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Former Member

Any insider with Info on the PPP leadership race in December ?

Who are the top contenders. Hope that the Goat is not even considering. Rammo was a dunce and the Goat is also not needed.

Hope that we see new, young and fresh minds running for the leadership. Time for Jagdeo to step aside and pave the way for the future of the PPP.

Time for Change in the PPP. The AFC/PNC is clueless, weak and corrupt. Time to bulldoze them out.

Any news Gil ?


Replies sorted oldest to newest

VishMahabir posted:

ah hear the Ramson kid is being touted as a leader

Anyone cares to elaborate more about this Ramson kid ?

Does he embrace a non-racial, multi ethnic Guyana ?

Is he inclusive ?

Does he carry any political baggage ?

What are his qualifications ?

Is he charismatic ?



Last edited by Former Member
yuji22 posted:

Any insider with Info on the PPP leadership race in December ?


Any news Gil ?


Bai, wha wrang wid yuh? Gil, a PPP insider? Dat is history, bai. But what I can tell you is what I dreamt the other night. Baseman, Skeldon_Man and Billy Ram Balgobin in the runnings for Central Committee seats. The PPP Selection Committee kicked out Prince's name in preference to Kwame Mc Koy after Jagdeo said "We Black people" in de Eric Williams lecture in FL. Mind yuh, is only a dream, but me reporting it anyway.

Gilbakka posted:
yuji22 posted:

Any insider with Info on the PPP leadership race in December ?


Any news Gil ?


Bai, wha wrang wid yuh? Gil, a PPP insider? Dat is history, bai. But what I can tell you is what I dreamt the other night. Baseman, Skeldon_Man and Billy Ram Balgobin in the runnings for Central Committee seats. The PPP Selection Committee kicked out Prince's name in preference to Kwame Mc Koy after Jagdeo said "We Black people" in de Eric Williams lecture in FL. Mind yuh, is only a dream, but me reporting it anyway.

Skeldon_man never voted in Guyana and has no intention to live in Guyana. I am scared of body bags, PNC(kick down doors folks, rapists, robbers, drug dealers, dope heads and murderers). In other words, I love life and enjoy living it. If and when you decide to go back and take up residence, I will follow you.


The PPP is the only party with the Guyanese people in mind. They have two terms to get back to basics. The people will not trust any new party after their experience with AFC. The PPP is better prepared to put the oil revenue in the best interest of all Guyanese in 2020. When the coalition show their true colors in less than two years, they're irredeemable. I was right then as I am right about them. Dr. Jagdeo is there to groom the best of the best.

skeldon_man posted:

I hope that Ramson kid gets the nod. He is young and may have new ideas. They ought to give him a chance.

I believe the guy is presently in England pursuing studies. When the parliamentary recess ends he won't show up and the PPP will name a replacement. Don't know whether his name will be on the CC contest list in December. Of course, both Rohee's and Ramotar's names will be on the list, as they should rightly be.

Gilbakka posted:
skeldon_man posted:

I hope that Ramson kid gets the nod. He is young and may have new ideas. They ought to give him a chance.

I believe the guy is presently in England pursuing studies. When the parliamentary recess ends he won't show up and the PPP will name a replacement. Don't know whether his name will be on the CC contest list in December. Of course, both Rohee's and Ramotar's names will be on the list, as they should rightly be.

I think Rohee and Ramo should ride in the sunset now. Give the next generation a say as to how their generation will conduct business. It's time for their final dance. The fat lady(Aman Ally) just sang on them.


Does he embrace a non-racial, multi ethnic Guyana ?

Is he inclusive ?



You don't embrace a non racial multi ethnic view of Guyana or you would have been loud in your condemnation of how the PPP treated blacks.

Cease with your pretense.

If you really want to show that the PPP is not an Indo centric party then urge them to select a black person to lead!

Amral posted:

Ramson is better off staying out of it if those old dogs are still hanging around. He will get corrupted with Jagdeo and his croonies in the background 


I have to agree that the old dogs will be around but as President or for that matter, any New President has to chart a new course. Guyana needs a transformational leader.

As president, he can and will carve out his own identity and throw the old dogs out, slowly and silently.

Guyanese needs a new leader and vision for their country. Time for the old dogs to see the door. He just has to give them useless titles, throw some scraps at them and eventually ease them out.


yuji22 posted:
VishMahabir posted:

ah hear the Ramson kid is being touted as a leader

Anyone cares to elaborate more about this Ramson kid ?

Does he embrace a non-racial, multi ethnic Guyana ?

