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skeldon_man posted:
Was there any reason why Jimmy Carter was unable to attend?

“President and Mrs. Carter regret that they are unable to attend,” the Carter Center in Atlanta said in a statement Thursday morning. “President Carter will be on a private trip overseas, and although she is recovering, Mrs. Carter is not yet able to travel following her recent intestinal surgery.”

Last edited by Former Member
skeldon_man posted:
Leonora posted:

Ksaz, wonderful picture. Would have been superb with Carter and Trump.

Was there any reason why Jimmy Carter was unable to attend?

Jimmy Carter busy working for the CIA, his purpose is to implement regime change, just like what he did in Guyana. The Carter Foundation is funded by the US Government and agencies such as the CIA.

Nehru posted:

Ksacz, is a funeral the same as an IPL Cricket Match???

I saw a few games...the explosive batting is exciting to watch, but i still find it just seems to follow a have the first 5 overs where you're supposed to lash out...then the next 5, continue the same if you have wickets in hand....then is either you collapse or go on to make a big score

Just seems all the players are just mercenaries for hire....then they move on to the next league....etc etc

Hard to attach yourself to a team

Demerara_Guy posted:
Dave posted:
ksazma posted:
  • Laura Bush, George W. Bush, Michelle Obama posing for the camera

Everyone with their partner ( we know why Bush senior is alone)  ,but  you could have substitute for Trump bai 

Perhaps, none wants dee Dododonald at the event and in the group.

Dummy, he was invited but felt he could become a distraction so “ordered” cutie pie to represent him!

He should have asked Ksazma to accompany cutie pie!

Last edited by Former Member
Baseman posted:
Demerara_Guy posted:

DodoDonald indeed is a distraction with his fumbling, bumbling and babbling nonsense with his unstoppable tweets plus anywhere he is to be the sole attraction.

Ok, now you stop being a distraction and go change your diaper!

Based on your constant reference to this specific item, it surely leaves the impression that you are of the firm belief others are like you who is constantly in diapers and needs nurses to make the change for you on a regular basis.



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