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APNU+AFC failed to deliver on transparency and accountability – public opinion poll

MAJORITY public support is not on the side of the A Partnership for National Unity and Alliance For Change (APNU+AFC) Coalition Government, when it comes to issues of transparency and accountability.

And a recent public opinion poll conducted by this news agency, found that 90 per cent of respondents contends that APNU+AFC has failed to deliver on its promise of transparency and accountability in public office. Only 10 per cent expressed a different opinion.

A major part of the APNU+AFC campaign in the lead up to the May 2015 General and Regional Elections was centered on promises of transparency and accountability. It its manifesto the Coalition promised, β€œZero tolerance for corruption and the promotion of transparency, financial probity and accountability at all levels of Government.”

RELATED: Granger’s non-response to transparency concerns will not make them go away – Jagdeo

However, in the last year, there have been several issues of concern, unanswered questions and questionable engagements entered into by the Government.

Notably, the Opposition Leader, Dr Bharrat Jagdeo, recently reiterated his calls for the many unanswered questions to be addressed, specifically the debacle over the tax settlement with the Demerara Distillers Limited (DDL).  β€œNothing the PPP (People’s Progressive Party) ever did came remotely close to giving up to $60B in revenues,” he said.

RELATED: Treasury could lose upwards of $60B as other companies come forward to claim same treatment as DDL – Jagdeo

Jagdeo had called for the President to also release the details of:
1.      The wind farm power purchase agreement that is being negotiated with an acknowledged campaign financier, in secret;

2.      The continued presence Lilac milk, distributed by an acknowledged campaign financier, on the shelves of local supermarkets, despite being recalled by local health authorities;

3.      The single sourcing of $150M worth of drugs from β€œbottom house” operation;

4.      The $420M fertiliser deal single sourced from a campaigns financer;

5.      The details of the Durban Park Project – how much taxpayers’ monies have been spent, among other questions; and t

6.      The APNU+AFC controlled City Hall cleanup initiative – who got the contracts, how were they awarded and how much was spent, among other unanswered questions.

He contends that these are a few areas where the President can act. β€œThe President can look into all of this…he talks about corruption and transparency,” the Opposition Leader had declared at a prior news conference.

RELATED: Jagdeo to APNU+AFC: β€˜Put up or shut up’ on corruption issue

On the issue of making contracts available, Jagdeo made clear that the People’s Progressive Party/ Civic (PPP/C) has no objection to agreements inked under its administration being released. β€œHe is the President. All you have to do is call and say I want the contracts available and released to the public now. The President can do that in 30 seconds…they can release the BaiShanLin one. They can release the Marriott one. They can release every contract in 30 seconds,” he said.

According to him, the PPP/C is calling for the President to deliver on his talk of transparency and accountability to the Guyanese people.

There has been no response by Granger or his Prime Minister, Moses Nagamootoo, on any of these issues.


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