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November 6 2019


Three new parties on the scene: ANUG, FED-UP and TNM have pledged not to support either of the two main parties: PPP/C and PNCR in the upcoming general elections.

A statement from the three groups follows:


The promulgation of new Third Parties in Guyana preceding the elections due on 2nd March, 2019 is a result of the general dissatisfaction which Guyanese have expressed toward the traditional ethnic based parties. On 27th September, 2019 ANUG invited FED-UP, TNM as well as representatives of the Liberty and Justice Party (LJP) and Citizens Initiative (then in the course of formation) to a meeting to discuss common ground and to formulate an accord for mutual support to achieve common objectives. The first area of common ground which was identified by A NEW AND UNITED GUYANA, FEDERAL UNITED PARTY (FED-UP), AND THE NEW MOVEMENT was that the present, destructive ethno-based system of politics is nourished by the two main parties, and that both parties are therefore equally responsible and equally to blame for the harmful political culture which has plagued Guyana and caused our economic and social decline over fifty years.

On that basis, and understanding the resulting need per se for a third party to be present to represent those members of the electorate who reject the ethno-political culture of the Two Parties, the senior members of A NEW AND UNITED GUYANA, FEDERAL UNITED PARTY (FED-UP), AND THE NEW MOVEMENT  make public the following:

It is our strong conviction that while we maintain our parties’ individual identities we feel compelled to let it be known that ANUG, FED-UP AND THE NEW MOVEMENT  abhor the practice by the two main parties of racial and tribal politics in Guyana. We believe that our citizens deserve better than the brand of politics foisted upon our nation for more than five (5) decades by the PPP/C and the PNCR.

We therefore recognize the larger national need that the two large parties should not be the only options given to the Guyanese people on 2nd March, 2020. For that reason, we each commit that in the event that any of us is unable to be present at nomination day, that party will commit its resources to throw support behind another third party, but will in no event support either of the Two Ethnic Based Parties.

We recognize that our nation has entered a period of historic crossroads where the stakes are high but the citizenry are disillusioned, with many saying that they will not vote. We will cooperate to encourage all citizens to exercise their franchise with regard to the issues of the day and to once and for all reject the casting of votes solely along racial, ethnic and tribal lines.

We also desire that the impending elections be free, fair, and transparent. To this latter end we intend to train and prepare our members to become scrutineers and watchdogs of our basic democratic voting process, and will pool our resources and cooperate to participate as scrutineers in the electoral process.


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Guyana's biggest problem at this time is not the absence of a formidable third force. GECOM is under the control of the PNC and this will allow outright fraud. GECOM ought of be independent and impartial as it has been since 1992.

Billy Ram Balgobin
Last edited by Billy Ram Balgobin
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

Guyana's biggest problem at this time is not the absence of a formidable third force. GECOM is under the control of the PNC and this will allow outright fraud. GECOM ought of be independent and impartial as it has been since 1992.

Why do you think GECOM is not independent? 

Prince posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

Guyana's biggest problem at this time is not the absence of a formidable third force. GECOM is under the control of the PNC and this will allow outright fraud. GECOM ought of be independent and impartial as it has been since 1992.

Why do you think GECOM is not independent? 

What a friggin stupid and ignorant question!!! I know brainless dead people do not think.

skeldon_man posted:

These night bus parties have nothing to worry about. All of them combined would not garner enough votes to take A seat in parliament.

Correct. They are irreverent and as such are of no importance to the PPP or PNC. Dem juss talking fat. 
Shuman can be added to the list but he showed up naked infront of granger, begging bowl in hand. 

Last edited by Former Member

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