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You can laugh your ass off how much you want. At the end of the day, you are still cursed. And all because of yuh mattee wickedness. See, when I walk in a room, elderly women don’t subconsciously grasp tighter on their purses like they do when your type enter the room. That is because those elderly women already know how your type are. Y’all caused that on y’all selves. 

ksazma posted:

 See, when I walk in a room, elderly women don’t subconsciously grasp tighter on their purses like they do when your type enter the room. That is because those elderly women already know how your type are. Y’all caused that on y’all selves. 

Nah, when you enter the room everyone looks for a detonator in your hand and runs out of the room screaming "Taliban, Taliban". Yep, "y'all caused that on y'all selves" too.

I can do this all day, you punk ass bytch.


Fool, that doesn’t bother me. I too would have a problem with a Muslim carrying a detonator. Plus, I don’t even look like a Muslim or someone associated with the Taliban. I don’t carry your curse. You most likely look like the kind that will cause elderly women to grasp tighter on their purses when you enter a room.

ksazma posted:

While not all Indians are regarded as Muslims or terrorists, any black man can be regarded as a threat to peoples’ lives and properties. That is your curse fool because y’all caused that on y’all selves through y’all wickedness.

Not interested in ALL Indians, as many are not racist dogs like you! I am addressing YOU, who wid all yuh hate speech is considered a sand n**ger suspected of carrying a bomb wherever you go. Ironic isn't it? Don't try to get on a plane too soon, arite?

Nehru posted:

HEHE What a RACIST DOG is accusing others of racism that I does enjoy.

yep, we know you enjoy racism. Or is it that you are so dunce and poorly educated that you can't put together a proper sentence to say what you truly mean? You and yuh Taliban fren got one brain cell between alyuh. Guh collaborate and come again leh me bytch slap alyuh in anodda post.


You must be a dummy as I have started here that I have never experienced any suspicion of terrorism at any airport in the US. There are many times that I go through the prechecked even though I don’t have any prechecked passes. And I go to DC mostly as I have relatives in Northern Virginia. Even D2 said that he has been singled out you fool. But the level of y’all wickedness and the consistency of which y’all commit them is too heavy a burden for any of you to escape. No other group of people that has lived amongst others for so long is seen as a bigger threat to other peoples’ lives and properties. Who do you think the sign β€œyou loot, we shoot” was made for? You are a damn lowlife tenement crap.

ksazma posted:

You must be a dummy as I have started here that I have never experienced any suspicion of terrorism at any airport in the US. There are many times that I go through the prechecked even though I don’t have any prechecked passes. And I go to DC mostly as I have relatives in Northern Virginia. Even D2 said that he has been singled out you fool. But the level of y’all wickedness and the consistency of which y’all commit them is too heavy a burden for any of you to escape. No other group of people that has lived amongst others for so long is seen as a bigger threat to other peoples’ lives and properties. Who do you think the sign β€œyou loot, we shoot” was made for? You are a damn lowlife tenement crap.

Lengthy, dribbling response trying to convince yourself you are actually not subject to profiling as a Taliban. You are a part of a group that is profiled for causing mass death and destruction all over the world. Don't worry about black folks, keep your own hands visible at all times when you're around law enforcement  fool!

Calling me "lowlife tenement crap" whilst "creating" stories about your imaginary exploits here is to compensate for the weak, emasculated "man" that you are. You need to FEEL you are better than me, a black man.

Your vitriolic hatred of black people is grounded in something personal, something which you are much ashamed of, likely involving black men who are the object of your scorn. Learn to accept it and forgive HER. Not her fault for experiencing that  which a sentimental, mushy song loving, weak boy like you could never give her.


Alright guys, let's call a truce and agree:

A:  Granger govt useless, incompetent CRABDAGS...toss em out.

B. BJ, ruler and owner of the PPP party, so dam smart they stupid, lost the party's vision, CRABDAGS... toss em out.

They are both on the same path as the Republic party with idiot trump as their mascot....a buncha imbeciles fk8n up the country while their citizens punish.

cain posted:

Alright guys, let's call a truce and agree:

A:  Granger govt useless, incompetent CRABDAGS...toss em out.

