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Former Member

Ronald Bulkan addressing a 2020 election rally at the Kitty Market Square, Georgetown.

The incumbent A Partnership for National Unity+Alliance For Change (APNU+AFC) is now eyeing overseas-based Guyanese to return home to vote on March 2, 2020, after at one stage insisting that the names of migrants must be removed from the voters list.

APNU candidate, Ronald Bulkan declared this position Sunday night at a public meeting held at the Kitty Market Square, Georgetown. “The next area I would like to speak to help any undecided that we might have among us here tonight and those who are listening in other parts of Guyana, those who might be abroad but planning to come back to participate in these historic elections, the mother of all elections because…the countdown has started,” he said.

Elections Commissioner, Vincent Alexander told News-Talk Radio Guyana 103.1 FM/Demerara Waves Online News that the seven-member Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM) did not reach consensus on flagging the names of registrants who have not collected their national identification cards dating back to 2008 and later.

Three of the pro-coalition commissioners and the GECOM Chairman, Claudette Singh had wanted to use the non-collection of identification cards as a means of verification to remove the names of deceased and migrants from the voters’ list.

But Alexander said there appeared to be an implicit trade-off between the opposition-aligned commissioners’ demand that the 6,000 odd names of new registrants be flagged and the pro-coalition commissioners who had wanted to retain the names of those suspected to have migrated.

The General Secretary of the opposition People’s Progressive Party (PPP) has already encouraged his overseas-based supporters to return to Guyana to vote in March

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This fits the playbook which I thought.  Do they have resident?   Isn’t there a six-month requirement?  I believe Haitians have been issued overseas Guyanese id and they will vote. 

Baseman posted:

This fits the playbook which I thought.  Do they have resident?   Isn’t there a six-month requirement?  I believe Haitians have been issued overseas Guyanese id and they will vote. 

Who is responsible for this if the opposition didn't do anything before the election to remedy the doubt? Why yall does come up with unresolved issues at the last minute?

Prince posted:
Baseman posted:

This fits the playbook which I thought.  Do they have resident?   Isn’t there a six-month requirement?  I believe Haitians have been issued overseas Guyanese id and they will vote. 

Who is responsible for this if the opposition didn't do anything before the election to remedy the doubt? Why yall does come up with unresolved issues at the last minute?

I raised this about six months ago on a PPP FB page.  I said all the other stuff was just too apparent.  I they were decoys. Art Of War tactics.  I mentioned the use of the bloated list.

The issue right now for the PNC, is it enough?  Many have also returned from Suriname and Venezuela and may vote PPP.

One guy I went to school with have returned to Guyana from Venezuela.  His entire extended fam have returned, about 40.  25 of them have registered to vote.

Baseman posted:
 I mentioned the use of the bloated list.

yesss . . . the "bloated list" that YOU, the PPP and their rig machine waged an existential fight (beginning in December 2018) to preserve

having won that death match, now y'all playing games to confuse

Last edited by Former Member
ronan posted:
Baseman posted:
 I mentioned the use of the bloated list.

yesss . . . the "bloated list" that YOU, the PPP and their rig machine waged an existential fight (beginning in December 2018) to preserve

having won that death match, now y'all playing games to confuse

Me know, me know.  But about six months ago I saw the exposure.  Me just like Granjuh. I sat back and observed and realized the PNC outwitting the PPP by pretending and muddying the waters.

It’s a classic decoy tactic used by military minds.  You noticed Pres Granguh never engaged BJ publicly.   He play stupidy but clever like rass.  That’s why all those Haitians etc are hold up in Guyana. 

Anyway, as I said, the die is cast, question now is turn out and how all those returnees from neighboring countries factor.

Baseman posted:
ronan posted:
Baseman posted:
 I mentioned the use of the bloated list.

yesss . . . the "bloated list" that YOU, the PPP and their rig machine waged an existential fight (beginning in December 2018) to preserve

having won that death match, now y'all playing games to confuse

Me know, me know.  But about six months ago I saw the exposure.  Me just like Granjuh. I sat back and observed and realized the PNC outwitting the PPP by pretending and muddying the waters.

mealy-mouthed joker

gibberish and legerdemain to confuse after being caught talking out of three sides of your mouth

the PPP fraud is finally baked-in banna, and one can literally feel y'all comfort level rise ("the die is cast") now that Gocool Boodhoo and the Jagdeo rig machine are free to crank into high gear

amusing to watch you pretend disapproval (on the other thread) to fecal propaganda from Freedom House while engaging in the THE EXACT SAME PRACTICE here about Haitian phantoms

garden variety diversion? . . . yes; but this is actually worse since it is naked and cold-blooded RACE BAIT

but that's you in a nutshell


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