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February 12 ,2022


A New and United Guyana (ANUG) today called for the removal of Minister of Local Government and Regional Development Nigel Dharamlall over his ‘dildo’ remark in Parliament last week.

ANUG, which is one of three parties holding a seat in Parliament, said such behaviour has no place among the leadership of the country.

An abridged statement by ANUG follows:


This is the statement made during his presentation in Parliament this week by Nigel Dharamlall, a Minister within the government of the Peoples Progressive Party.

It is clear from the video recording that Dharamlall’s repulsive outburst was not orchestrated or rehearsed; it was spontaneous. When an outburst is made so viscerally and instinctively, that moment of honesty reveals much of the nature of the man, and reflects not on the person he was addressing, but on himself.

In our young society, where all are sprung from slavery and indentureship, there is no shame in remembering where others placed us in the colonial society, because we are not identified and defined by those origins; we aspire to rise above. Dharamlall’s demonstration in Parliament proves that he has not risen above. His vulgarity is reminiscent of another PPP Minister’s misogynistic exchange with a female social activist some years ago. But it is worse.

It is worse because the statement was made in the crumbling sanctity of our Parliament, where the nominees of the elected leaders congregate. It is worse because there was no response, no immediate and unequivocal condemnation, from Priya, from Oneidge, from Vindhya, from Gail or from the men seated next to them. It is worse because the Speaker, who imposes discipline, actually sanctioned an opposition member who protested against Dharamlall’s crassness.

To add insult to injury, Dharamlall the Dildo Minister has published a tepid attempt to repair the damage, seeking to excuse his vile conduct by claiming he was responding to similar vulgarity from the Opposition.

…Dharamlall’s pseudo apology invites the abused electorate of Guyana, those in the PPP camp, to rally around the refrain that APNU tried to rig an election. They point to the Opposition benches, where the purveyors of such crass labels as ‘trench crappo’ and ‘jaggabat’ sit, with no moral high ground. By misdirecting the conversation to APNU misdeeds, the PPP supporters can avoid confronting the ugly realities of the party they support.

A New and United Guyana agrees: APNU have no high ground. Supporters on both sides can adopt avoidance and misdirection. ANUG simply asks in that case: What next?

A New and United Guyana calls on the President to remove the dishonourable Minister of local government and regional development from office. He has no place among the leadership of our country.

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Dharamlall must be similarly disciplined

Dear Editor,

In a civilized world, especially so in the hallowed House, the highest decorum, best behaviour and language is a requirement, not just an expectation. Afforded civility and esteem is to be bestowed on all members, regardless of whether they sit on the side of the Government or in the opposition benches. It is for this reason, that members of the Assembly are addressed as “Honourable”. They were elected by the people to serve the people, and are thus honoured.

Earlier today, Sherod Duncan, an AFC member of the opposition, was removed from the house and suspended for the next four sittings. He contravened parliamentary protocols, disrespected the Speaker and rightfully so, was removed on a motion moved by the Government’s Chief Whip, Gail Teixeira. Sherod Duncan’s outburst was directed at the Minister with responsibility for Local Government, Nigel Dharamlall who had the floor at that time. While the reason for Mr. Duncan’s behaviour was not immediately known, it has since been ascertained that he was incensed by an alleged nasty sexist and misogynistic remark made by the Minis-ter. That remark was allegedly directed to a female member of the opposition.

The level of banality in the house, the vile, debasing and colourful language that passes as debates leaves a lot to be desired. It comes from both sides of the house. Both sides are equally responsible for dragging the House and its proceedings into the muck.

Should the video clip of the nasty remark made by Dharamlall be ascertained and proven authentic, then Mr. Duncan’s outburst can be appreciated and supported, albeit without the violation of protocol.  Further, it would be required of the Speaker, Manzoor Nadir, to upbraid Dharamlall, censure and refer him to the Privileges Committee. His remark was not just nasty, it was crude, offensive, sexist and an insult to all women. Dharamlall’s remark is not in isolation. This type of sexism has plagued the house and in particular, the PPP/C for many years. Remember the verbal assault and threat made by Dr. Bheri Ramsaran against Sherlina Nageer? That is one of many examples of behaviour unbecoming of many Ministers, past and present. This is an issue that the PPP must address and deal with forthwith, lest it be seen as condoning and enabling sexism and misogyny.

As the representative of the people, it behooves all members of the House to act in their best manner and behaviour. Representatives of the Government of the day, especially Ministers are expected to go above and beyond to take the higher road, to uphold the integrity of the House and to set an example of civility and respect for the people.

Just as Duncan was censured and suspended, so too must Dharamlall be similarly disciplined. Dharamlall owes the female opposition member an open apology as he does all women in Guyana.


Jay Mobeen


Dildo is a local service district and designated place in the Canadian province of Newfoundland and Labrador on the island of Newfoundland.

James Cook was many things. Explorer, navigator, cartographer, and a captain in the British Royal Navy. Around here, he would also have been known as a hard case. In 1763, he was appointed marine surveyor of Newfoundland and Labrador and he and his assistant Michael Lane recorded coves, inlets, and points of land that may never have been mapped out before. They relished the opportunity to name them... and amuse each other. From them we gained Tickle Bay, Cuckolds Cove, and Witless Bay. Famish Gut and Pinchgut Point lay at locations where rations ran low. Blow Me Down was named after they sailed through sea squalls. And a hand injury led to the naming of Unfortunate Point. And while these monikers might all be choice gems, they haven't got a patch on a small outport in Trinity Bay. There certainly is no place like Dildo.

There's No Place Like Dildo - Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada (

Dildo is a toy.


What is especially repulsive is that the idiotic speaker actually sought the assistance of Gail T. in disciplining Duncan who came to the defence of his collleague.  Nadir asked her to move the motion to discipline.  So here we had the leading woman in the government acting against Duncan rather than against Dharamlall, the big mouth sexist pig.  What a bunch of trench crapo jagabats!


Big mouth Priya and big mouth Gail had no problem with that sleeze's remarks must mean they are quite comfortable hearing such and wished it was levelled towards them.

Last edited by cain

Opposition's lawless provocations led to this incident in the house.  You can expect a response when you cuss a man's mother.

Even if that were the case, shouldn't  the PPP try to do better?


Dharamlall has apologized.  You demand decency from the PPP. That is fine with me.  You should also demand decency from the PNC.  You don't want me to tell which party need this kind up upbraiding more. 

Billy Ram Balgobin

Dharamlall has apologized.  You demand decency from the PPP. That is fine with me.  You should also demand decency from the PNC.  You don't want me to tell which party need this kind up upbraiding more.

We all know that the PPP are Saints. One Love!


Dharamlall has apologized.  You demand decency from the PPP. That is fine with me.  You should also demand decency from the PNC.  You don't want me to tell which party need this kind up upbraiding more.

You are doing the same thing others do anytime the PPP step out of line and being pulled cast blame elsewhere. This is about one man from the PPP being a pig no one else.


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