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Aubrey Norton                     Volda Lawrence

April 5 ,2022


The opposition People’s National Congress Reform (PNCR)-led A Partnership for National Unity+Alliance For Change (APNU+AFC) has officially asked the Chief Election Officer, Vishnu Persaud to select Aubrey Norton and Volda Lawrence to replace two now resigned parliamentarians.

Chief Election Officer, Vishnu Persaud confirmed receiving a correspondence concerning the replacements for Dr. Nicolette Henry, who resigned from March 31, 2022 and Mr. Joseph Harmon who resigned from March 15, 2022.

An aide close to APNU+AFC Representative of the List, David Granger confirmed that the letter dated April 4, 2022 was dispatched to the Chief Election Officer.

“I received a letter, signed by Aubrey C. Norton, Chairman of the APNU and Khemraj Ramjattan, Leader of AFC, dated 31st March 2022 at 14:00 hours on Monday 4th April 2022 informing me, as Representative of the APNU+AFC List, as follows: ‘In the circumstance, the APNU has resolved, with the knowledge of its partner, the Alliance For Change, that the replacements are Mr. Aubrey C. Norton and Ms. Volda Ann Lawrence both of whom were listed by APNU+AFC as candidates in the 2020 submission of the joint list,” Mr. Granger told the Chief Election Officer.

The APNU+AFC Representative of the List said, as required by Section 99(A) of the Representation of the People Act. Cap. 1:03, I inform you that Mr. Aubrey C. Norton and Ms. Volda Ann Lawrence of the APNU+AFC have been extracted from the List of Candidates to fill these vacancies. I would be grateful for the necessary instruments to be issued, accordingly.”

This step ends a more than two-month long hiatus over the absence of an Opposition Leader.

The PNCR’s recently-elected executive has also decided that Mr. Norton would eventually emerge as Guyana’s Opposition Leader.  A number of key consultations for the appointment of a substantive Chancellor of the Judiciary, Chief Justice and Police Commissioner as well as a number of Service Commissions have been held up because consultations are required between the Opposition Leader and the President of Guyana.

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