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VishMahabir posted:

De banna got the cow head as his party symbol...

Why not a more aggressive animal like a crocodile, snake, jaguar, macaw, piranha or something like dat?

Guyana is good fo laughs!

I don’t take it serious.  I read some documents.   On economic plan his key initiative is to increase consumer spending.  It’s all bs.  

Vish, come home to the PPP and lets kick them PNC hoodlums out of power.  Embrace yuh coolie side of yuh duglaness.  Remember, that cup could carry milk and honey.

The AFC is still a wild card.  If they get a couple seats, they are  potent if they remain independent.  They should not merge with PNC.  

caribny posted:
Baseman posted:
 Embrace yuh coolie side of yuh duglaness.  


Its amazing that you write this and then scream that I am race obsessed.  Ethnic affiliation should be the reason why he votes?

Bai, I know I would have you popping a vessel.  You should learn to laugh at some things.   You are so predictable!

Baseman posted:
VishMahabir posted:

De banna got the cow head as his party symbol...

Why not a more aggressive animal like a crocodile, snake, jaguar, macaw, piranha or something like dat?

Guyana is good fo laughs!

I don’t take it serious.  I read some documents.   On economic plan his key initiative is to increase consumer spending.  It’s all bs.  

Vish, come home to the PPP and lets kick them PNC hoodlums out of power.  Embrace yuh coolie side of yuh duglaness.  Remember, that cup could carry milk and honey.

The AFC is still a wild card.  If they get a couple seats, they are  potent if they remain independent.  They should not merge with PNC.  


Yo funny, just cuss me out on another thread and accuse me of being a PNCite when I argued that the PPP Linden list could possibly be emblematic of tokenism, and that even if the people on that list might be credible (which is doubtful) I argue that this does not necessarily automatically translate into inter-ethnic or multi-ethnic support for the PPP. 

Now you want to extract the "coolie" blood from me.


While I understand that Indos here have issues with the PNC (and Afros have issues with the PPP), Guyana's problem is not going to be solved by removing the PNC and putting in the PPP. Both parties have a sordid history. The PPP getting in power in 2020 (also doubtful) will only continue the problem, represented in a microcosmic way by Guyanese who interact on this discussion board..

I will say this to you and all the Indos out here who seem genuinely concern about Guyana. This is is something that most Indos do not seem to understand, and which is sure to upset the Afros reading this. But I say this with confidence because I have the unique opportunity to integrate with members on both sides of my family who are Indo and Afro.

Here is what I am saying: The 2020 election will not be free and fair, more so, especially if the PNC feel the numbers are not in their favor.  The PNC and Blacks will make every attempt to retain power, largely because they are convinced that the PPP is the worst alternative. EVEN IF AFROS KNOW IN  THEIR HEARTS THAT THE PNC HAS RIGGED OR RIGGED IN 2020 THEY WILL SEE IT AS A NECESSITY AND WILL TURN A BLIND EYE AND GIVE THE PNC A PASS. 

Nothing is going to change that reality, including the ABCs...unless Indos become more radicalized and are willing to demand their fair share BY ANY MEANS or are prepared to roll up their sleeves and change the mindset of Indos (I am not advocating violence, lets not go there). As of now, those in power have no respect for any of your leaders in the PPP, some for good reasons. 

I have no horse in this race, except to find a solution to the problems Guyanese face. I still have family there. I live in NY and I cannot vote in Guyana.

The one ray of hope, a distant one, which you touched upon here relates to the AFC (or a possible Amerindian Party) If this party (or parties) can muster enough support to become the power-broker, and act independently of the PNC or PPP, then there might be a ray of hope for Guyanese to leave their racial bagage behind. 


Baseman posted:

Bai, I know I would have you popping a vessel.  You should learn to laugh at some things.   You are so predictable!

You were having a private conversation with a dougla.  Your race obsession popped out.  Don't try to change your stripes as you have never shown any ability to see Guyanese as being merely Guyanese.  Nor can you understand someone who doesn't march to the lockstep of ethnic loyalties which is why you are baffled that I dislike Burnham and remain unimpressed with Granger.


"Here is what I am saying: The 2020 election will not be free and fair, more so, especially if the PNC feel the numbers are not in their favor.  The PNC and Blacks will make every attempt to retain power, largely because they are convinced that the PPP is the worst alternative. EVEN IF AFROS KNOW IN  THEIR HEARTS THAT THE PNC HAS RIGGED OR RIGGED IN 2020 THEY WILL SEE IT AS A NECESSITY AND WILL TURN A BLIND EYE AND GIVE THE PNC A PASS." 

And yes...I am including among those Afros...with confidence...the intelligent ones on this board...Caribj, Ronan, Guana...

VishMahabir posted:
more so, especially if the PNC feel the numbers are not in their favor.  The PNC and Blacks will make every attempt to retain power, largely because they are convinced that the PPP is the worst alternative. EVEN IF AFROS KNOW IN  THEIR HEARTS THAT THE PNC HAS RIGGED OR RIGGED IN 2020 THEY WILL SEE IT AS A NECESSITY AND WILL TURN A BLIND EYE AND GIVE THE PNC A PASS. 


