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VishMahabir posted:
skeldon_man posted:
VishMahabir posted:

Is VishM Ruel and also Ronan/Redux?

How come Vish doesn't know Guyana and he writes books about Guyana? Are these books for kindergarten kids in Africa who do not know Guyana and might think it's Ghana? my book on "How to read my A,B,C...and other letters"   You might learn something....

I do not read and understand Swahili. You from Ghana, Togo, Malawi or Gold Coast?

My books are written in English....try reading dat has big letters and lots of pictures  

Dude, you are out of your damn frigging mind to think I would read a book written an irrational educated idiot. Can you write it in Guyanese broken down so I will have someone read it and explain it to me? Wait a minute, you don't know English. You 'ead prappa haad.

VishMahabir posted:
antabanta posted:
VishMahabir posted:
antabanta posted:
VishMahabir posted:


I am trying to get some feedback from people...and trying to find out how much of what he writes is reflective of Guyanese life and culture. 

You already have the book in your possession. STFU and read it and ascertain for yourself its reflection of Guyanese culture. But, of course, the problem is you know nothing of Guyanese culture and cannot make the comparison.

DUH!  DO DO brain....ever heard of a book club?  

you know nothing of Guyanese culture "....thats my reason for trying to get some I can compare note with those who know more...

obviously you have a more basic problem, other than not having read the cant read...


Yes, I've heard of a book club. I can recommend a few you can check out instead of embarrassing yourself on GNI. What reason would I have to read a politically-biased book filled with misinformation? It would be good for you to develop at least the intelligence to weed out what books are worthy or not.

Filled with misinformation??

Knucklehead....stop trolling me if you have nothing intelligent to say...

How do you know the book is politically biased and filled with misinformation, eh...if you never saw it...or never read it....its about short fool.

Every author writes with a kind of bias...even Jagan in his West on Trial...or Rodney with his How Europe Underdeveloped Africa...

You judge a book by its cover?



I'm going to shred you on this forum. Teach you to respect your betters. Especially if you're stupid enough to complain about being trolled on a public forum. Better think thrice before posting any nonsense.

Not having read the book, doesn't mean I don't know of it. No, I don't judge a book by it's cover. I read the summary or sample and a few things about the author, a process that may be a novelty to you. How do you know what's in the book if you're here begging for information about the it?

Last edited by antabanta
antabanta posted:

I'm going to shred you on this forum. Teach you to respect your betters. Especially if you're stupid enough to complain about being trolled on a public forum. Better think thrice before posting any nonsense.

Not having read the book, doesn't mean I don't know of it. No, I don't judge a book by it's cover. I read the summary or sample and a few things about the author, a process that may be a novelty to you. How do you know what's in the book if you're here begging for information about the it?



Cyber bullying, eh trollster

You are a bloody liar...its not a traditional "book".

Dummy...the author is a fiction writer, who won the Guyana Prize...judged upon by Guyanese...who the heck are you pass judgement...?

I asked if anyone read it so we can compare notes ... so I can learn and ask questions...that point went over your flat head.

Knucklehead...go suck on a careful, it can be a choking hazard...and stop trolling me...


VishMahabir posted:
antabanta posted:

I'm going to shred you on this forum. Teach you to respect your betters. Especially if you're stupid enough to complain about being trolled on a public forum. Better think thrice before posting any nonsense.

Not having read the book, doesn't mean I don't know of it. No, I don't judge a book by it's cover. I read the summary or sample and a few things about the author, a process that may be a novelty to you. How do you know what's in the book if you're here begging for information about the it?



Cyber bullying, eh trollster

You are a bloody liar...its not a traditional "book".

Dummy...the author is a fiction writer, who won the Guyana Prize...judged upon by Guyanese...who the heck are you pass judgement...?

I asked if anyone read it so we can compare notes ... so I can learn and ask questions...that point went over your flat head.

Knucklehead...go suck on a careful, it can be a choking hazard...and stop trolling me...


Yes shred. Would you like a definition? I'm a reader. No other qualification is needed to have an opinion on a book and based on your posts, I'm absolutely certain I've read more than you can possibly imagine. How are you going to compare notes if you haven't read the damn book yet? The normal procedure to compare notes or make comments on a book is to read the kiss-meh-ass book first.

Keep up with the name-calling. It's an excellent indication of your level of intelligence.

Last edited by antabanta
VishMahabir posted:
antabanta posted:

I'm going to shred you on this forum. Teach you to respect your betters. Especially if you're stupid enough to complain about being trolled on a public forum. Better think thrice before posting any nonsense.

Not having read the book, doesn't mean I don't know of it. No, I don't judge a book by it's cover. I read the summary or sample and a few things about the author, a process that may be a novelty to you. How do you know what's in the book if you're here begging for information about the it?



