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APNU+AFC plans to increase pension, salaries within 100 days in office

March 29, 2015 9:59 pm Category: latest news A+ / A-

By Tracey Khan – Drakes

A section of the crowd at Whim, Corentyne Berbice. [iNews' Photo]

A section of the crowd at Whim, Corentyne Berbice. [iNews’ Photo]

[] – Prime Ministerial Candidate for A Partnership for National Unity/Alliance For Change coalition, Moses Nagamootoo launched a stinging attack against incumbent President Donald Ramotar and former President Bharrat Jagdeo during his address to thousands of supporters at Whim, Corentyne Berbice.


He said Ramotar is being overshadowed by the former President, whom he described as being fake.

“Everybody knows Ramotar is only the guy who cuts ribbon, shakes hands and kisses babies… but he is not the real President…could the real Guyanese President stand up? He makes all the excuses for corruption and failed projects in Guyana but is overshadowed by a fake/counterfeit within the PPP who masquerades as the President and that’s Bharrat Jagdeo,” Nagamootoo said.

Nagamootoo, a former PPP Member, described Jagdeo as a hypocrite and criticized him for comparing his home with that of PPP founder, Dr Cheddi Jagan.

APNU+AFC Prime Ministerial Candidate, Moses Nagamootoo and supporters at Whim, Corentyne Berbice. [iNews' Photo]

APNU+AFC Prime Ministerial Candidate, Moses Nagamootoo and supporters at Whim, Corentyne Berbice. [iNews’ Photo]

According to Nagamootoo, Guyana has to “fetch Jagdeo like goodies” but the new administration will “cut out the waste, the extravagance and the corruption.”


Meanwhile, he said that within the first 100 days in office, the coalition intends to establish a code of conduct for ministers, call Local Government Elections, increase public servants salary by 10 percent across the board and increase old age pension to $15,000.

He also noted that that after a thorough investigation, the coalition government would reduce the cost to cross the Berbice Bridge by half.

He told the Whim rally that he is “back home with clean hands and a clear conscience,” given the fact that he grew up in Whim.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Moses Nagamootoo launched a stinging attack against incumbent President Donald Ramotar and former President Bharrat Jagdeo during his address to thousands of supporters at Whim, Corentyne Berbice.


The problem with most of the Indo Guyanese voters is that most of them are not suffering under the PPP. Money sent back from abroad as reparation is keeping them alive. And most of these folks are accustomed to live off very little.

Originally Posted by Mr.T:

The problem with most of the Indo Guyanese voters is that most of them are not suffering under the PPP. Money sent back from abroad as reparation is keeping them alive. And most of these folks are accustomed to live off very little.


I absolutely agree with you. The system of Western Union Welfare for Indo Loafers has managed to preserve the PPP. It actually prevents the building of political pressure against the incumbent Government. Panis et circenses. Bread and circus. They Guyanese people are happy as long as they have food, sex, and chunes.


You ever wanna see a Government fall? Starve the population.

Originally Posted by Mr.T:

The problem with most of the Indo Guyanese voters is that most of them are not suffering under the PPP. Money sent back from abroad as reparation is keeping them alive. And most of these folks are accustomed to live off very little.

Not so, I do think that many are feeling the pinch, as remittance from abroad is not flowing like a few years ago, families as finding things very hard. Guyanese are simply fed up with the Corrupt PPP/C, most if not a great number will think that going out to vote will be a waste of time.


Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by Mr.T:

The problem with most of the Indo Guyanese voters is that most of them are not suffering under the PPP. Money sent back from abroad as reparation is keeping them alive. And most of these folks are accustomed to live off very little.


I absolutely agree with you. The system of Western Union Welfare for Indo Loafers has managed to preserve the PPP. It actually prevents the building of political pressure against the incumbent Government. Panis et circenses. Bread and circus. They Guyanese people are happy as long as they have food, sex, and chunes.


You ever wanna see a Government fall? Starve the population.

Exception here Gran One. Burnham bucked this exception.

