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Originally Posted by Vish M:

Heard he was shoot!

Eddie Boyer is the Son In law of Richard Ishmael (CIA Spy in Guyana)


Is this true?

No it is a lie....Eddie was not Shot....False Alarm.


Eddie owns National Industrial Site....



Ganesh owns Multiplex Mall .....on Regent Street.....

and Lives at La Jalousie, West Coast Demerara...

However.....Regent Multiplex Mall owner Ganesh ‘Boyo’ Ramlall...was shot and killed in an apparent Robbery on the West Coast Demerara.


Multiplex Mall owner shot dead in home invasion – $5M reward offered

July 6, 2015 | By | Filed Under News 

Guyana’s business fraternity was left in shock yesterday after bandits invaded the home of Regent Multiplex Mall owner Ganesh ‘Boyo’ Ramlall and shot him dead.


Ramlall, 48, was reportedly shot about seven times, including to the head a few minutes after he had returned to his Lot C La Jalousie, West Coast Demerara home just after Saturday midnight.


Ramlall’s relatives and friends have responded by posting a $5M reward for information that would lead to the capture and prosecution of his killers.


Ramlall is the proprietor of the popular Regent Multiplex Mall on Regent Street as well as other business interests.


From all indications, the attack was a robbery, which was prematurely aborted when an alarm was raised by the businessman’s wife and neighbours began responding.


Neighbours reportedly fired warning shots but by then Ramlall was already dead and his killers had fled.


Police in a press release stated that about 00:10 hours yesterday, businessman Ganesh Ramlall, 48, of La Jalousie, West Coast Demerara, had just returned home and went to use the outside bathroom when he was confronted by four men who shot him about his body and took away his licensed firearm, jewellery and a wallet and escaped.


Ganesh Ramlall was later pronounced dead on arrival at the West Demerara Regional Hospital.


But contrary to the police report, Ramlall’s firearm was not taken by the bandits.


According to a traumatised Monica Ramlall, the businessman’s wife of 24 years, her husband had gone out on Saturday evening to a barbecue and a wake house.


At about midnight, he called and said he was coming home. The wife said she opened the door and he entered the home. He told her he had brought barbecue chicken for her.


However, according to the wife, she told him that it was late and since they had to get up early yesterday to help with a neighbour’s religious work, she would retire to bed in the upper flat of their two story house.


According to reports, the businessman remained downstairs and after grabbing a bite, he went outside to use the outdoor bathroom. It was then that the bandits struck.


His wife recalled hearing shouts. “I hear Boyo shout “thief, thief!” she said. There were rapid gunshots and realising that something terrible was happening, the businessman’s wife quickly shut the door at the end of the inner stairway that led from the bottom flat.


By this time, one of the two teenage daughters, who was aroused by the commotion, contacted a relative a few houses away.


A neighbour who heard the gunshots and who is also a licenced firearm holder reportedly fired several shots in the air to scare away the gunmen.


“I called for Boyo but there was no answer,” the neighbour said.


Apparently, his initial intervention caused the bandits to prematurely abandon their mission and escaped, but only after they had stripped Ramlall of a gold chain and a band.


They had also snatched a bag which they thought had contained money but later threw it away when they realized that it contained nothing of worth.


They also left behind a ring that was on Ramlall’s finger.


Neighbours said that one of the bandits in their hasty retreat, fired a shot at one of the bedrooms, where the businessman’s wife and two daughters were screaming for help.


The businessman’s wife said when the shooting had died down, she ventured downstairs and saw the back door open and her husband slumped on the ground, by the doorway. He was motionless and there was blood on the ground.


An initial examination of Ramlall’s body revealed that he had been shot in the head and chest.


Yesterday, at the businessman’s home, several business persons and relatives converged on the home, in deep shock after confirming the dreaded news.


Family and friends of Ganesh ‘Boyo’ Ramlall are now criticising the slow police response and are calling for justice.


One relative alleged that it took ranks from the Leonora Police Station about two hours to respond. Ramlall was described as a loving fellow who was known to all and was well respected.


The businessman, who started out in the Stabroek Market, selling garlic and potatoes, was a staunch Hindu. As a matter of fact, he was president of the Uma Mahaeshwar Mandir in La Jalousie, which he helped to build.

Originally Posted by Prashad:
This killing does not make any sense. It may have been a hit. Why shoot a man outside of his home for his chain and wallet when you can take him inside for any money kept in the home. It may have been a hit made to look like a robbery.


Bai, yuh nah hear? Granger personally ordered this hit because he's just jealous of Indian wealth and abbe "progressive" nature.


Tank Gawd abbe coolie people was suh safe safe unda de PPP.


Me cyant believe how Guyana been suh nice nice on May 10th 2015 and now de place is like some Biharian rathole.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Prashad:
This killing does not make any sense. It may have been a hit. Why shoot a man outside of his home for his chain and wallet when you can take him inside for any money kept in the home. It may have been a hit made to look like a robbery.

Whilst reading, the thought, it must be a hit. This is like when the Phantom Gang had to be created. I wonder if this is in reverse now. The PPP is doing the hit. 

Originally Posted by seignet:
Originally Posted by Prashad:
This killing does not make any sense. It may have been a hit. Why shoot a man outside of his home for his chain and wallet when you can take him inside for any money kept in the home. It may have been a hit made to look like a robbery.

Whilst reading, the thought, it must be a hit. This is like when the Phantom Gang had to be created. I wonder if this is in reverse now. The PPP is doing the hit. 

Let us assume this is accurate - so why is the Government so "lacka-daysical" in attacking the criminals?