Cyber bullying, eh trollster

You are a bloody liar...its not a traditional "book".

Dummy...the author is a fiction writer, who won the Guyana Prize...judged upon by Guyanese...who the heck are you pass judgement...?

I asked if anyone read it so we can compare notes ... so I can learn and ask questions...that point went over your flat head.

Knucklehead...go suck on a careful, it can be a choking hazard...and stop trolling me...


Hey, you telling Anta “ who the heck are you to pass judgment “ ... and you gat the balls to tell me, skelly, kp and drugb about our English.

Who the heck are you to judge us. I en know you came  from Buckinham Palace .

BTW i have a juicy lollipop for you to suck . 

Dave posted:
VishMahabir posted:
antabanta posted:

I'm going to shred you on this forum. Teach you to respect your betters. Especially if you're stupid enough to complain about being trolled on a public forum. Better think thrice before posting any nonsense.

Not having read the book, doesn't mean I don't know of it. No, I don't judge a book by it's cover. I read the summary or sample and a few things about the author, a process that may be a novelty to you. How do you know what's in the book if you're here begging for information about the it?



Cyber bullying, eh trollster

You are a bloody liar...its not a traditional "book".

Dummy...the author is a fiction writer, who won the Guyana Prize...judged upon by Guyanese...who the heck are you pass judgement...?

I asked if anyone read it so we can compare notes ... so I can learn and ask questions...that point went over your flat head.

Knucklehead...go suck on a careful, it can be a choking hazard...and stop trolling me...


Hey, you telling Anta “ who the heck are you to pass judgment “ ... and you gat the balls to tell me, skelly, kp and drugb about our English.

Who the heck are you to judge us. I en know you came  from Buckinham Palace .

BTW i have a juicy lollipop for you to suck . 

VishM is an egotistic and conceited half-brain jackass. I think he was born a twin. His other half who shared his half brain died when they were born.

antabanta posted:



Cyber bullying, eh trollster

You are a bloody liar...its not a traditional "book".

Dummy...the author is a fiction writer, who won the Guyana Prize...judged upon by Guyanese...who the heck are you pass judgement...?

I asked if anyone read it so we can compare notes ... so I can learn and ask questions...that point went over your flat head.

Knucklehead...go suck on a careful, it can be a choking hazard...and stop trolling me...


Yes shred. Would you like a definition? I'm a reader. No other qualification is needed to have an opinion on a book and based on your posts, I'm absolutely certain I've read more than you can possibly imagine. How are you going to compare notes if you haven't read the damn book yet? The normal procedure to compare notes or make comments on a book is to read the kiss-meh-ass book first.

Keep up with the name-calling. It's an excellent indication of your level of intelligence.

Go read a book banna...

VishMahabir posted:

Yes shred. Would you like a definition? I'm a reader. No other qualification is needed to have an opinion on a book and based on your posts, I'm absolutely certain I've read more than you can possibly imagine. How are you going to compare notes if you haven't read the damn book yet? The normal procedure to compare notes or make comments on a book is to read the kiss-meh-ass book first.

Keep up with the name-calling. It's an excellent indication of your level of intelligence.

Go read a book banna...

I read every single day. Have you even started the blasted book yet?

VishMahabir posted:
antabanta posted:

I'm going to shred you on this forum. Teach you to respect your betters. Especially if you're stupid enough to complain about being trolled on a public forum. Better think thrice before posting any nonsense.

Not having read the book, doesn't mean I don't know of it. No, I don't judge a book by it's cover. I read the summary or sample and a few things about the author, a process that may be a novelty to you. How do you know what's in the book if you're here begging for information about the it?



Cyber bullying, eh trollster

You are a bloody liar...its not a traditional "book".

Dummy...the author is a fiction writer, who won the Guyana Prize...judged upon by Guyanese...who the heck are you pass judgement...?

I asked if anyone read it so we can compare notes ... so I can learn and ask questions...that point went over your flat head.

Knucklehead...go suck on a careful, it can be a choking hazard...and stop trolling me...


How do you invoke cyber bullying defense when everyone is fictious and you can even be bullying yourself?  Some even “rent” their handle to fictitious students existing in their own heads!

VishMahabir posted:
skeldon_man posted:

VishM is an egotistic and conceited half-brain jackass. I think he was born a twin. His other half who shared his half brain died when they were born. confusing me with that anti-banta reader of books...

That means you have no idea what antabanta is. Run to google and come again.

antabanta posted:
VishMahabir posted:
skeldon_man posted:

VishM is an egotistic and conceited half-brain jackass. I think he was born a twin. His other half who shared his half brain died when they were born. confusing me with that anti-banta reader of books...

That means you have no idea what antabanta is. Run to google and come again.

Vish, don’t mess with Better Hope people. 


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