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Former Member

Former Attorney General and PPP Executive, Anil Nandlall on Friday said that the A Partnership for National Unity/Alliance for Change (APNU/AFC) is making a mountain out of a molehill in relation to the wrongly placed ancillary documents from several elections Polling Stations along the East Coast Demerara corridor.
Nandlall, who along with other members of his party, worked along the East Coast on March 2 for the General and Regional Elections, said that they became aware of the issue the very night of March 2.

Former Attorney General and PPP Executive, Anil Nandlall

He explained that Deputy Returning Officers for Polling Stations between Vryheid’s Lust and La Bonne Intention, ECD, took it upon themselves to uplift certain documents – polling book, marked and unmarked list of electors, folios, used seals and others from the Presiding Officers. This should not have happened because those documents should have been placed in the corresponding ballot boxes for the polling place.
Nevertheless, the POs sealed the ballot boxes with the votes for their stations.
Chief Elections Officer, Keith Lowenfield, upon the insistence of the PPP/C, prepared a document where he outlined the rules that govern the operations of the POs but according to Nandlall, those were disregarded.

APNU/AFC GECOM Commissioner
Vincent Alexander

“In these areas, the Deputy Returning Officer I don’t know either deliberately or unintentionally decided to arrogate onto themselves the power to lay down some new rules. They disregarded the CEO’s direction and they put all these materials in a separate package or in separate packages and transmitted them to the Returning Officer and what was left in the ballot boxes were only the ballots,” Nandlall told reporters on Friday at the Arthur Chung Conference Centre.
The party raised this issue with the then Returning Officer, Clairmont Mingo, who assured them that it was a mistake and would be addressed administratively.
He noted that the party felt that the issue was dealt with and they went about their work.

APNU/AFC narrative
However, the APNU/AFC in pushing the narrative of electoral fraud raised the issue of the missing ancillary documents for the polling places.

The Presiding Officer of the Montrose Primary School took to social media and explained what occurred on elections night

This prompted the PPP/C to engage Lowenfield on Friday where he promised to resolve the issues since the documents are in his possession. Nandlall said he was assured, by Mingo, that Lowenfield has knowledge of the actions of the DROs.
“Mr Lowenfield confirmed that he has custody of all these documents and they were wrongly excluded. But somewhere, yesterday [Thursday] someone from the Secretariat mischievously advised the operators of the work stations to insert, into the observation report, language to suggest that the votes and the recount are invalidated,” Nandlall said.
He said that with the exception of ballots being bogus, having extra marks and not stamped, no one at the Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM) has the power to invalidate a vote. The attorney explained that from the inception of the recount exercise, there have been issues of missing poll books, improperly sealed ballot boxes or envelopes among others but the recount went on and votes were tabulated.
“But suddenly we are hearing of a narrative constructed by Joseph Harmon speaking about invalid votes. And suddenly, I don’t believe coincidentally, someone in the Secretariat advised the work stations that this peculiar language must be constructed and expressed in the observation report which purports to say on its face that the votes are invalid and the recount is invalid. That is totally wrong and we believe it is part of an unholy conspiracy and we have drawn that to the attention of Mr Lowenfield and the Commission,” he related.

Secretariat investigating
The Guyana Elections Commission took the step to put aside the tabulation of those disputed boxes until the Secretariat can investigate and submit a report to the Commission, according to Government-appointed Commissioner Vincent Alexander.
The report of the Secretariat is expected to be presented today and the Commission will determine the way forward.
“Here we have this apparent cluster so what has been decided is that the Secretariat needs to do an investigation into this matter and to render a report on this matter before we proceed to make a determination in relation to those ballots,” Alexander said.
“We said to the Secretariat ‘tell us what is the status’ and if that is so [that the documents are in the possession of GECOM] then the Secretariat should be able to tell us. For the time being at the level of this operation, the information was not available and it was not in the place where it should have been,” he added.

Presiding Officer
However, a Presiding Officer at the Montrose Primary School – one of the disputed polling places, took to social media to explain what exactly happened there.
“Throughout this entire election shenanigans, I chose to remain quiet but now that the polling place which I worked at was brought into question, I cannot keep quiet anymore. On behalf of the Presiding Officers that worked at the Montrose Primary School, please note that this is a lie!… All documents for the four (4) Polling Stations were submitted to the DRO as per instructions by the Clerk to the RO… The original SOP attached would explain the desperation to lie! This is beyond ridiculous now!
“PS: The Presiding Officers were given specific instructions not to seal the ballot boxes without the DRO being present to verify what was placed in the boxes and these instructions were complied with,” Wendy Ann wrote on her Facebook page.
Nandlall said he is hopeful that Lowenfield can submit those documents to the Commission so that the process is not delayed.
“They [the POs] received instructions to put these things separately and they complied with those instructions. So, it is a mere innocuous irregularity which is being magnified, in a desperate attempt, to gigantic proportions to suggest that there is some wrongdoing. There is no wrongdoing. The ballots are in the box and the Statements of Poll are accurate. The ancillary and miscellaneous documents were wrongfully separated and conveyed separately to the Returning Officer and is in the custody of the Commission as they should be,” Nandlall noted.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