B. BJ, ruler and owner of the PPP party, so dam smart they stupid, lost the party's vision, CRABDAGS... toss em out.

They are both on the same path as the Republic party with idiot trump as their mascot....a buncha imbeciles fk8n up the country while their citizens punish.

Here's to you reactivating the UF! 


Banna, you are part of a group where many mothers can’t tell their children where their fathers are. Some can’t even tell their children who their fathers are. Have you tried recently asking your mother who your father is or have you given up burdening her with a question she really doesn’t know the answer to. Don’t give up hope though. There are many new ways to complete your long quest for the truth from her.

ksazma posted:

As I mentioned before, I have been with my woman for 35 straight years. What is your record fool?

 I also noticed that Leonora liked your post. Perhaps that is because her record with the same man surpasses my record with my woman.

Hey punk ass, the more you learn about me, the more disillusioned you'll get. I don't fit your negative stereotypes of black people. Not interested in sharing details of my life with a low life punk like you and the other racist Indians here.

Allegedly 35 years with your woman and you are here posting from de time cock crow onto midnight hours. Dozens of posts with lengthy, dribbling, melancholy shit. Thus by your own account, she ain't getting much attention. Instead of giving her your undivided attention at dinner or later in the evening, you're busy writing shit on GNI. Only a matter of time befo history repeats itself and you pick up more fire rage and jealousy fuh black man after another one get de better of yuh dumb ass.

Which happily married man of 35 years comes on shitty message board with people who KNOW he and post erotic fantasies of he having affairs? Sheer made up shit (by your own admission) to mek you feel like a "man". You're a punk ass bytch, dishonoring dat woman and yuh daughter.

35 years of marriage and by yuh own account you're on private message here wid women talking about women's "leaky" patax. What kinda antiman shit is dat? Yuh picking fare and susuing hay and allegedly deh wid de same woman fuh 35 years. No wonder you like use de word "wicked".

Yuh own words reveal who you REALLY are. Yuh "deh" wid somebody. But dat ain't marriage punk. Now haul yuh dutty, nasty, emasculated, wimpy self dah side! Guh tek care of yuh homan befo somebody else (black) do it and mek yuh drink malaton!


Have you stopped bothering your mother to tell you who your father is fool? you know that as a runaround sue, she possibly can't do so with any degree of certainty. I have no interest in knowing who you are either. I am not alone in seeing your group as a stain on world. People all over the world have come to recognize how little your group offers that is beneficial and how much of a burden it places on the world's resources. No doubt you have a bit more of an issue as you obviously suffer from mental illnesses. And you will still not be able to lay claim to a continuous relationship that comes anywhere close to 35 years. You just don't have what it takes.

ksazma posted:

Have you stopped bothering your mother to tell you who your father is fool? you know that as a runaround sue, she possibly can't do so with any degree of certainty. I have no interest in knowing who you are either. I am not alone in seeing your group as a stain on world. People all over the world have come to recognize how little your group offers that is beneficial and how much of a burden it places on the world's resources. No doubt you have a bit more of an issue as you obviously suffer from mental illnesses. And you will still not be able to lay claim to a continuous relationship that comes anywhere close to 35 years. You just don't have what it takes.


Dave posted:
ksazma posted:

Have you stopped bothering your mother to tell you who your father is fool? you know that as a runaround sue, she possibly can't do so with any degree of certainty. I have no interest in knowing who you are either. I am not alone in seeing your group as a stain on world. People all over the world have come to recognize how little your group offers that is beneficial and how much of a burden it places on the world's resources. No doubt you have a bit more of an issue as you obviously suffer from mental illnesses. And you will still not be able to lay claim to a continuous relationship that comes anywhere close to 35 years. You just don't have what it takes.


Bai, is quite interesting that for that fool to demonstrate the worth of his people, all he can come up with is their dicks. Even I completely underestimated how little he thinks of his own people. That explains why he is always so irritated. He can't overcome the curse but I sincerely doubt he is willing to give up his laziness enough to try. And if he really is that other fool who used to post here, then he is fat, ugly and extremely black, more black than a negro although not a negro. Secondly, if he is indeed that other fool, given how fat he is, dick is not something he wants to draw attention to.


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