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APNU/AFC holds power through “coup d’état” – ex-PNCR MP


…says Lowenfield guilty of treason

Former People’s National Congress Reform (PNCR) parliamentarian and party financier Anthony Vieira believes the international community will have no option now but to declare that they see that a coup has been carried out in Guyana by David Granger and the other military men he has surrounded himself with since 2015.

Former PNC parliamentarian and party financier, Anthony Vieira

Vieira gave the damning conclusion in a public missive on Monday and also accused Chief Elections Officer Keith Lowenfield of treason by depriving the rightful winner of the legitimate election result he is entitled to, and putting Region Four Returning Officer Clairmont Mingo to post a totally fictitious result. He said by doing so, Lowenfield and Mingo have, in fact, overthrown the winner.
Defending his coup d’état allegation, Vieira construed the notion as an illegal, unconstitutional seizure of power by a political faction, the military, or a dictator when the usurpers seize and hold power for at least seven days.
As such, Vieira reasons, “it has been 37 days (yesterday); I am saying that all of these shenanigans are part of a coup d’état, because our democratic system has failed to identify the legitimate winner in the 2020 elections after 37 days, and has deprived me and the majority of the people in this country who, like me, voted for a political party which has been deprived of assuming power.”
According to the former PNCR Member of Parliament, for an accusation of a coup to be valid, one must establish that the people who have seized power are in fact benefiting from it and noted that Ministers –whose period of function expired on March 2 – are continuing in those positions.
Speaking to the CEO’s proposed plan of 156 days for a national recount of the March 2 General and Regional Elections, the former PNCR parliamentarian said: “Anyone who now believes that 156 days will be required to count the 400,000+ votes of the 2020 elections would be very naive and would have had to be blindfolded since 2018.”
He qualified the 2018 timeline by accusing Lowenfield of violating the Constitution of Guyana by not holding an election within 90 days of the passage of the no-confidence motion and then telling the country that he needed 181 days to hold the general election, “when in fact it was delayed, due to every conceivable delay possible, for 438 days.”
According to Vieira, “…anyone in this country still believes that we need 156 days to recount 400,000 votes and that even this ridiculous time frame will be honoured is sadly living in fantasy land; these desperate people will find a way to delay much longer and how can they do it? Well, they seem to have the armed Guyana Defence Force under control, so not only is this a coup d’état, it is a military coup d’état, with no end in sight.”
He was adamant “we have to find a way to stop this charade…This is no longer a situation which simply seeks to delay the publishing of a credible result of the 2020 elections in Guyana which will be acceptable to the international community; this has gone much further”.
Vieira served as a PNCR MP under the PNC List of Candidates headed by David Granger as Opposition Leader, and held the portfolio of Shadow Minister of Agriculture.

          GUYANA TIMES

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Vieira is right. But I don't think neither Jranjir nor Volda has the level of ruthlessness needed to pull off a coup. This is a core group of ex military people of a certain " my brother" out look who sees PPP Koolie as extremely racist towards black people with H.Greene operating behind the scenes.

Last edited by Prashad

If this 'coup d'etat' happens, then black people will suffer the most.  The commanding heights of the Guyana economy, rice, sugar, and commerce will suffer great losses.  Crime will rise up  as never seen before in Guyana.  All you idiots who support the coalition are happen.


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