GECOM administration to probe documents missing from ballot boxes

The Guyana Elections Commission’s (GECOM) administration is Saturday expected to report the findings of its investigation into documents that were not in 15 to 21 ballot boxes on the East Coast Demerara to the seven-member decision-making body, Elections Commissioner Vincent Alexander said.

“The Secretariat needs to do an investigation into this mater and to render a report on this matter before we proceed to make a determination in relation to those ballots,”

He said the ballots from those boxes have been counted but they would not be tallied until the Commission and its administration decide on the way forward.

Unofficial results from The Citizenship Initiative website , , show that A Partnership for National Unity+Alliance For Change (APNU+AFC) has so far won 193,939 votes and the People’s Progressive Party (PPP) 210,310 votes.

The GECOM Commissioner said the absence of those documents  makes it impossible to reconcile the ballots with the voters’ list and counterfoils from which they were detached.

Ahead of the report, Alexander already ruled out the estimated 3,00o to 5,000-odd people being disenfranchised because the documents have not been located, but he said the Commission would have to decide how those people would be able to vote for the party of their choice.
“At the end of the day you can’t disenfranchise people because people would have voted,” he said, adding that doing so does not necessarily mean using the same ballots.

But PPP Executive Member, Anil Nandlall argued that there is no legal basis for not tallying the votes cast because the Statements of Poll that are being held in abeyance by the Commission would prove that the count was accurate. “There is no wrongdoing and the Statements of Poll are accurate. They reflect accurately what transpired at the station. The ancillary documents were wrongfully separated and conveyed separately to the Returning Officer where they are in the custody now of GECOM,” he said.

While Nandlall acknowledged that the documents have value, he said their “absence or accuracy will not invalidate a ballot because a voter is an innocent person.” GECOM’s “golden rule”, he said provides for all ballots to be authentic and bear the six-digit stamp.

Nandlall, who is an Attorney-at-Law, said about nine or 10 ballot boxes are from PPP strongholds and so APNU+AFC solicited support for the observation reports to be written inaccurately “and we are canvassing to change that.”Source



Statement of Deborah Misir, Esq. on the Guyanese Elections

“Respect the Vote”

As a true friend of Guyana – who spent part of my childhood in Guyana in the early 1980’s – and as a former senior United States government official - I want to make clear that the Guyana election recount will soon be completed, and call upon all parties in Guyana to respect the voters and accept the election results.

The results of the March 2nd election – as shown by the certified Statements of Poll and Regional Results – and as now verified by the nearly complete Recount - show that the PPP/C won 51% to 47% for APNU-AFC and the remaining 2% to several minor parties. That is the will of the voters.

Guyana has endured a tortuous three month process of attempted fraud by certain GECOM officials, attempting to falsify the results, in a misguided attempt to change the election results in the favor of the governing coalition. That conduct is criminal behavior, and a clear violation of the fundamental human rights of the Guyanese people.

I served in the US government as the highest ranking Guyanese-American in the US government during the administration of U.S. President George W. Bush – as a member of the U.S. Foreign Terrorist Tracking Task Force; as Chief of Staff to OSHA; as White House Counsel ethics attorney; in the U.S. Department of Justice; and as Deputy Assistant Secretary of Labor of the United States. I remain deeply involved with the U.S. political and government leadership.

I also know – and count as good friends – many of the political leaders in Guyana, on both sides of the aisle. My father, who maintained his law offices in Guyana until three years ago, is also well known to and good friends with many of Guyana’s leaders.

That is why I want to make it clear to all leaders of good faith in Guyana – in all parties – that the time for delay is over. The United States – and Guyana’s other friends in the world – have no more patience for anyone attempting fraud or to frustrate the will of the voters.

The Ambassadors of Guyana’s international partners – and U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo – have made clear that past attempts to commit fraud were anti-democratic and illegal. And that anyone attempting to disregard or falsify the results in the future will subject themselves to severe sanctions. I want everyone in Guyana to understand that any interference with certifying the election results is not only illegal, but incredibly foolish and self-destructive.