Originally Posted by KishanB:
Originally Posted by seignet:
Originally Posted by Prashad:
This killing does not make any sense. It may have been a hit. Why shoot a man outside of his home for his chain and wallet when you can take him inside for any money kept in the home. It may have been a hit made to look like a robbery.

Whilst reading, the thought, it must be a hit. This is like when the Phantom Gang had to be created. I wonder if this is in reverse now. The PPP is doing the hit. 

Let us assume this is accurate - so why is the Government so "lacka-daysical" in attacking the criminals?

I supported the current regime in small finances, in prayers and with my words on social media. Granger is nothing like he was then. Simply, he is like CBJ, doan have clue how to govern Guyana.


It doan mean a thing if he is busy setting up a regime with Black folks which appears to be the model of good government and the criminals are increasing their killings and pillage.


Crime must be stamped out. It is hinders investments and progress. 

Originally Posted by seignet:
Originally Posted by Prashad:
This killing does not make any sense. It may have been a hit. Why shoot a man outside of his home for his chain and wallet when you can take him inside for any money kept in the home. It may have been a hit made to look like a robbery.

Whilst reading, the thought, it must be a hit. This is like when the Phantom Gang had to be created. I wonder if this is in reverse now. The PPP is doing the hit. 

Is it dementia or Alzheimer you are suffering from???????????????

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by seignet:
Originally Posted by Prashad:
This killing does not make any sense. It may have been a hit. Why shoot a man outside of his home for his chain and wallet when you can take him inside for any money kept in the home. It may have been a hit made to look like a robbery.

Whilst reading, the thought, it must be a hit. This is like when the Phantom Gang had to be created. I wonder if this is in reverse now. The PPP is doing the hit. 

Is it dementia or Alzheimer you are suffering from???????????????

This thing is juss like Sawh's killing. Doan fuget, Jagdeo claimed he know who done it. Just maybe, he knows about this one, too. Both similar in nature. Both incident, the victims were out and returned home.


Glenn Lall may also owe taxes for Regent Multiplex mall

Guyana Times has been reliably informed that Mohan Lall, aka Glenn Lall, may also owe rates and taxes to the Mayor and City Council (M&CC) for the multimillion-dollar four-storey shopping complex located at the corner of Regent and Wellington streets, Georgetown.

The Regent Multiplex mall was officially declared open in 2008 just in time for the Christmas season, making it almost five years since it opened its doors to the numerous businesses which operate within. At the time, Prime Minister Samuel Hinds addressed the opening ceremony.

Lall was very much present at the opening and even chaired the proceedings, telling the gathering that he was a “very good friend” of Ganesh Ramlall, aka “Boyo”, the purported owner until now.

At the time, Lall vehemently denied that he and his wife Bhena Lall had anything to do with ownership of the Regent Street property, dodging questions from many reporters immediately after the ceremony.

Ramlall still sells clothing at a tiny stall in Stabroek Market, Georgetown and is more than likely being used as an apron to cover for the Lalls’ ownership. The mall, in the meantime, has had more than 40 businesses operating within since the opening.

Meanwhile, a 300KVA Guyana Power and Light Transformer (GPL) transformer was stolen and installed at the building as part of the power supply system. Persons in the retail fraternity said that Ramlall was the “fall guy”.

Ramlall, along with two others, was charged in connection with the stolen transformer in November 2009. They were all placed on $400,000 bail after they made their court appearances before Acting Chief Magistrate Melissa Robertson-Ogle. As a person who the U.S. embassy in a WiliLeaks document accused of consorting with criminals, Lall would have had access to items such as stolen transformers.

Lall, a widely accused backtracker, has been suspected of purchasing numerous other properties in Miami, Florida and New York, paying for each of them to the tune of hundreds of thousands of U.S. dollars in cash. He is believed to have also put those under different people’s names to stay under the radar of U.S. law enforcement agencies.

In Guyana, he was reported as having purchased another building on Regent Street, and turning up to pay for it in the United States with four suitcases of US$20 bills to the value of US$1.3 million.

The funds were suspected to have been obtained from payments made by hundreds of poor Guyanese, whom he would have allegedly assisted with backtrack arrangements to the United States – some of whom have been deported and are now demanding their money back.

Other legitimate business owners are hoping the authorities will rip the corporate veil from the various shell companies that may have been established to hide the true owner of the Regent Multiplex mall – who is Lall – and that the taxes will be paid so that Georgetown could get on the way to once again become a Garden City.

Last edited by Django
Originally Posted by seignet:
. Granger is nothing like he was then. Simply, he is like CBJ, doan have clue how to govern Guyana.



And then folks scream when they think that APNU is pushing the AFC aside.


National Security is an AFC ministry, headed by Ramjattan.  Yet Granger is getting the blame.


Obviously at some point he will have to intervene and take this away from the AFC and suggest that Ramjattan returns to the private sector.


Then Jay is going to scream RACE!

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by seignet:
. Granger is nothing like he was then. Simply, he is like CBJ, doan have clue how to govern Guyana.



And then folks scream when they think that APNU is pushing the AFC aside.


National Security is an AFC ministry, headed by Ramjattan.  Yet Granger is getting the blame.


Obviously at some point he will have to intervene and take this away from the AFC and suggest that Ramjattan returns to the private sector.


Then Jay is going to scream RACE!

Correction - Jay will scream "ethnic cleansing". An observation on the murder of this gentleman. He goes into the house, converses with his wife, exits the house and proceeds to use a toilet in the yard in the dark night. Doesn't this strike anyone as odd?


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