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APNU, AFC in heated battle for Parliament Speaker:

Guyana Chronicle
Written by Edward Layne
Wednesday, 04 January 2012 02:02

THE two main opposition parties are in a heated battle to have their nominee(s) elected as Speaker of the National Assembly when the Tenth Parliament is convened later this month.The two groups, the People’s National Congress Reform (PNCR)-led A Partnership for National Unity (APNU), and the Alliance for Change (AFC) are in a deadlock as either side seems bent on having the Speaker come from within their parties.

Deborah Backer:
The APNU nominated PNCR's Deborah Backer and Bishwaishwar ‘Cammie’ Ramsaroop while the AFC proposed Moses Nagamootoo. However, for any of those candidates to be elected to the highest seat in Parliament, the two parties must come to a consensus, to which they cannot agree as both sides are defending theirs as the best choice.

Bishwaishwar ‘Cammie’ Ramsaroop

APNU maintains that Backer is the best and should be supported for the position by the AFC.
Only recently, APNU Presidential Candidate David Granger made it clear that his grouping will not change its position that Backer or Ramsaroop should be Speaker of the House and, as such, the AFC should support this decision.
Granger's justification of his insistence is that Nagamootoo is not the best suited for the post.

However the AFC said it will continue backing Nagamotoo, prompting APNU to propose other names than his.
“We did decide to look at more names...we have decided to look at a wider range of names because of the need to satisfy those 175,000 persons who voted for the APNU and AFC,” Granger told reporters.

According to a source close to APNU, its top brass is not comfortable with Nagamootoo being Speaker, because he is a former member of the ruling People's Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C).

Ralph Ramkarran
Moses Nagamootoo

“Our executives are not comfortable with Moses (Nagamootoo) being elected Speaker, because, remember, he was part of the PPP for so many years. The concern with him is that he may very well be in favour of that party rather than APNU, then we will not get a genuine speaker who is from the Opposition. The second issue for us is that we are the largest opposition party and we cannot allow a speaker to come from the AFC,” the source said.

Ramjattan is maintaining his argument that Nagamootoo has adequate legal knowledge, been a member of the House long enough to understand the needs of Parliament and its functions in the country.

“My argument is that he has the experience and every other thing. Granger is now contending that, because Nagamootoo is a longstanding PPP member, when abuses by the PPP/C Administration were being committed, that is one of the reasons,” Ramjattan had said.

The AFC, according to sources, is concerned that APNU wants to dominate the key positions in the House by holding Leader of the Opposition, Speaker and Opposition Chief Whip.
The PPP/C has proposed Senior Counsel and Speaker during the Ninth Parliament, Mr. Ralph Ramkarran to retain the post.

The PPP/C has 32 seats, APNU 26 seats and the AFC seven in the House.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

So they have three nominees for the position of speaker.

If everyone votes according to party lines, then the AFC will be eliminated after the first ballot. There will be a run off between the PPP and APNU. Who wins, I don't care. AFC promises change. I hope they deliver..
[quote]“Our executives are not comfortable with Moses (Nagamootoo) being elected Speaker, because, remember, he was part of the PPP for so many years. The concern with him is that he may very well be in favour of that party rather than APNU, then we will not get a genuine speaker who is from the Opposition. The second issue for us is that we are the largest opposition party and we cannot allow a speaker to come from the AFC,” the source said.[/quote]

Moses should take note how APNU executives feel about him being the speaker.
The marriage of convenience of the combined opposition will soon end before it actually begins.
If the PPP is smart they will divide and conquer the oppostion by giving the AFC what they want in return for support the next two years, when another election will be called.
Its clear to see the P.N.C lead A.P.N.U wants to bullied the A.F.C.....even the unofficial youth arm of the P.N.C (YCT) Threatens street protest if the A.P.N.U candidate is not chosen....
Originally posted by Spice Girl:
Finally, Khemraj's eyes opened and saw the trap AFC was falling into.

What tyrap is he falling into?

He has 7 seats. Why do you think that APNU would roll over with their 26 seats for the highest slot available to them in the parliament?

Do you really think that the PPP will help AFC get its goal of Speaker when they want that5 slot for themselves and may still have a personal vendetta against the "traitor" Nagamootoo?

This is why you all should have worked to get at least 20 seats.

And if I were you I wouldnt trust Moses who refused to leave the PPP until they all but booted him out. He could have left with Ramjattan but refused to do so.
Originally posted by albert:
even the unofficial youth arm of the P.N.C (YCT) Threatens street protest if the A.P.N.U candidate is not chosen....

