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ksazma posted:

if GECOM started their house to house registration yet? Or are they still sitting on their lazy asses?

GECOM is under the control of a PNC hack, Judge Patterson. He was not selected unilaterally for the post because of his moral virtues to be fully impartial and conscientious to his duties. He was selected to be the PNC plan B to the elections. He has squatted on the office and doing nothing since his appointment. He has a valid list and one he created and which he now complains is bloated. If it is it is because of his own negligence and incompetence. The reality is, the idea the list can contain 200k invalid registrants is a level of innumeracy on par with the the PNC claim that 33 is not greater than 32.  This is in your face political obscenity. The PNC has made itself irredeemably unfit for office until all of these old crooks die out by natural attrition.  

D2 posted:
ksazma posted:

if GECOM started their house to house registration yet? Or are they still sitting on their lazy asses?

GECOM is under the control of a PNC hack, Judge Patterson. He was not selected unilaterally for the post because of his moral virtues to be fully impartial and conscientious to his duties. He was selected to be the PNC plan B to the elections. He has squatted on the office and doing nothing since his appointment. He has a valid list and one he created and which he now complains is bloated. If it is it is because of his own negligence and incompetence. The reality is, the idea the list can contain 200k invalid registrants is a level of innumeracy on par with the the PNC claim that 33 is not greater than 32.  This is in your face political obscenity. The PNC has made itself irredeemably unfit for office until all of these old crooks die out by natural attrition.  

all of that should give the Amerindian Party more time to canvass the public.

Demerara_Guy posted:
Gilbakka posted:

Y'all don't fret. Patterson has INTEGRITY, he is INDEPENDENT, and he has another quality beginning with the letter "I" that Granger was looking for when he turned down Joe Singh, Norman McLean for the top GECOM post. Rememba?

Gilbakka, what is the other letter "I" ??

After checking the archives with a microscope, telescope and stethoscope I found the three criteria Granger wanted in a GECOM chairman. He must have INTEGRITY, he must be INDEPENDENT and not aligned to any political party, and he must be IMPARTIAL. As you can see, Patterson is fit and proper.

Gilbakka posted:
Demerara_Guy posted:
Gilbakka posted:

Y'all don't fret. Patterson has INTEGRITY, he is INDEPENDENT, and he has another quality beginning with the letter "I" that Granger was looking for when he turned down Joe Singh, Norman McLean for the top GECOM post. Rememba?

Gilbakka, what is the other letter "I" ??

After checking the archives with a microscope, telescope and stethoscope I found the three criteria Granger wanted in a GECOM chairman. He must have INTEGRITY, he must be INDEPENDENT and not aligned to any political party, and he must be IMPARTIAL.

As you can see, Patterson is fit and proper.

Fit and proper for what ...

... sleeping on the job.

... aimlessly wandering around.

... etc., etc., etc..

Last edited by Former Member
Gilbakka posted:

Y'all don't fret. Patterson has INTEGRITY, he is INDEPENDENT, and he has another quality beginning with the letter "I" that Granger was looking for when he turned down Joe Singh, Norman McLean for the top GECOM post. Rememba?

When the PPP was in power the PNC ensured that they submitted Indians who the PPP would accept, knowing that they would never accept a black man.

What does Jagdeo do. Submit an Indian when people were saying that it was time for a black person. And he submitted one of his red man stooges to Granger.  Submitting McLean was an attempt by Jagdeo to ensure that no black would be selected.

Well Granger fixed him with that.

Last edited by Former Member
caribny posted:
Gilbakka posted:

Y'all don't fret. Patterson has INTEGRITY, he is INDEPENDENT, and he has another quality beginning with the letter "I" that Granger was looking for when he turned down Joe Singh, Norman McLean for the top GECOM post. Rememba?

When the PPP was in power the PNC ensured that they submitted Indians who the PPP would accept, knowing that they would never accept a black man.

What does Jagdeo do. Submit an Indian when people were saying that it was time for a black person. And he submitted one of his red man stooges to Granger.  Submitting McLean was an attempt by Jagdeo to ensure that no black would be selected.

Well Granger fixed him with that.

Really Idiot, what part of this man is Indian . He was selected by Jagdeo and Granger reject him.

Granger had difficulty finding a suitable Blackman, so why blame Jagdeo .


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Gilbakka posted:
Demerara_Guy posted:
Gilbakka posted:

Y'all don't fret. Patterson has INTEGRITY, he is INDEPENDENT, and he has another quality beginning with the letter "I" that Granger was looking for when he turned down Joe Singh, Norman McLean for the top GECOM post. Rememba?

Gilbakka, what is the other letter "I" ??

After checking the archives with a microscope, telescope and stethoscope I found the three criteria Granger wanted in a GECOM chairman. He must have INTEGRITY, he must be INDEPENDENT and not aligned to any political party, and he must be IMPARTIAL. As you can see, Patterson is fit and proper.

Invalid, Impotent and Insane.


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