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ETWEEN the A People’s Partnership for National Unity (APNU) and the Alliance For Change (AFC), there is a collective effort to rid Guyana of all its human and financial resources. This has become even clearer with recent events that are unfolding before the public.So far we have seen the Joint Opposition’s consorted effort to chase away investors from Guyana. In less than six months two major international investors, Muri Brasil Ventures and Blackstone Group which pulled out of the Amaila Project, were forced to walk away from doing business in Guyana as a direct result of Opposition hostility.

As if chasing away investors is not enough to satisfy their lust for power afforded by their one seat majority, they now move to attack and ultimately chase our human resources: our young qualified professionals working in Government.

Just months ago the AFC waged a campaign to discredit the head of the Guyana Energy Agency, Mahender Sharma, son of CN Sharma. Now APNU’s Joe Harmon is copying from his AFC’s friend playbook, by doing the same thing to Alexei Ramotar and the project he leads. It is not by coincidence that Harmon and his party chose to publicly question the merit of Mr. Ramotar. This was strategically done because Alexei Ramotar is the son of President Donald Ramotar. Alexei Ramotar was hired in 2010, prior to his father’s run for Presidential Office and was deemed the most qualified for the job at that time. Today he remains one of Guyana’s most qualified in his field, with a Masters in Computer Science from the University of Waterloo, over a decade of work experience where he led numerous projects in his field, and several academic awards and publications.
APNU has called on government to provide jobs for young people and to utilize Guyana’s local human resources. But when young professionals return to work for government in a field of expertise that is sought after internationally and are not paid at a competitive rate they otherwise would receive in developed countries, they are attacked and demoralised by the opposition.

Therefore, at a time where there is a high global demand for skilled personnel, politicians and policy makers alike, should support and encourage young professionals to remain and contribute to Guyana’s development and not attack them and render them collateral damage of personal political vendetta .
How can Guyana attract qualified skilled personnel to stay when they are vilified, much the same like international investors, by the Opposition?
The AFC and the APNU has made every effort to stagnate the development of Guyana for their personal political gains via their one seat Parliamentary majority. In addition to chasing and vilifying investors and qualified young professionals, the Joint Parliamentary Opposition has gone as far as to ensure Guyana is now internationally blacklisted by international financial institutions by their non- support for the Anti-Money Laundering and Countering the Financing of Terrorism Act.
These resentful and vindictive acts by the AFC and APNU are clear indicators that they have no intention to foster financial, professional or investor credibility for Guyana, and similarly have no intention of doing what is best for the good of this nation(Re-posted from the Guyana Chronicle).

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Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

Now its up to the public to recognize that the AFC/PNC are destroying the nation and send them packing. 

you right them ministers need to build pradoville 3

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

Now its up to the public to recognize that the AFC/PNC are destroying the nation and send them packing. 


The people now catch sense. AFC funding dried up and they are now broke. The AFC is led by a group of Chammar Indians.

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:

The public is aware of the issues with the AFC tightly bound to the PNC and the next election will produce great surprises for them.

call election wimp 

Originally Posted by Conscience:

So far we have seen the Joint Opposition’s consorted effort to chase away investors from Guyana. In less than six months two major international investors, Muri Brasil Ventures and Blackstone Group which pulled out of the Amaila Project, were forced to walk away from doing business in Guyana as a direct result of Opposition hostility.

As if chasing away investors is not enough to satisfy their lust for power afforded by their one seat majority, they now move to attack and ultimately chase our human resources: our young qualified professionals working in Government.

