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Former Member


Dr. Joey Jagan, the son of the founder of the People’s progressive party and late presidents Dr. Cheddi Jagan and Mrs. Janet Jagan, has reacted to the CCJ’s third term ruling; but his focus was on the person who will lead his father’s party into the 2020 elections. Royden James reports.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

yuji22 posted:

It speaks volumes of your sick and distorted mind when you listen to what a Dope head says. Someone should buy you and Joey some more weed.


Listen you dumb ****, I wouldn't let you walk over me today. Today I broke my holy fasting. I don't listen to Joey. I have been saying that the PPP cannot win 2020 election from inception. You love to jump like an ugly monkey and now you fell on your stupid *******. Come again, ****face. 


Why are you getting angry ? This is a political discussion forum and it has a warning that it is not for the fainthearted.

Are you faint hearted ? 

Take the heat or stay out of the kitchen.

ronan posted:

i will be open to supporting a PPP party in 2025 after the dismantling of (the still-intact) Jagdeoite corruption infrastructure

Translation, abbie Blackman can rig and bruk the country.

yuji22 posted:

Why are you getting angry ? This is a political discussion forum and it has a warning that it is not for the fainthearted.

Are you faint hearted ? 

Take the heat or stay out of the kitchen.

This is my thread, *******. Still arguing like a retarded prick?

yuji22 posted:
ronan posted:

i will be open to supporting a PPP party in 2025 after the dismantling of (the still-intact) Jagdeoite corruption infrastructure

Translation, abbie Blackman can rig and bruk the country.

your "translation" skills match your poor education


I love Joey Jagan for one thing. He is outspoken and in your face. He don't speak in parables or pusser-pusser. He said PPP cannot win and that's it. Who like it or not can lick dog BT. 

yuji22 posted:

Nobody owns any thread at GNI. Members are free to comment. You sounding like Burnham and Moses.

Like the Prince said, you are a retarded prick. Joey to Jagdeo, "Your  time is up!". LMAO. 

Prince posted:

I love Joey Jagan for one thing. He is outspoken and in your face. He don't speak in parables or pusser-pusser. He said PPP cannot win and that's it. Who like it or not can lick dog BT. 

Who the heck is Joey Jagan? His only claim to fame is bearing the Jagan name. What has he contributed in Guyana’s development or struggle? He is a loud mouth with no political or intellectual acumen.

Zed posted:
Prince posted:

I love Joey Jagan for one thing. He is outspoken and in your face. He don't speak in parables or pusser-pusser. He said PPP cannot win and that's it. Who like it or not can lick dog BT. 

Who the heck is Joey Jagan? His only claim to fame is bearing the Jagan name. What has he contributed in Guyana’s development or struggle? He is a loud mouth with no political or intellectual acumen.

Joey is a loud mouth Dope Head. He is like a trash bin, useless.

Zed posted:
Prince posted:

I love Joey Jagan for one thing. He is outspoken and in your face. He don't speak in parables or pusser-pusser. He said PPP cannot win and that's it. Who like it or not can lick dog BT. 

Who the heck is Joey Jagan? His only claim to fame is bearing the Jagan name. What has he contributed in Guyana’s development or struggle? He is a loud mouth with no political or intellectual acumen.

It seems like you lost. Joey is the son of the great Jagan who supports the coalition government in 2015. He is speaking the truth about the PPP failure in 2020 against the coalition. He gave you in black and white. Are you jealous or stubborn to accept the fact that PPP is dead meat?

yuji22 posted:
Zed posted:
Prince posted:

I love Joey Jagan for one thing. He is outspoken and in your face. He don't speak in parables or pusser-pusser. He said PPP cannot win and that's it. Who like it or not can lick dog BT. 

Who the heck is Joey Jagan? His only claim to fame is bearing the Jagan name. What has he contributed in Guyana’s development or struggle? He is a loud mouth with no political or intellectual acumen.

Joey is a loud mouth Dope Head. He is like a trash bin, useless.

You have no basis of your hate for Joey Jagan and the AFC. They are in better positions than you are. Haven't you noticed or you blind? 


Joey words, "Cheddie Jagan and the CUP."  That doan bode too well for the Indain ppl. That implied for generations they voting for a dead man.

Are the Indians stupid? Then again what are the choices do they have? Is nah like there are no Indian leadership, somehow that takes some ass kissing to get to be noticed. 

Joey should know that his father really messed up the Indians, he made them racist by insisting on race politic because that way he had some sort of relevance in the political landscape of GuyANA. So lost are the Indians of Guyana that they vote for a dead man to chart their way of life in the future.

Out of the mouth of Joey came the useless leadership the PPP has. And CBJ done all of that in his undemocratic beliefs.


Joey is still bitter that he mumma and daddy pick someone else as leader of the party. Even the PNC kick to the curb didn't knock sense in his head.  This is a juvenile tantrum throwing madman. 

Bibi Haniffa
seignet posted:

Joey should know that his father really messed up the Indians, he made them racist by insisting on race politic because that way he had some sort of relevance in the political landscape of GuyANA. So lost are the Indians of Guyana that they vote for a dead man to chart their way of life in the future.

Out of the mouth of Joey came the useless leadership the PPP has. And CBJ done all of that in his undemocratic beliefs.

Siege,i will disagree with your statement,I am aware you are senior much respect and possibly knows more.

