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Antiwar protesters disrupt US Senate hearing on Syria


Antiwar protesters disrupt a US Senate hearing on Syria


Antiwar protesters disrupted a US Senate hearing on Syria to voice their opposition to the Obama administration’s plan to launch missile strikes on the Middle Eastern country.

Members of peace activist group CODEPINK reacted to statements by US Secretary of State John Kerry and Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel who were making a strong case for military action against the Syrian government on Tuesday over allegation that it used chemical weapons near the Syrian capital last month.

CODEPINK co-founder and antiwar activist Medea Benjamin shouted “We don’t want another war,” before being grabbed by security guards and led out of the hearing.

“Nobody wants this war. Cruise missiles, launching cruise missiles, means another war. The American people do not want this,” Benjamin said.

In his testimony before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, Kerry claimed the evidence is clear the government of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad was responsible for the August 21 attack and that Americans cannot "be spectators to slaughter."

The push for military intervention came after President Obama announced on Saturday that he would seek congressional authorization for military strikes against Syria.

Multiple opinion polls have found that Americans widely oppose unilateral US missile strikes against Syria despite growing appetite in Washington for military intervention.

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Originally Posted by Vish M:

a few individuals shouting has little or no impact on the US Decision.


Syria will be BOMBED.


They deserved to be punished for killing children.



So when are we going to bomb China, Bangladesh, India, Pakistan,Isreal for the reason you mentioned

Originally Posted by Vish M:

a few individuals shouting has little or no impact on the US Decision.


Syria will be BOMBED.


They deserved to be punished for killing children.



As far as I know, the United States backed heart eating terrorists who were stopped and arrested in Turkey with Sarin Gas Canister, are responsible for those death.


The United States would bomb Syria because they are a bully, and you would still remain a kiss ass "yes man" after they finished.

You are a one sided moron, and your analogy is simply bullshit, if one were to follow your reasoning, then one might say that the United States needs to be bombed as well since they are killing innocent women and children and babies via drones attack almost every day in Afghanistan and Pakistan and Yemen.


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