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Originally Posted by Conscience:

The APNU+AFC in its 100-day plan promised to:

Immediately implement a phased reduction of VAT and the removal of VAT from food and other essential items”

But here's what its now saying


Immediately means never for the PNC.

Originally Posted by alena06:
Originally Posted by Conscience:

The APNU+AFC in its 100-day plan promised to:

Immediately implement a phased reduction of VAT and the removal of VAT from food and other essential items”

But here's what its now saying


Immediately means never for the PNC.

Run along to your night cleaning job now.


The good news is that the coalition is laying the foundation to deal with the VAT issue, and others as well. Maybe, the 100-day plan was over-ambitious, but much will be accomplished by yearend. Public servants for sure will have a nice Christmas.


Look, let's be intelligent about this. In every election throughout the world, promises are made. Many of these promises never see the light of day. Why don't we all wait and give the government the time it needs to blasted well try to bring back the country from the hellhole it was being lowered into.


Those who don't pay taxes, pay bribes.


The PNC is finally listening to my advise.


More taxes on alcohol, cigarettes, luxuary items such as cars, electrical appliances.  No raises because 50% of their salaries go into the rum shop.


Imagine Guyana who are well off in NA, going back home with beads to exchange for free boarding and lodging, making like more difficult for their families.

Last edited by Ramakant-P
Originally Posted by Jay Bharrat:

Lots of businesses not paying VAT - most hardware stores in Rose Hall and Berbice don't pay.


Need to improve collection.  Send inspectors out.

Hogwash! Where will they get the money to pay all thse inspectors? Those businesses will bribe the inspectors and it'll be business as usual. Koolieman or blakcman..all ah dem ah tek brive. Ting nah regula in GY.


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