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Colin Croal

Colin Croal

June 12 ,2021


Under the former APNU+AFC administration, the Ministry of Housing distributed a total of 6,780 house lots in areas in regions Four, Five and Six.

This disclosure was made on Thursday by Minister of Housing and Water Collin Croal. in a written response to questions asked by APNU+AFC Member of Parliament Annette Ferguson. The answers were circulated during Thursday’s sitting of the National Assembly.

Ferguson asked for the information on the number of house lots which were distributed for housing purposes for the period before August 2, 2020, when the PPP/C assumed office, on the East Bank of Demerara (Prospect, Providence, Great Diamond, Little Diamond,), East Coast (Cumming’s Lodge, Mon Repos, Annandale, La Bonne Intention, Vigilance, Bladen Hall, Strathsphey), Region Five (Experiment, Hampshire) and Region Six (Williams-burg, Ordinance Fortlands, No.75 Village and No.79 Village).

Annette Ferguson

Croal provided a table which listed the number of house lots allocated to every area requested.

Cummings Lodge saw the highest number of house lot allocations, with 1090, followed by Great Diamond with 1044.

Asked whether the Central Housing and Planning Authority (CH&PA) is refusing to accept payments from persons who were allocated lands in those areas before August 2nd, 2020, Croal responded in the negative.

He noted that during the transition between governments there was a one-month holding period.

Ferguson also asked for statistics on how many persons paid for their house lots both in full and in parts up to the end of 2020 and were yet to receive their respective agreement of sale.

In his written response, Croal said a total of 239 persons paid for their house lots in full up to the end of 2020, while 3,263 paid in parts up to the same period.

Additionally, Ferguson asked how long it takes after persons are allocated their house lots and have paid, both in full and parts, for them to be given their respective Agreement of Sale from the CH&PA.

According to Croal, the time span for both is the same of 2 to 3 weeks.

Finally, Ferguson enquired how long it takes the CH&PA to give persons their respective Certificate of Title after they received their Agreement of Sale. In his response to this, Croal said this takes a period of 3 to 6 months.

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