While you might have family on both sides your bias is towards the Indian side and this is based on comments made by you over the few years that you have posted regularly.  This isn't to say that you are hostile to blacks. Maybe you are closer to your Indian relatives or have been raised to think that the Indian side is "better".

If the Indian response to this situation is to become "radical"  then we have 1964 again.  Given that Guyanese are much more violent then they were then this is not something that sane people will want.

And yes you are correct that a SEGMENT of the black/mixed population might be tempted to want to hold on to power by any means necessary.  This because either they are on a gravy train that they don't want to interrupt, or because they fear that whatever it is that they are undergoing now will be worse if a vengeful Jagdeo (of coolie party fame) comes back into power (and it doesn't matter if this is through a token.

This is why I urge an urgent discussion of racial issues.  Guyanese get lazy and wail " we does get on except fuh to palitishun!"  And then they continue to vote the same race insecurities that they have being doing for 61 years now.

So why do we fear each other?  How can we make people feel more assuredly that they can expect fair treatment from BOTH the political and business elites?  What can be done to reduce the extent that ethnicity determining factor in who governs Guyana and who manages it (private sector included).

A Portuguese businessman told me in confidence that he fears that the next election will be violent.  His rationale is that Indians refuse to "live under blackman" and blacks will not want to go back to the semi slavery that they perceived that they endured "under collie rule".

I don't think that Guyanese hate each other.  On an individual level we do get on,  and we do participate in each other's cultural spheres of activity.  So we do NOT need this "we are the world" approach to ethnic relations.  Black Guyanese can feel very comfortable in interacting with Indians from India and Guyanese Indians can feel very comfortable in interacting with Caribbean, American and even African blacks.  We derive this from our daily interactions with each other.

One day Guyanese will understand that the fact that we are a multi ethnic/cultural/religious society is an ASSET.  It makes us more interesting, more innovative, more flexible, and more able to deal with a vast range of people under a vast range of conditions.    Yes its a good thing to be able to deal with someone from Nigeria and from India. Even racist seignet is capable of this.

VishMahabir posted:


And yes...I am including among those Afros...with confidence...the intelligent ones on this board...Caribj, Ronan, Guana...

We have already covered this issue and the fact that most blacks turned a blind eye to Burnham's shenanigans as we felt that we should to be protected from rule under the PPP.   You will note that none of us have a kind word to say about Burnham and fully understand why few Indians have any patience for him.

Indians did the same to excuse Jagdeo.   I am not sure that the vast majority of Indians care to dwell as to why he is reviled by most blacks.  I will say that this is the difference, and we can chat about why this is.  The blacks who spoke out against anti Indian tactics by the PNC aren't considered traitors by most blacks.  I offer as examples Rodney, David Hinds, Eusi, Andaiye, Bonita Harris, and several others.  Basically those who were in the WPA.

And this is why Guyana is the poorest country in the English speaking Caribbean. Even a decade into the semi recession that many of the smaller islands have been under one can see very visible Guyanese populations in those places.  Why when as late as the 1950s life in "Demerara" was what many of these islanders dreamed of.

caribny posted:
VishMahabir posted:
more so, especially if the PNC feel the numbers are not in their favor.  The PNC and Blacks will make every attempt to retain power, largely because they are convinced that the PPP is the worst alternative. EVEN IF AFROS KNOW IN  THEIR HEARTS THAT THE PNC HAS RIGGED OR RIGGED IN 2020 THEY WILL SEE IT AS A NECESSITY AND WILL TURN A BLIND EYE AND GIVE THE PNC A PASS. 


While you might have family on both sides your bias is towards the Indian side and this is based on comments made by you over the few years that you have posted regularly.  This isn't to say that you are hostile to blacks. Maybe you are closer to your Indian relatives or have been raised to think that the Indian side is "better".

If the Indian response to this situation is to become "radical"  then we have 1964 again.  Given that Guyanese are much more violent then they were then this is not something that sane people will want.

And yes you are correct that a SEGMENT of the black/mixed population might be tempted to want to hold on to power by any means necessary.  This because either they are on a gravy train that they don't want to interrupt, or because they fear that whatever it is that they are undergoing now will be worse if a vengeful Jagdeo (of coolie party fame) comes back into power (and it doesn't matter if this is through a token.

This is why I urge an urgent discussion of racial issues.  Guyanese get lazy and wail " we does get on except fuh to palitishun!"  And then they continue to vote the same race insecurities that they have being doing for 61 years now.

So why do we fear each other?  How can we make people feel more assuredly that they can expect fair treatment from BOTH the political and business elites?  What can be done to reduce the extent that ethnicity determining factor in who governs Guyana and who manages it (private sector included).

A Portuguese businessman told me in confidence that he fears that the next election will be violent.  His rationale is that Indians refuse to "live under blackman" and blacks will not want to go back to the semi slavery that they perceived that they endured "under collie rule".

