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It does not allow one to take the law into their own hands. The student who used his belt to assault the other student because he said something, should be punished by the law and the school should suspend the other student. An example has to be set on both parties, if not every time someone says something you dislike, you then have a right to dish blows.

kp posted:

It does not allow one to take the law into their own hands. The student who used his belt to assault the other student because he said something, should be punished by the law and the school should suspend the other student. An example has to be set on both parties, if not every time someone says something you dislike, you then have a right to dish blows.

No one is saying you have to get violent or take the law into their own hands....only cowards keep repeating this because it gives you guys an excuse not to do anything.

People have the right to defend themselves...ever heard of that? If the three boys had gotten up and surround the aggressor and stop him with the same force he used  to come at them...that video would have vindicated them...

SMH...more cowardice from yall wimps. 

VishMahabir posted:
kp posted:

It does not allow one to take the law into their own hands. The student who used his belt to assault the other student because he said something, should be punished by the law and the school should suspend the other student. An example has to be set on both parties, if not every time someone says something you dislike, you then have a right to dish blows.

No one is saying you have to get violent or take the law into their own hands....only cowards keep repeating this because it gives you guys an excuse not to do anything.

People have the right to defend themselves...ever heard of that? If the three boys had gotten up and surround the aggressor and stop him with the same force he used  to come at them...that video would have vindicated them...

SMH...more cowardice from yall wimps. 

SMH,   your style is exactly the same as Rowan. You are the same, but taking turns.

kp posted:

It does not allow one to take the law into their own hands. The student who used his belt to assault the other student because he said something, should be punished by the law and the school should suspend the other student. An example has to be set on both parties, if not every time someone says something you dislike, you then have a right to dish blows.

Nah, that's overkill.  Bibi said if anyone touch her, she beat them to a pulp.  Prax wudda haul out their eyes!

If someone told me I'm eating dog food, I might belt them too, especially if they skinnier and smaller than me.  I'm not sure I would do as much as that banna, but two lash might be coming!  Them bais were passive, so he should have stopped after two thumps!

Baseman posted:
kp posted:

It does not allow one to take the law into their own hands. The student who used his belt to assault the other student because he said something, should be punished by the law and the school should suspend the other student. An example has to be set on both parties, if not every time someone says something you dislike, you then have a right to dish blows.

Nah, that's overkill.  Bibi said if anyone touch her, she beat them to a pulp.  Prax wudda haul out their eyes!

If someone told me I'm eating dog food, I might belt them too, especially if they skinnier and smaller than me.  I'm not sure I would do as much as that banna, but two lash might be coming!  Them bais were passive, so he should have stopped after two thumps!

I think the black fella is a dumb illiterate jackass, if he had proper food he wouldn't be offended  and if he was intelligent he should have argued his case. But it exposed the depth of his intelligent,  the use of brutal force and ignorance.  Typical.

VishMahabir posted:

People have the right to defend themselves...ever heard of that? If the three boys had gotten up and surround the aggressor and stop him with the same force he used  to come at them...that video would have vindicated them...

SMH...more cowardice from yall wimps. 

and this was my point but Mitwah is here screaming that not defending oneself is good manners, while he wants to go out and shoot that kid.

My issue is WHY did those kids not retaliate?  Is there more to it than what we see.  Is he a dominant person in some gang which caused the THREE boys to be so scared that they couldn't even get up and walk away?  Now  I can see why they didn't necessarily want to jump him but this incident looks too sadomasochist for a deeper investigation not to be done.

That looked like a jail house beating.

Mitwah can think that killing the kid is the solution.  It isn't.

Baseman posted:

I don’t believe these three were that innocent.  That’s why they never told their parents.  

The school needs to take complaints of taunting and take action as any other assaults.

Taunting people is one thing.  Being assaulted is another.  I am still trying to see why these boys didn't try to escape.  Generally either a fight or flight response is triggered when in danger.  In this case we see neither. Why?

caribny posted:
Baseman posted:

I don’t believe these three were that innocent.  That’s why they never told their parents.  