Jagan wasn't racist,he knew the East Indian (majority) was behind him,so he always tried to woo their support.I have never heard him used any degrading words about Blacks,except he mentioned the poverty Blacks were facing in ole USA,when he was studying and some ran off with it as racist.

I saw many times he was surrounded by crowds of Afro Guyanese on Robb St,i will sometimes stop and listen to him.I mentioned i worked obliquely opposite Freedom House for 8 yrs, from 76-85.All the PNC big boys were Customers of the Company.

Last edited by Django
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Joey is still bitter that he mumma and daddy pick someone else as leader of the party. Even the PNC kick to the curb didn't knock sense in his head.  This is a juvenile tantrum throwing madman. 

The PPP do not have a leader with the vision to mold a nation out of all the tribes and races in Guyana. And not that alone, those ppl never had a real job-so how can a leader lead who has no idea. Then, there is challenge of building a future society. The list goes on and on.

Confrontational politic is their only agenda-agitation on the Blackman-their only vision.

yuji22 posted:

What young or good leader did the AFC or PNC mould ?

Moses ? Granger ?

PNC don't have to mould anyone. They are all army men with discipline and fighting spirit. They are mature and know how to run a  country. 

Last edited by Former Member
Prince posted:
Zed posted:
Prince posted:

I love Joey Jagan for one thing. He is outspoken and in your face. He don't speak in parables or pusser-pusser. He said PPP cannot win and that's it. Who like it or not can lick dog BT. 

Who the heck is Joey Jagan? His only claim to fame is bearing the Jagan name. What has he contributed in Guyana’s development or struggle? He is a loud mouth with no political or intellectual acumen.

It seems like you lost. Joey is the son of the great Jagan who supports the coalition government in 2015. He is speaking the truth about the PPP failure in 2020 against the coalition. He gave you in black and white. Are you jealous or stubborn to accept the fact that PPP is dead meat?

What kind of logis is this you put forward. How can it be true. According to you, when the event has not taken place as yet? I know that you can do better than this.

if Joey did not have the Jagan name, he would have been a loud mouth  dentist who suffers from verbal diarrhea. 

What has he really done? What has he achieved? What credence does he have? How much credibility does he have?

Maybe, Joey is hoping that he will actually get a position in the government. He will be disappointed.



seignet posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Joey is still bitter that he mumma and daddy pick someone else as leader of the party. Even the PNC kick to the curb didn't knock sense in his head.  This is a juvenile tantrum throwing madman. 

The PPP do not have a leader with the vision to mold a nation out of all the tribes and races in Guyana. And not that alone, those ppl never had a real job-so how can a leader lead who has no idea. Then, there is challenge of building a future society. The list goes on and on.

Confrontational politic is their only agenda-agitation on the Blackman-their only vision.

When I read BJ's criteria and the new leader, man that was so juvenile.  No wonder Guyana is a basket case!

Zed posted:
Prince posted:
Zed posted:
Prince posted:

I love Joey Jagan for one thing. He is outspoken and in your face. He don't speak in parables or pusser-pusser. He said PPP cannot win and that's it. Who like it or not can lick dog BT. 

Who the heck is Joey Jagan? His only claim to fame is bearing the Jagan name. What has he contributed in Guyana’s development or struggle? He is a loud mouth with no political or intellectual acumen.

It seems like you lost. Joey is the son of the great Jagan who supports the coalition government in 2015. He is speaking the truth about the PPP failure in 2020 against the coalition. He gave you in black and white. Are you jealous or stubborn to accept the fact that PPP is dead meat?

What kind of logis is this you put forward. How can it be true. According to you, when the event has not taken place as yet? I know that you can do better than this.

if Joey did not have the Jagan name, he would have been a loud mouth  dentist who suffers from verbal diarrhea. 

What has he really done? What has he achieved? What credence does he have? How much credibility does he have?

Maybe, Joey is hoping that he will actually get a position in the government. He will be disappointed.



Jagdeo knows to himself that PPP cannot win in 2020. He is only giving hope to his support base. The PPP might get a shot of winning in 2025.


With an ambitious platform the PPP could win. Even the AFC could win minus Nagamoottoo and Ramjattan with the right platform. The sure looser would be the PNC or the name they call themselves as the APNU.

However, the PPP does not have the vision for change.


A good strong Portuguese party lead by yours truly is the answer. I would even treat stupidy people good as long as they deserve it...too much stupidity is a negative mark. Anyone caught #$-kin' with the country's $$ gonna find themselves at the tail end of my whip.

Last edited by cain
Baseman posted:
cain posted:

A good strong Portuguese party lead by yours truly is the answer. I would even treat stupidy people good.

We have Gail Tex!

We? Like you signin up fo join now.

cain posted:
Baseman posted:
cain posted:

A good strong Portuguese party lead by yours truly is the answer. I would even treat stupidy people good.

We have Gail Tex!

We? Like you signin up fo join now.

Yes, we!  And cyar yuh skont!

cain posted:

Tut tut! A tad testy tonight aren't we? U need fo double up pon yo Geritol.

Nah, mi gyal deh NY till weekend, kids gone Swiss on vacation, so me ain't gatt shit to do!

cain posted:

A good strong Portuguese party lead by yours truly is the answer. I would even treat stupidy people good as long as they deserve it...too much stupidity is a negative mark. Anyone caught #$-kin' with the country's $$ gonna find themselves at the tail end of my whip.

this is the bestest, most excitin news i've heard since the general election campaign kicked into gear last week

incoming President Cain, where can i send a very large cash donation?

Last edited by Former Member

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