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Dave posted:

Ayo watch how black people are bully’s - I would throw them and their equipments Rass in the gutter . 

I notice  what I perceived to be PPP supporters taking a stand. This is a far cry from when they use to run. I hope Nehru taking note.


Sheik101 posted:
Dave posted:

Ayo watch how black people are bully’s - I would throw them and their equipments Rass in the gutter . 

I notice  what I perceived to be PPP supporters taking a stand. This is a far cry from when they use to run. I hope Nehru taking note.


I have been saying that this coolie generation is not afraid of negroes. These guys run for cutlass at the least provocation. I have seen this a couple of times when I went to Guyana. They are not peaceful like our generation or our father's generation. What do they have to lose? You die by starvation or you die by fighting? At least fighting back you have a chance of survival.

Dave posted:

Dude...lets not jump to conclusion here...we dont know the context and we cant hear clearly what they saying...but people have a right to set up their equipment to rally...its a political campaign in full swing.

One thing is clear though...Indos here got some respect because they did not put up with the lady in green who was aggressive against the see Indos sticking together is rear...

VishMahabir posted:
Dave posted:

Dude...lets not jump to conclusion here...we dont know the context and we cant hear clearly what they saying...but people have a right to set up their equipment to rally...its a political campaign in full swing.

One thing is clear though...Indos here got some respect because they did not put up with the lady in green who was aggressive against the see Indos sticking together is rear...

Beat and chase out dem bully black man. I would ah run dem skoant out wid wan 22.
Looks like PNC supporters don't want anyone to see this. this site has a warning about a dangerous infected virus

Last edited by Former Member
skeldon_man posted:
VishMahabir posted:
Dave posted:

Dude...lets not jump to conclusion here...we dont know the context and we cant hear clearly what they saying...but people have a right to set up their equipment to rally...its a political campaign in full swing.

One thing is clear though...Indos here got some respect because they did not put up with the lady in green who was aggressive against the see Indos sticking together is rear...

Beat and chase out dem bully black man. I would ah run dem skoant out wid wan 22.

So, who is going to be the more mature ones here...why stoop to that level?

Tit for Tat will only drag the country back to the 1962-1964 era type of race conflict.

Baseman posted:

This is a direct response to the PNC hooligans attacking PPP campaigners passing through their neighborhoods.

Indians saying we can do same.

Like I eye for an eye make everyone...

VishMahabir posted:
skeldon_man posted:
VishMahabir posted:
Dave posted:

Dude...lets not jump to conclusion here...we dont know the context and we cant hear clearly what they saying...but people have a right to set up their equipment to rally...its a political campaign in full swing.

One thing is clear though...Indos here got some respect because they did not put up with the lady in green who was aggressive against the see Indos sticking together is rear...

Beat and chase out dem bully black man. I would ah run dem skoant out wid wan 22.

So, who is going to be the more mature ones here...why stoop to that level?

Tit for Tat will only drag the country back to the 1962-1964 era type of race conflict.

Shet you cunny. How long should negro eye pass go on? You have to realize that the level negroes stoop to causing coolies to react.


APNU-AFC Is paying mini buses to drive through the streets of PPP strong hold neighborhood waving their flags and blasting music. Dr Jagdeo appeal to his supporters in these neighborhood NOT to engage them in any form. 

On the PPPC facebook, moderators can be seen many times asking their supporters to  keep calm and ignore rude and provocative comments.



Last edited by Former Member
skeldon_man posted:

Shet you cunny. How long should negro eye pass go on? You have to realize that the level negroes stoop to causing coolies to react.

Hey, Big Mouth Skeleton brain...its easy for you to shout from your safe haven in your basement in North America..why dont you go to Skeldon and let we see how much of a brave "coolie" you are?. 

BTW...people dont use "negroes" and "coolies" any more...we know you stuck in the Middle Ages...knucklehead


Dave posted:

APNU-AFC Is paying mini buses to drive through the streets of PPP strong hold neighborhood waving their flags and blasting music. Dr Jagdeo appeal to his supporters in these neighborhood NOT to engage them in any form. 

On the PPPC facebook, moderators can be seen many times asking their supporters to  keep calm and ignore rude and provocative comments.



So why is Skeldon-Man encouraging people to take matters into their in the police...

OH...let me guess..."dem Negro police will not do anything"...

OH...less we forget...its the same police force the PPP refuse to change...and the same force they discourage Indos from joining (according to Malcom Harripal).

VishMahabir posted:
skeldon_man posted:

Shet you cunny. How long should negro eye pass go on? You have to realize that the level negroes stoop to causing coolies to react.

Hey, Big Mouth Skeleton brain...its easy for you to shout from your safe haven in your basement in North America..why dont you go to Skeldon and let we see how much of a brave "coolie" you are?. 

BTW...people dont use "negroes" and "coolies" any more...we know you stuck in the Middle Ages...knucklehead


Skelly was  a cane cutta, and from what i heard, the whole corentyne was afraid of him  ... be-careful  wah yo asking for. 

VishMahabir posted:
Baseman posted:

This is a direct response to the PNC hooligans attacking PPP campaigners passing through their neighborhoods.

Indians saying we can do same.

Like I eye for an eye make everyone...

