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August 15 ,2021


Dear Editor,

Kindly permit me space in your letter column to publish my missive. Last week the People’s Progressive Party/Civic celebrated its first year in office. The government has, over the last year, failed to address the needs of the Guyanese people even as it continues to focus on frivolous matters and cheap politicking while the people of this country continue to suffer.  It has been one year of hampers and promises. Nonetheless, Editor, I wish to focus on the government’s housing programme.

In the People’s Progressive Party/ Civic 2020 Manifesto, on page 36, under the captioned “Affordable Housing,” this is what the Introduc-tion said: “Hallmarks of PPP/C governments have been the housing program providing affordable housing to all Guyanese. The PPP/C developed and distributed 112,766 house lots to Guyanese families, 80% of which went to low-income families.” Further, they claimed “Under the APNU+AFC, no new housing schemes have been established and construction has slowed in existing schemes and the following promises were made for the housing sector, these include but are not limited to – create 10,000 house lots annually, invest in support infrastructure in existing and new housing schemes, reverse VAT on building materials, facilitate affordable financing for home ownership, promote home ownership, particularly among youths and young professionals, through tax and other incentives, promote partnerships and incentivize private sector involvement in the sector. Within its first year, the government has thus far boasted of allocating six thousand (6000) house lots – a clear shortfall from the ambitious ‘10,000’ mark.

Editor, the PPP/C regime has highlighted its housing plan for the two decades – as ambitious as it may be – it shows that a foundation was set and left behind by the APNU+AFC government. Editor, when the Coalition took office in May 2015, our medium-term goal for the housing sector was “to improve the quality of life through the provision of adequate and affordable housing solutions,” while the PPP/C regime (in their 2020 Manifesto) accused the “APNU+AFC of not developing new housing schemes. This is far from the truth! The APNU+AFC records speaks for itself! While we did not enjoy a full term in office, the Central Housing and Planning Authority through the Ministry of Communities was able to accomplish the following in spite of the challenges and constraints in the Housing Sector inherited from the previous PPP/C government whose failed policies and programmes were geared not to favour women, youths, public servants, single mothers, the elderly, persons with disabilities and low income earners, but rather friends, families and cronies… a typical example being the “Pradoville 2 fiasco.”

The CORE challenges facing Guyana’s housing programme are as follows:

●   Cost of financing

●   Inadequate public infrastructure and services

●   The need for strategic planning

●  Low take up in housing schemes

●  The need for a revision of the current configuration of processing applications

Editor, it is an understatement by the PPP/C regime to say that the APNU+AFC government developed “No New Housing Schemes.” Well, as the last sitting Minister with responsibility for Housing under the David Granger Administration, let me highlight the accomplishments of the Housing Sector for May 2015 to May 2020, twenty-one (21) New Housing areas were established, namely:

1.0          HOUSING AREAS

Housing units were allocated in the following areas: Perservance, EBD, Onderneeming, WBD, Experiment, WCB, Amelia’s Ward, Linden and Prospect, EBD. The Central Housing and Planning Authority through the Ministry of Communities, then in 2019, was able to acquire lands and made advancement payments to the Guyana Lands and Survey Commission in the following areas:

Editor, there are in excess of three hundred housing areas incomplete across regions, which require road upgrades. The Coalition Government assessed the cost implications to have the works done in these areas and it would have cost the government close to $50 billion dollars. The PPP/C regime has failed tremendously in moving the housing sector in the past and they will continue with their old habits and ways of doing business. Many have reported that people have started to compromise the system, where persons desperate for an allocation are paying in excess of five hundred thousand dollars ($500,000.00) to process their applications. Like other Ministries, the PPP/C government pre-May 2015 had no plan nor roadmap for the housing sector and I can guess there is none, but Guyanese are being plagued with imaginary dreams by this regime and should be mindful and careful of their failed policies and programmes for the housing sector. In conclusion, a clear comparison of the two governments’ policies for the housing sector, I do believe that the Coalition government had a better plan for housing, since we were building and creating wholesome and cohesive communities, rather than “bush lots”. A classic model is the Perseverance area on the East Bank Demerara, just take a tour.


Annette Ferguson M.P


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Letter: Response to Annette Ferguson on housing sector

Dear Editor,

I have taken note of a letter authored by Annette Ferguson titled “APNU+AFC created a sound housing sector strategy”, and wish to respond to her missive.

The first thing I want to point out is that Ferguson claims the APNU+AFC Coalition left behind a foundation for the housing sector. I have no clue what that foundation is, because as far as I am aware, all the coalition had in regard to the sector was a hodge-podge plan which they failed to execute. No clear strategy was outlined, and the facts in the subsequent paragraphs will contradict Ferguson’s contention.

To begin with, the former Minister contended that a simple comparison of the two governments’ policies for the housing sector would show that the APNU+AFC had a better plan. I completely disagree. If the Coalition had a better plan, wouldn’t we have seen more development under their tenure?

The reality is that the PPP/C Government has done more for the housing sector in just one year of being in office than what the APNU+AFC Coalition did for their entire term in office. They had five years to deliver what they promised to the people, but even that they couldn’t do.

In her letter, Ferguson outlined several housing areas to show how many houses lots were issued by the Coalition. While they did allocate a few house lots, it is important for people to know that the vast majority of those allocations were hurriedly given after the passage of the no-confidence motion, and those allocations were used to trick persons into voting for them. It turned out to be another fraud perpetrated on the people by the APNU+AFC, as those persons were merely issued letters saying that they were allocated house lots and that they should check with the Central Housing and Planning Authority (CHPA) to pay.

However, these very lots were not even in existence. It was pure vote-buying and trickery.

The real beneficiaries of the APNU+AFC land allocation and housing policy were the Ministers, their relatives, friends, cronies, and the rich businessmen who bankrolled them. This group accumulated land which totalled the size of Barbados. One leading official gifted himself shore-based land in the Demerara River through a front company registered in the name of employees of his close business associate.

Forty-five plots of waterfront land in Linden were hurriedly transferred by NICIL to officials of the APNU+AFC, their friends and relatives a few days before elections were held. There is a long list of this sort of massive land-grabbing by a handful of coalition officials and their cronies; that list is out in the public.

Any comparison of housing development between the PPP/C and APNU+AFC is like comparing chalk to cheese. In just one year, the Dr Irfaan Ali-led administration has allocated more than 5000 house lots. Hundreds of turn-key homes have been constructed during this period, and significant sums are being spent on infrastructure in new and existing housing schemes. And this housing drive is not limited to Region Four. In a recent two-day exercise in Linden, Region Ten, 400 house lots were allocated. This is way more than the APNU+AFC allocated in their entire 5-year tenure.

This is an example of how big a failure the APNU+AFC was. With that in mind, I trust that no one will be fooled by the false narratives being peddled by the Opposition members.

Alvin Hamilton


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