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Representative of APNU+AFC coalition list of candidates, Professor Harold Lutchman [left) presenting the list of candidates to Chief Elections Officer, Keith Lowenfield.Representative of APNU+AFC coalition list of candidates, Professor Harold Lutchman (left) presenting the list of candidates to Chief Elections Officer, Keith Lowenfield.

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The opposition coalition initially failed to meet the legal requirement for the number of women on its list of candidates for next month’s general and regional elections, according to a senior official of the Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM).

According to the source, A Partnership for National Unity + Alliance For Change (APNU+AFC) submitted a list of 75 candidates of which only 14 were women on Nomination Day, Tuesday April 7, 2015.

The GECOM official said the coalition on Thursday submitted the names of 11 women, to meet the requirement of the Representation of the People Act that one-third of the candidates must be of that gender.


Excerpts from demerarawaves

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