The school needs to take complaints of taunting and take action as any other assaults.

Taunting people is one thing.  Being assaulted is another.  I am still trying to see why these boys didn't try to escape.  Generally either a fight or flight response is triggered when in danger.  In this case we see neither. Why?

I think they knew they upset him.  Also, they were in school so they probably felt someone will intervene.

As I said, they have no right taunting the guy, but he overreacted.  Had he given them two thumps and move on, it would not have become the issue it is.  To his credit, he did not hit them so hard to cause injury or their parents would have seen it.

If this was the extent of violence between Indians and Afros in Guyana, then Guyana would have been one of the most peaceful nations on earth!

Baseman posted:

I think they knew they upset him.  Also, they were in school so they probably felt someone will intervene.

As I said, they have no right taunting the guy, but he overreacted.  Had he given them two thumps and move on, it would not have become the issue it is.  To his credit, he did not hit them so hard to cause injury or their parents would have seen it.

If this was the extent of violence between Indians and Afros in Guyana, then Guyana would have been one of the most peaceful nations on earth!

1.  Are they sadomasochists?  Most likely not so why did the flight instinct not kick in.  So he is a bigger boy with a more powerful personality so maybe they were too afraid to attack him so they could have tried to flee.  They did not.

2. What I want to know is whether there is a larger context here.  Is it that this boy is head of some larger group so the boys feared that they might as well take their licks, otherwise worse would come if they tried to flee.

There is no evidence that this has anything to do with Afros and Indos.  This is one boy with a strong personality and 3 meek boys.  The racial issue comes into the picture if (as Vish implied) some Indos who don't live among Afros, are so mortified of them that they freeze instead of letting fight/flight instincts kick in. 

Now I expect such behavior from old time Indo Nazis like Skeldon and Yuji.  These ageing characters are terrified even of black women.

Younger Indos shouldn't be behaving like that as they aren't as racially isolated, nor under the influence of Janet Jagan who wanted to turn every Indo into a coward so that she could peddle her victim narrative.  Yes Janet's screams were always about "black savages assaulting poor weak Indos who were too powerless to protect themselves".


Janet had a serious "white savior" complex out to save the "poor rural Indo peasant".

Last edited by Former Member
Baseman posted:

He has been suspended and to undergo conseling.

Fair resolution for all parties involved. He should face some punishment for his actions and the boys taunting him should be sensitized to the consequences of consistently taunting someone. Shame on the regional official who called for the guy’s expulsion from the school without first giving him a hearing.

Mars posted:
Baseman posted:

He has been suspended and to undergo conseling.

Fair resolution for all parties involved. He should face some punishment for his actions and the boys taunting him should be sensitized to the consequences of consistently taunting someone. Shame on the regional official who called for the guy’s expulsion from the school without first giving him a hearing.

They are implementing an anti bullying program to sensitize students on the issue. 

Kudos to the school administration!

Baseman posted:
Mars posted:
Baseman posted:

He has been suspended and to undergo conseling.

Fair resolution for all parties involved. He should face some punishment for his actions and the boys taunting him should be sensitized to the consequences of consistently taunting someone. Shame on the regional official who called for the guy’s expulsion from the school without first giving him a hearing.

They are implementing an anti bullying program to sensitize students on the issue. 

Kudos to the school administration!

That might be an explanation. Maybe this guy is known to have serious anger management issues, which is why the guys became meek when his anger showed.  

Not a smart idea to taunt an angry bull though.

caribny posted:
Drugb posted:

Dem was a group of cowards, interfere with de man and get a good cut rass. 

Oh so suddenly you are no longer in a wheel chair?

Like yuh hallucinating now, where wheel chair mentioned or not? Dis is druggie opinion, cowards, dey get what dey deserved.  You as usual over analyzing the situation. Back in druggy heydays he used to  buss rass whoever show disrespect. Now all I can do is spray yall rass.


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