Just months ago the AFC waged a campaign to discredit the head of the Guyana Energy Agency, Mahender Sharma, son of CN Sharma. Now APNU’s Joe Harmon is copying from his AFC’s friend playbook, by doing the same thing to Alexei Ramotar and the project he leads. It is not by coincidence that Harmon and his party chose to publicly question the merit of Mr. Ramotar. This was strategically done because Alexei Ramotar is the son of President Donald Ramotar. Alexei Ramotar was hired in 2010, prior to his father’s run for Presidential Office and was deemed the most qualified for the job at that time. Today he remains one of Guyana’s most qualified in his field, with a Masters in Computer Science from the University of Waterloo, over a decade of work experience where he led numerous projects in his field, and several academic awards and publications.
APNU has called on government to provide jobs for young people and to utilize Guyana’s local human resources. But when young professionals return to work for government in a field of expertise that is sought after internationally and are not paid at a competitive rate they otherwise would receive in developed countries, they are attacked and demoralised by the opposition.

Therefore, at a time where there is a high global demand for skilled personnel, politicians and policy makers alike, should support and encourage young professionals to remain and contribute to Guyana’s development and not attack them and render them collateral damage of personal political vendetta .
How can Guyana attract qualified skilled personnel to stay when they are vilified, much the same like international investors, by the Opposition?
The AFC and the APNU has made every effort to stagnate the development of Guyana for their personal political gains via their one seat Parliamentary majority. In addition to chasing and vilifying investors and qualified young professionals, the Joint Parliamentary Opposition has gone as far as to ensure Guyana is now internationally blacklisted by international financial institutions by their non- support for the Anti-Money Laundering and Countering the Financing of Terrorism Act.
These resentful and vindictive acts by the AFC and APNU are clear indicators that they have no intention to foster financial, professional or investor credibility for Guyana, and similarly have no intention of doing what is best for the good of this nation(Re-posted from the Guyana Chronicle).

Those two companies were foisted on the people with dubious claims as to their relevance and no substantiating transparent explanation as to their functional relevance. Had the PPP been up front, the Amalia Falls deal would be workable but only at a lower cost. Give aways as Motilal would have been avoidable. We are still waiting for the Hand in Hand to explain where is the bond they say they held in relation to this. It is these dubious dealings that caused this one to die.


The Muri deal needs no explanation. It is plainly a not necessary and would only benefit the pocket book of the PPP hierarchy as OMAI did. It had no place in our economic scheme. The PPP should try to make the cost of extracting our non renewable resources a line idem on the debit side and not sell it to us as a credit. We do not want to hear how much a company will spend to rob us. We want to know what we get for massive holes in the ground, loss of rare species, environment damage and the lives of native peoples uprooted. Those are not line items we place a value on casually while the PPP lines its pockets.


Alexi may have the right education but experience in management is the premium here not computer skills. One can buy the former easily many times over given the dumbfounded management failures with this ponderous exercise to date. He is there purely because he meets the PPP criteria of friends and family first and all others behind. The demoralization of that practice is well known since they have numerous books on the destructive nature on nepotism and crony capitalism.



Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:

The public is aware of the issues with the AFC tightly bound to the PNC and the next election will produce great surprises for them.

call election wimp 

Extremely simple to do so ....


The PNC cum AFC simply need to pass a non-confidence motion against the PPP/C in parliament and an election must be held within ninety days.

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:

Then, Cain, the PPP/C will remain in power and be re-elected with a majority at the 2016 election.

Yeah right! Your fortune telling is on par with that of DaRev's....totally incorrect.


The joint opposition based their 2011 campaign on greater job creation for youth, after they narrowly secured a combined majority in the National Assembly, it seems they are now on a quest to discredit and witch hunt all the young professionals.

Originally Posted by Conscience:

The joint opposition based their 2011 campaign on greater job creation for youth, after they narrowly secured a combined majority in the National Assembly, it seems they are now on a quest to discredit and witch hunt all the young professionals.

rewrite that post. I think you choked on you own lie and did not make sense. What is the objective of an AFC witch hunt or discrediting?

Originally Posted by Conscience:

The joint opposition based their 2011 campaign on greater job creation for youth, after they narrowly secured a combined majority in the National Assembly, it seems they are now on a quest to discredit and witch hunt all the young professionals.


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