PNC supporters don’t care.  So you have to take a stand. This is why the phantoms were brought in. 

Baseman posted:
VishMahabir posted:
Baseman posted:

This is a direct response to the PNC hooligans attacking PPP campaigners passing through their neighborhoods.

Indians saying we can do same.

Like I eye for an eye make everyone...

PNC supporters don’t care.  So you have to take a stand. This is why the phantoms were brought in. 

Why you "revolutionaries" did not take a stand for 28 years?

VishMahabir posted:
Dave posted:

Dude...lets not jump to conclusion here...we dont know the context and we cant hear clearly what they saying...but people have a right to set up their equipment to rally...its a political campaign in full swing.

One thing is clear though...Indos here got some respect because they did not put up with the lady in green who was aggressive against the see Indos sticking together is rear...

For once you are reporting the FACTS. Nah worry with them PNC people, you nah all ah that dunce.


I remember Vish mocking Indos that they were not taking a stand and when they do he changes his position and is whining that an eye for an eye makes the world go blind. Well the world was blind when AFC PNC bullied Indos for decades. 

PPP supporters are now standing up to PNC bullies.

My only fear is that I hope that these little squabbles don’t turn out in to larger battles on Election Day. 

I stated the other day that Jagan was a coward who made Indos run away from bullies but today they feel empowered and are no longer pushovers. They are ending decades of PNC hooliganism. This is a game changer 

Good to see Indos standing up to bullies. End the AFC PNC hooliganism now. 


Last edited by Former Member

APNU+AFC concerned about political harassment by purported PPP supporters ,them worry.

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THE APNU+AFC Coalition notes, with serious concern, an incident that occurred on Monday January 27, 2020, at Non Pareil, East Coast Demerara.

APNU+AFC campaign organisers were harassed, threatened, bullied and intimidated by persons who purported to represent the opposition People’s Progressive Party, the coalition said in a release. The APNU+AFC said it finds the descension into violence wholly unacceptable.

“The APNU+AFC Coalition takes this opportunity to iterate that all Guyanese, regardless of race, colour, creed or political affiliation, have the same rights and freedoms under the law. With this in mind, we call on all political parties and their supporters to campaign peacefully, with the understanding that while we may disagree, we must maintain a spirit of goodwill and calm. We must not let our differences, whatever they may be, cause us to descend into violence and intimidation,” the release added.

“The 2020 general and regional elections campaigns will end on March 2nd, and ours will be the task of building One Guyana. This will require all Guyanese, moving forward together, to create the future our children deserve and we must do so as one people and one nation with a shared destiny,” APNU+AFC said.


Tables turned, AFC PNC now whines and complains when PPP supporters stand up to their hooliganism. How times have changed. 

This is the end result of a people who have had enough of AFC PNC hooliganism. 

Last edited by Former Member

Bai, AFC PNC are acting out of desperation. They know that they are finished. PPP supporters have to remain focused on the bigger prize of victory and not allow AFC PNC hooligans to disrupt a very successful PPP campaign. 

VishMahabir posted:
Baseman posted:
VishMahabir posted:
Baseman posted:

This is a direct response to the PNC hooligans attacking PPP campaigners passing through their neighborhoods.

Indians saying we can do same.

Like I eye for an eye make everyone...

PNC supporters don’t care.  So you have to take a stand. This is why the phantoms were brought in. 

Why you "revolutionaries" did not take a stand for 28 years?

Because the then leader believed in the Gandhian approach hoping human values will eventually break through. However, he was not dealing with the Brits.  

Indians in Guyana have come to the realization that PNC supporters will poke you in the eye. When you do nothing, they do it again and again and again and again and again and......  When they are done, it’s you who are left blind. 

Jagdeo taught them there is merit in poking back.

You have to deal with what you have to deal with. Just the nature of the beast.  Nothing personal!

cain posted:

To be fair, green and yellow started this nonsense and now they get a taste of their own medicine they complain.  

Easy banna...if this escalate....we dont know where it will end...situation is tense.


Bai Vish, it’s not tense. Is Guyanese we talking bout. GNI is a good example. We fight and argue but nothing is personal. 
Kulies and Afros argue today and den tek a nice drink wid mango cuttas and everything good.

Mark my word, if PNC loses, Granger will still play a role in Guyana’s future. That’s how things work down there. 

VishMahabir posted:
cain posted:

To be fair, green and yellow started this nonsense and now they get a taste of their own medicine they complain.  

Easy banna...if this escalate....we dont know where it will end...situation is tense.

Should the red shirt guys just take whatever is dished out and not retaliate?

The PNC does have a group of hooligans in the party, Granger and others in high positions should speak out against their actions and do something about it. Their silence on this only shows they are in cahoots with the hooligans.

Last edited by cain
cain posted:
VishMahabir posted:
cain posted:

To be fair, green and yellow started this nonsense and now they get a taste of their own medicine they complain.  

Easy banna...if this escalate....we dont know where it will end...situation is tense.

Should the red shirt guys just take whatever is dished out and not retaliate?

The PNC does have a group of hooligans in the party, Granger and others in high positions should speak out against their actions and do something about it. Their silence on this only shows they are in cahoots with the hooligans.

Agreed...politicians can diffuse the situation...and they can escalate the situation too.


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