Yes qwell that is Granger's problem to solve. He needs to let them know that they cannot intervene in parliamentary issues. This is for APNU and AFC to resolve IN PARLIAMENT.

There is a time for street protests...but these become a joke if used every week.
Originally posted by Nuff:
Moses doesn't like the APNU he fought them for many years so I say ... NO way Jose ... to Moses.

The man is a closet PPPite. That doesn't change overnight.

Well the Speaker will be a confirmed PPPite, Ralph Ramkarran.
AFC will abstain from voting and allow APNU (32) and PPP (33) to decide.
Originally posted by Spice Girl:
[Well the Speaker will be a confirmed PPPite, Ralph Ramkarran.
AFC will abstain from voting and allow APNU (32) and PPP (33) to decide.

So either way it will be the PPP whther its Ramkarran or Nagamootoo.

This way at least the opposition will be able to call it as it is and accuse the PPP of abuse when Ramkarran shows bias to the PPP. When Nagamootoo shows similar bias the PPP will shrugs and claims its the oppositiion who chose him.

Sorry. I agree with Trotman who didnt trust Naga and then decided to quit politics when it appeared as if Naga is taking over the AFC.
Originally posted by caribj:

Sorry. I agree with Trotman who didnt trust Naga and then decided to quit politics when it appeared as if Naga is taking over the AFC.

Trotman quit because he didn't bring the Black voters he promised. The AFC instead cannibalized the PPP supporters for votes while Trotman was booed out of Black communities.
However, for any of those candidates to be elected to the highest seat in Parliament, the two parties must come to a consensus, to which they cannot agree as both sides are defending theirs as the best choice.

Did I not say the opposition will never agree on a common candidate. Big Grin
Originally posted by caribj:
Originally posted by Spice Girl:
[Well the Speaker will be a confirmed PPPite, Ralph Ramkarran.
AFC will abstain from voting and allow APNU (32) and PPP (33) to decide.

So either way it will be the PPP whther its Ramkarran or Nagamootoo.

This way at least the opposition will be able to call it as it is and accuse the PPP of abuse when Ramkarran shows bias to the PPP. When Nagamootoo shows similar bias the PPP will shrugs and claims its the oppositiion who chose him.

Sorry. I agree with Trotman who didnt trust Naga and then decided to quit politics when it appeared as if Naga is taking over the AFC.

Why was Trotman cajoling Moses to join AFC if he didn't trust him? Trotman behaves like a spoilt kid when he doesn't get his way. Remember how sick he was when it became Ramjattan's turn to be presidential candidate? Remember how you kept pointing out the softness or nonexistence of AFC campaign in traditional PNC strongholds? Wonder whose strategy this was, and for what end?
Originally posted by Spice Girl:
Originally posted by caribj:
Originally posted by Spice Girl:
[Well the Speaker will be a confirmed PPPite, Ralph Ramkarran.
AFC will abstain from voting and allow APNU (32) and PPP (33) to decide.

So either way it will be the PPP whther its Ramkarran or Nagamootoo.

This way at least the opposition will be able to call it as it is and accuse the PPP of abuse when Ramkarran shows bias to the PPP. When Nagamootoo shows similar bias the PPP will shrugs and claims its the oppositiion who chose him.

Sorry. I agree with Trotman who didnt trust Naga and then decided to quit politics when it appeared as if Naga is taking over the AFC.

Why was Trotman cajoling Moses to join AFC if he didn't trust him? Trotman behaves like a spoilt kid when he doesn't get his way. Remember how sick he was when it became Ramjattan's turn to be presidential candidate? Remember how you kept pointing out the softness or nonexistence of AFC campaign in traditional PNC strongholds? Wonder whose strategy this was, and for what end?

Cazz coolies gullible.
Originally posted by Spice Girl:
Remember how you kept pointing out the softness or nonexistence of AFC campaign in traditional PNC strongholds? Wonder whose strategy this was, and for what end?

So why dont you blame Ramjattan then. He ignored the black vote, even though I warned them about that since then. And I was informed by an AFC poster on GNI that they do monitor this site and my comments were noticed.

So they ignored the black vote and now we have a revitalized APNU...and you are enraged as they flex their muscles.

APNU is a creation of the AFC. Accept that.

You all targeted the Indo vote in berbice, ignored the AFRo votes totally, until too late (this confirmed by Freddie K and GR). You also ignored Essequibo and Demerara.

Now some might say this was about Ramjattan recoiling from the embarrassment in 2006 when his village delivered almost no votes for the AFC. So he sacrificed the AFC and emboldened APNU just to prove that he could get votes.