I don't think that Guyanese hate each other.  On an individual level we do get on,  and we do participate in each other's cultural spheres of activity.  So we do NOT need this "we are the world" approach to ethnic relations.  Black Guyanese can feel very comfortable in interacting with Indians from India and Guyanese Indians can feel very comfortable in interacting with Caribbean, American and even African blacks.  We derive this from our daily interactions with each other.

One day Guyanese will understand that the fact that we are a multi ethnic/cultural/religious society is an ASSET.  It makes us more interesting, more innovative, more flexible, and more able to deal with a vast range of people under a vast range of conditions.    Yes its a good thing to be able to deal with someone from Nigeria and from India. Even racist seignet is capable of this.

This is a cogent and intelligent response ...without the usual cuss down we see on this site too often.

I enjoy reading this ....interestingly I get knocked from both sides....too Afro and then too Indo....but of course Baseman will have his last say (he seems to live on this site) and accuse me of kow towing to the other side.

Carib, I think you will make a good politician in Guyana.

Arite, now I can get back to my homework.


caribny posted:
VishMahabir posted:
more so, especially if the PNC feel the numbers are not in their favor.  The PNC and Blacks will make every attempt to retain power, largely because they are convinced that the PPP is the worst alternative. EVEN IF AFROS KNOW IN  THEIR HEARTS THAT THE PNC HAS RIGGED OR RIGGED IN 2020 THEY WILL SEE IT AS A NECESSITY AND WILL TURN A BLIND EYE AND GIVE THE PNC A PASS. 


While you might have family on both sides your bias is towards the Indian side and this is based on comments made by you over the few years that you have posted regularly.  This isn't to say that you are hostile to blacks. Maybe you are closer to your Indian relatives or have been raised to think that the Indian side is "better".

If the Indian response to this situation is to become "radical"  then we have 1964 again.  Given that Guyanese are much more violent then they were then this is not something that sane people will want.

And yes you are correct that a SEGMENT of the black/mixed population might be tempted to want to hold on to power by any means necessary.  This because either they are on a gravy train that they don't want to interrupt, or because they fear that whatever it is that they are undergoing now will be worse if a vengeful Jagdeo (of coolie party fame) comes back into power (and it doesn't matter if this is through a token.

This is why I urge an urgent discussion of racial issues.  Guyanese get lazy and wail " we does get on except fuh to palitishun!"  And then they continue to vote the same race insecurities that they have being doing for 61 years now.

So why do we fear each other?  How can we make people feel more assuredly that they can expect fair treatment from BOTH the political and business elites?  What can be done to reduce the extent that ethnicity determining factor in who governs Guyana and who manages it (private sector included).

A Portuguese businessman told me in confidence that he fears that the next election will be violent.  His rationale is that Indians refuse to "live under blackman" and blacks will not want to go back to the semi slavery that they perceived that they endured "under collie rule".

I don't think that Guyanese hate each other.  On an individual level we do get on,  and we do participate in each other's cultural spheres of activity.  So we do NOT need this "we are the world" approach to ethnic relations.  Black Guyanese can feel very comfortable in interacting with Indians from India and Guyanese Indians can feel very comfortable in interacting with Caribbean, American and even African blacks.  We derive this from our daily interactions with each other.

One day Guyanese will understand that the fact that we are a multi ethnic/cultural/religious society is an ASSET.  It makes us more interesting, more innovative, more flexible, and more able to deal with a vast range of people under a vast range of conditions.    Yes its a good thing to be able to deal with someone from Nigeria and from India. Even racist seignet is capable of this.

I won't grudge you a compliment, Carib. You & I have differences but the gist of your comment above shows your unbiased abhorrence of the chronic political sores bedeviling Guyana's body politic. In this you have been consistent. A sincere salute to you.

VishMahabir posted:
Baseman posted:
VishMahabir posted:

De banna got the cow head as his party symbol...

Why not a more aggressive animal like a crocodile, snake, jaguar, macaw, piranha or something like dat?

Guyana is good fo laughs!

I don’t take it serious.  I read some documents.   On economic plan his key initiative is to increase consumer spending.  It’s all bs.  

Vish, come home to the PPP and lets kick them PNC hoodlums out of power.  Embrace yuh coolie side of yuh duglaness.  Remember, that cup could carry milk and honey.

The AFC is still a wild card.  If they get a couple seats, they are  potent if they remain independent.  They should not merge with PNC.  


Yo funny,

Now you want to extract the "coolie" blood from me.


Yeh bai, blood thinker than know that!

Django posted:

Kiddo VishMahabir,be yourself propagate what you believed in,lots of posters here are good folks,stick around,i always follow your conversation,you are doing good.

Caribj views are worth reading,he is another good poster,some folks on this site don't understand his views so they label him.

Caribj is intelligent and a Pan-Afro nationalist.  We say he is racist, but I don't think so.  He just pro-Afro, which is not a sin!


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