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Execution in hotel yard…  Killer suspected to be known ‘hit-man’

January 27, 2013 | By | Filed Under News

The tall, slim gunman who brazenly executed businessman Intaz Roopnarine in a West Ruimveldt hotel yard is believed to be a paid killer who is known to the police. This was disclosed yesterday by a senior official who said that investigators came to this conclusion after repeated viewing of surveillance video which showed the killer chasing Roopnarine. Kaieteur News understands that while the killer’s face is not clearly visible, the man’s build and posture fit those of the suspect. “He is known for that sort of thing but we have not located him,” the official said. Sources who viewed the video also said that the manner in which the execution was carried out suggested that the killing was the work of a professional. The official who spoke to Kaieteur News said that police have searched a North Ruimveldt residence and other places that the man frequents but have failed to find him. A warhead recovered at the scene indicated that the killer used a .32 revolver, but police have been unable to match the warhead to any firearm. According to reports reaching Kaieteur News, Roopnarine, had booked into Room Seven at the Cool Square Hotel during the early hours of Thursday. Some passersby later observed the gunman, with white cap pulled down, sitting on a culvert some 50 metres north of the hotel some time after 05:00 hrs on the morning of the shooting. The man was also using his cell phone. One of the hotel security guards also observed the strange man lurking near the hotel and became suspicious. Around 05:30 hrs, Roopnarine and his female companion exited their room and went to the front gate, which was locked. They then stood at the gate waiting for their taxi to arrive. The security guard, according to sources, informed the businessman of the stranger’s presence and repeatedly cautioned Roopnarine to remain in the hotel. However, Roopnarine reportedly drew his firearm, waved it in the air, and told the guard that he was“the baddest man around.” Some minutes later, a taxi arrived for the businessman and his companion. The hotel guard then unlocked the gate and the woman exited. According to sources who viewed the camera footage, Roopnarine was about to follow his companion when the tall gunman scaled the hotel fence. The guard and Roopnarine immediately took evasive action. Kaieteur News was told that the gunman discharged a shot at his fleeing target but missed and struck one of the hotel windows. According to sources, there were several open rooms in which Roopnarine could have taken cover. Instead, the apparently panic-stricken man fled down a passageway leading to a dead end at the back of the hotel compound. There, the gunman shot him in the head. According to a source the killer ran to the front of the hotel, scaled the high hotel fence again and fled in a northern direction. At that stage, a white car drove slowly in the opposite direction. The driver then stopped outside the hotel, and reversed in the direction the killer had fled. It is believed that the killer escaped in that vehicle. Roopnarine was reportedly wearing several pieces of expensive jewellery at the time and Kaieteur News understands that one of the slain man’s gold bands and a gold chain were missing.  However, investigators are convinced that robbery was not the motive, since they feel that the gunman could have escaped with more of the victim’s valuables as well as with Roopnarine’s firearm, which was left near the corpse. There is no evidence that the gunman took any piece of jewellery. There are reports that hours earlier, Roopnarine had been partying at the Edge and at Palm Court. He reportedly got into a confrontation with someone at one of the nightspots

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And the bad part is, he got a 'heads up' from the security guard, had his personal fire arm but yet chose to run.....straight into a dead end.
I don't think I'd let anybody get the drop on me like that.


man you should see the kind of indian people  that get firearm in guyana,just because they have connection.sometime i laugh at them, these guys scare of their own shadow,and the real indians with a little guts the ppp will not give them firearm,just because they are not ppp guys remember the man from the ppp papers that drop is firearm and run


I've read a few stories whereby licenced fire arm holders got robbed and they didn't just hand over their valuables, but their weapons as well......without firing a shot. Can't be lapsing like this in Guyana.


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