. Corruption and crime also happen America, England, Russia, China and India. Take those blinders from your eyes or else I have to recommend some neem to clean up the yaaz.

I guess when you want to get into power, you will convincingly push all the lies you can muster up. Have a happy day!


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