Is he inclusive ?

Does he carry any political baggage ?

What are his qualifications ?

Is he charismatic ?



Forget all those questions.

The most important thing for me, he is the grand son of the late Pandit Ramnauth.

Come from good stock.


Chief posted:
yuji22 posted:
VishMahabir posted:

ah hear the Ramson kid is being touted as a leader

Anyone cares to elaborate more about this Ramson kid ?

Does he embrace a non-racial, multi ethnic Guyana ?

Is he inclusive ?

Does he carry any political baggage ?

What are his qualifications ?

Is he charismatic ?



Forget all those questions.

The most important thing for me, he is the grand son of the late Pandit Ramnauth.

Come from good stock.


Will you support him if he becomes the leader of the PPP ?

skeldon_man posted:
Gilbakka posted:
skeldon_man posted:

I hope that Ramson kid gets the nod. He is young and may have new ideas. They ought to give him a chance.

I believe the guy is presently in England pursuing studies. When the parliamentary recess ends he won't show up and the PPP will name a replacement. Don't know whether his name will be on the CC contest list in December. Of course, both Rohee's and Ramotar's names will be on the list, as they should rightly be.

I think Rohee and Ramo should ride in the sunset now. Give the next generation a say as to how their generation will conduct business. It's time for their final dance. The fat lady(Aman Ally) just sang on them.

I have to agree. These clowns should walk away into the sunset.

caribny posted:
yuji22 posted:

I have to agree. These clowns should walk away into the sunset.

Note that you didn't make the same demand of the Criminal, Jagdeo. I guess you live in terror if you express any opposition to him.  The man has his Kwame squad, yes all of Hammie Green's old time hooligans.

Ramson will need Jagdeo's advice. Jagdeo was and is still good for Guyana. He employed Gajraj who took care of the PNC phantom gangs.  He saved the nation.

yuji22 posted:
VishMahabir posted:

ah hear the Ramson kid is being touted as a leader

Anyone cares to elaborate more about this Ramson kid ?

Does he embrace a non-racial, multi ethnic Guyana ?

Is he inclusive ?

Does he carry any political baggage ?

What are his qualifications ?

Is he charismatic ?



LOL...thats a lot to ask of this young man...ah just read tha he resigned from the PPP.

skeldon_man posted:
caribny posted:
yuji22 posted:

I have to agree. These clowns should walk away into the sunset.

Note that you didn't make the same demand of the Criminal, Jagdeo. I guess you live in terror if you express any opposition to him.  The man has his Kwame squad, yes all of Hammie Green's old time hooligans.

Ramson will need Jagdeo's advice. Jagdeo was and is still good for Guyana. He employed Gajraj who took care of the PNC phantom gangs.  He saved the nation.

Which nation? The two saved East Indians. Every East Indian owe the two of them a debt that can never be repayed.

Django posted:

I noticed Anil is very active visiting  communities,wondering if he will get the position  of leader ?

No. Jagdeo will use him and abuse him and kick him to hell. Whatever imperfections he has, Anil is more intellectually equipped than Jagdeo by miles. Precisely for that reason he will be held with a leash.

Gilbakka posted:
Django posted:

I noticed Anil is very active visiting  communities,wondering if he will get the position  of leader ?

No. Jagdeo will use him and abuse him and kick him to hell. Whatever imperfections he has, Anil is more intellectually equipped than Jagdeo by miles. Precisely for that reason he will be held with a leash.

Well that is not good for the PPP.

yuji22 posted:
Chief posted:
yuji22 posted:
VishMahabir posted:

ah hear the Ramson kid is being touted as a leader

Anyone cares to elaborate more about this Ramson kid ?

Does he embrace a non-racial, multi ethnic Guyana ?

Is he inclusive ?

Does he carry any political baggage ?

What are his qualifications ?

Is he charismatic ?



Forget all those questions.

The most important thing for me, he is the grand son of the late Pandit Ramnauth.

Come from good stock.


Will you support him if he becomes the leader of the PPP ?

The late Pandit Ramnauth was PNC and you are aware of that.

VishMahabir posted:
yuji22 posted:
VishMahabir posted:

ah hear the Ramson kid is being touted as a leader

Anyone cares to elaborate more about this Ramson kid ?

Does he embrace a non-racial, multi ethnic Guyana ?

Is he inclusive ?

Does he carry any political baggage ?

What are his qualifications ?

Is he charismatic ?



LOL...thats a lot to ask of this young man...ah just read tha he resigned from the PPP.



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