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Former Member


I said from the inception that APNU+AFC will construct a narrative based upon lies and misrepresentations with the intention of undermining the integrity of the national recount process and even the elections themselves. Their incompetence is already legendary. However, of late, it has ascended to unimaginable heights.

So, now they are attacking the very elections, which they claim delivered victory to them. Logic and common sense would dictate that they would strenuously defend the integrity of those elections because according to them, they won them. Again, logically, one would have expected that they would welcome this recount process, defend it and expedite it, so that their victory can be confirmed.

On the contrary, they have done everything to prevent the recount from taking place, and when that failed, they are actively working to undermine it. So, every day they spend great energy and time in fabricating and concocting irregularities and magnifying them. However, due to their unparallel incompetence, they end up embarrassing themselves and the few who still have the courage to support and defend them.

Examples of what I am making reference to, are too numerous to mention here. I will provide simply one at this point in time.

Yesterday, they published on Facebook that the recount process uncovered a massive fraud at a Polling Station at Yawrokabra Primary School. They stated that the recount established that the Statement of Poll (SOP) for a ballot box at Yawrokabra Primary School contained a grave error, that the APNU+AFC received 41 votes, but the recount showed that the APNU+AFC received 160 votes. In the same way that they have refused to publish SOPs in their possession, they refused to post on Facebook a photograph of the SOP and the Statement of Recount (SOR), which would have established beyond doubt this massive fraud.

As usual, they had a misguided few, totally embarrassing themselves on social media, repeating and peddling this clumsy lie.

Please see below a copy of the SOP and the SOR for that polling station in question and the Facebook post by the APNU+AFC of the foolish lie being peddled. You will note that the SOR confirmed the number of votes that the APNU+AFC and the PPP/C received as contained on the SOP.

Both documents are signed by representatives of the 2 Political Parties!!!!

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First time I see a party win an election and they are undermining their own win.  These are some desperate PNC winners.

They claim victory but cannot prove it. Now they accuse the PPP fo rigging when the entire population of Guyana knows that the master riggers were schooled at Sophia University armed, protected, and located at Congress Place.


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