Originally Posted by asj:





APNU+AFC plans to increase pension, salaries within 100 days in office

March 29, 2015 9:59 pm Category: latest news A+ / A-

By Tracey Khan – Drakes

A section of the crowd at Whim, Corentyne Berbice. [iNews' Photo]

A section of the crowd at Whim, Corentyne Berbice. [iNews’ Photo]

[] – Prime Ministerial Candidate for A Partnership for National Unity/Alliance For Change coalition, Moses Nagamootoo launched a stinging attack against incumbent President Donald Ramotar and former President Bharrat Jagdeo during his address to thousands of supporters at Whim, Corentyne Berbice.


He said Ramotar is being overshadowed by the former President, whom he described as being fake.

“Everybody knows Ramotar is only the guy who cuts ribbon, shakes hands and kisses babies… but he is not the real President…could the real Guyanese President stand up? He makes all the excuses for corruption and failed projects in Guyana but is overshadowed by a fake/counterfeit within the PPP who masquerades as the President and that’s Bharrat Jagdeo,” Nagamootoo said.

Nagamootoo, a former PPP Member, described Jagdeo as a hypocrite and criticized him for comparing his home with that of PPP founder, Dr Cheddi Jagan.

APNU+AFC Prime Ministerial Candidate, Moses Nagamootoo and supporters at Whim, Corentyne Berbice. [iNews' Photo]

APNU+AFC Prime Ministerial Candidate, Moses Nagamootoo and supporters at Whim, Corentyne Berbice. [iNews’ Photo]

According to Nagamootoo, Guyana has to “fetch Jagdeo like goodies” but the new administration will “cut out the waste, the extravagance and the corruption.”


Meanwhile, he said that within the first 100 days in office, the coalition intends to establish a code of conduct for ministers, call Local Government Elections, increase public servants salary by 10 percent across the board and increase old age pension to $15,000.

He also noted that that after a thorough investigation, the coalition government would reduce the cost to cross the Berbice Bridge by half.

He told the Whim rally that he is “back home with clean hands and a clear conscience,” given the fact that he grew up in Whim.

GOOD promise - increase pension to $15k and 13% wages increase for all workers.


I do not think that within recent history, that an Opposition was able to pull in this amount of people in Berbice.......Berbice was always for the PPP/C

Does not seems so anymore:


This crowd does say and mean something.




APNU+AFC plans to increase pension, salaries within 100 days in office

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by Mr.T:

The problem with most of the Indo Guyanese voters is that most of them are not suffering under the PPP. Money sent back from abroad as reparation is keeping them alive. And most of these folks are accustomed to live off very little.


I absolutely agree with you. The system of Western Union Welfare for Indo Loafers has managed to preserve the PPP. It actually prevents the building of political pressure against the incumbent Government. Panis et circenses. Bread and circus. They Guyanese people are happy as long as they have food, sex, and chunes.


You ever wanna see a Government fall? Starve the population.

Exception here Gran One. Burnham bucked this exception.


That man was truly great. He managed to starve his supporters and still be praised for the deed


That's a bloody politician's politician!

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by Mr.T:

The problem with most of the Indo Guyanese voters is that most of them are not suffering under the PPP. Money sent back from abroad as reparation is keeping them alive. And most of these folks are accustomed to live off very little.


I absolutely agree with you. The system of Western Union Welfare for Indo Loafers has managed to preserve the PPP. It actually prevents the building of political pressure against the incumbent Government. Panis et circenses. Bread and circus. They Guyanese people are happy as long as they have food, sex, and chunes.


You ever wanna see a Government fall? Starve the population.

Exception here Gran One. Burnham bucked this exception.


That man was truly great. He managed to starve his supporters and still be praised for the deed


That's a bloody politician's politician!

As the saying goes "you can't dazzle them with brilliance; baffle them with bullshit". And keep the GDF dogs at their door.

Last edited by Former Member

Guyana has the funds to give increased pensions. VAT is making a killing and NICIL has a lot of money.


The PPP has been a reverse Robin Hood govt - stealing from the poor and giving to the rich parasitic, bourgeoises friends. Their trickle down economics is just that a trickle to the working poor.


Every race Punishing!


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