Indeed its only at the last minute when Trotman came back in that any attention was paid to the black vote.

SpiceGirl you are a closet PPP. I dont know why you are afraid to admit it.
Originally posted by albert:
The opposition parties seems power drunk....
na they get drunk on rama white rum,but they will get sober in time for parlament.the oppistion is in deep talk you fools not about the speaker but on things the ppp will have to answer when parlament see how the ppp is worry,complaining how the oppistion is haveing secert talks.if ramotar know what is good for him he better start doing some thing about his courupted ministers
Originally posted by Prashad:
I think both the APNU and AFC can find him as a good compromise candidate.

yes why not. Only Spice Girl will have a problem as she really wants Ramkarran back.
Originally posted by caribj:
Originally posted by Prashad:
I think both the APNU and AFC can find him as a good compromise candidate.

yes why not. Only Spice Girl will have a problem as she really wants Ramkarran back.
look it simple,when two fools is fighting they have to have some body in the middle to stop it.the ppp and pnc AKA apnu was fighting for 50 yrs,when the pnc was ruling the ppp was distroying,when the ppp is ruling the pnc is distroying.these two party distroy guyana for 50 yrs.for guyana sake lets have a peacemakeer in between these two distroyer.that is AFC role,if you have a APNU speaker or a ppp speaker we back to square one
Originally posted by warrior:
for guyana sake lets have a peacemakeer in between these two distroyer.that is AFC role,

If the PPP and APNu wish to battle there is nothing that AFc can do about it. They can use their 7 seats to help one of the parties, or the other in their battle. But they cant tell them what to do.

This is why 7 seats represents a failure for the AFC. Not enough to force respect.
If the A.F.C settles on the rotation agreement of the Speaker.....and the A.PN.U occupies the chair inconceivable to beleive A.P.N.U would actually give it up without a fight.....
Originally posted by caribj:
Originally posted by warrior:
for guyana sake lets have a peacemakeer in between these two distroyer.that is AFC role,

If the PPP and APNu wish to battle there is nothing that AFc can do about it. They can use their 7 seats to help one of the parties, or the other in their battle. But they cant tell them what to do.

This is why 7 seats represents a failure for the AFC. Not enough to force respect.
you so right,but AFC can decide who right and if its good for the country,and cast their vote and there vote will be the desiding just donot see it man, AFC with 7 seats hold the they say karma is a bitch
When will we expect to have an elected speaker announcement? One with the knowledge and experience that will cast an unbiased vote in the best interest of the citizens of Guyana. We don't want a dog fight speaker.
Originally posted by albert:
Ramkaran is the best suited person for the seat.....

APNU ai'nt stupid....they says the only candidate they would reconize is if the PPP nominate Bynoe for speaker...
Originally posted by caribj:
Originally posted by warrior:
for guyana sake lets have a peacemakeer in between these two distroyer.that is AFC role,

If the PPP and APNu wish to battle there is nothing that AFc can do about it. They can use their 7 seats to help one of the parties, or the other in their battle. But they cant tell them what to do.

This is why 7 seats represents a failure for the AFC. Not enough to force respect.

If da PNC try to battle and shove da AFC aside, dem PNC gon lose.
Originally posted by warrior:

you so right,but AFC can decide who right and if its good for the country,and cast their vote and there vote will be the desiding just donot see it man, AFC with 7 seats hold the they say karma is a bitch

7 seats only matters when APNU and the PPP disagree. So what AFC decides is which boy friend to date each night. They cant tell the b/f where they want to go. They just select which option looks best. APNU or PPP.

If APNu and the PPP do not disagree on a particular point AFC has no input.
Originally posted by sachin_05:
they says the only candidate they would reconize is if the PPP nominate Bynoe for speaker...

APNU supporters chased Bynoe out of town so if Granger selects him they will do the same to him. Aint happening as the last thing Granger wants is for that Youth group to march against him.
Originally posted by Sledgehammer:
If da PNC try to battle and shove da AFC aside, dem PNC gon lose.

If the PPP does battle and shoves AFC aside they also lose.

Having said that all AFC can do is determine whether they prefer a PPP proposal or an APNU one.
Originally posted by caribj:
Originally posted by Sledgehammer:
If da PNC try to battle and shove da AFC aside, dem PNC gon lose.

If the PPP does battle and shoves AFC aside they also lose.

Having said that all
AFC can do is determine whether they prefer a PPP proposal or an APNU one.

PPP will not shove AFC aside. You see, foa PPP diss is an 18 month issue. PPP will offer Hughes a nice juicy position, denn di party ova.

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