“Sanctions” is not just a word. It can mean no oil money from oil companies; international arrest warrants for perpetrators; travel bans for perpetrators and their families; seizure of bank accounts; arrests of relatives colluding with illegal behavior. It means becoming impoverished and becoming a fugitive. I implore everyone of good faith in the leadership in Guyana not to follow that path.

After decades of economic distress and struggle, Guyana is on the cusp of a new era that will bring unprecedented prosperity and opportunity to all the Guyanese people. There will be a wealth of opportunity for everyone. Guyana is projected to have the world’s fastest growing economy over the next decades. For a small, poor country that has seen over a million of her children emigrate overseas, that is nothing short of a miracle. There are great things to be done to build the new Guyana and lift all Guyanese out of poverty – new schools, infrastructure, and business. Any and all Guyanese, regardless of political persuasion - can and should benefit from this new era of prosperity. But it can only be done if political leaders respect the rule of law.

Please take this message from a daughter of Guyana - as one wishing only the best for everyone in Guyana – to follow the path of legality and prosperity. Please respect the vote and accept the election results – and let us all work together to build a great country for all Guyanese.


Deborah N. Misir is a partner in the U.S. law firm of Lally & Misir, LLP, and has served as a professor of law teaching U.S. constitutional law, administrative law and ethics. She previously held several senior government positions in the U.S. government in Washington, DC.


She Rocks! Deborah Misir, Former Ethics Attorney at the White ...

Deborah N. Misir is a partner in the U.S. law firm of Lally & Misir, LLP, and has served as a professor of law teaching U.S. constitutional law, administrative law and ethics. She previously held several senior government positions in the U.S. government in Washington, DC.

@Django posted:

Wendy Ann ,didn't disclose if the required documents to be placed in the Ballot Boxes was placed.

I think these boxes should be included in the recount.  All the parties would have had the original results on their copies of SOPS. 

Say no no to Lolo.

@Mitwah posted:

I think these boxes should be included in the recount.  All the parties would have had the original results on their copies of SOPS. 

Say no no to Lolo.

Documents from the boxes are needed to validate the votes.

@Django posted:

Documents from the boxes are needed to validate the votes.

Blame the Deputy Returning Officer for changing rules unilaterally at the last minute and taking away the disputed documents from Presiding Officers. 

GECOM has the documents in question. Lowenfield acknowledged that to the PPP/C yesterday and promised to fix the problem.


Heeralall Kisseur

I have being working with Gecom since 1992,and worked as a presiding officer in both general and local government elections. As far as I can remember in 1997 elections, certain PO were instructed not to sign SOP eminating from supposedly PPP strongholds on the EBD and ECD. When those SOP came up at the count they were rejected as not valid. The DRO responsible for those areas after almost 3 weeks of deliberation at the commission the DRO's were instructed to used the tally sheets to rewrite the SOP that was not signed, and at the bottom of the statements they were asked to write the word REDO. That issue came up before the present Gecom chairman when she was a judge in an elections petition. That issue was exonerated. Now the script is different, now for some strange reasons a number of poll books are missing from the ballot boxes. (Where are those poll books).The only persons who can honestly answer that question are the PO. They recieved poll books in their ballot boxes,and they need to speak up now. The leadership of Gecom should call in the PO and investigate the where about of the poll books. Also if a person Is voting for someone else it's the PO who have to give that permission for that person to cast their ballots. So I want to asked when these supposedly migrated and the zombies appeared to vote did he or she got scared and run out of the Polling stations. What about all those parties agents and observers who were there. From my experience working with Gecom, most of the repackaging of the ballot boxes are done between 11.30 pm and 1 am next morning. By that time the polling day staff have to contend with fatigue and in some instances disorderly behavior outside of the polling stations. If a PO did receive a poll book and it's not in the ballot boxes, l am almost certain it can be located among the content of PE 19. Why don't we check the PE19. of those stations where the poll books cannot be located...."OR"was it a well choreographed plan for all the poll books to be destroyed. Remember while security was kept no one was guarding PE19. In my observation 95% of polling day staffs were of one ethnic group. I am sorry this has nothing to do with race ,but unfortunately it's a reality .If Gecom is intrested in a transparent process, please check PE 19 it might well have what you are looking for.

@Former Member posted:

Blame the Deputy Returning Officer for changing rules unilaterally at the last minute and taking away the disputed documents from Presiding Officers. 

GECOM has the documents in question. Lowenfield acknowledged that to the PPP/C yesterday and promised to fix the problem.

Am certain PPP will know if this will give them additional seats. No?

@Former Member posted:

Heeralall Kisseur

I have being working with Gecom since 1992,and worked as a presiding officer in both general and local government elections. As far as I can remember in 1997 elections, certain PO were instructed not to sign SOP eminating from supposedly PPP strongholds on the EBD and ECD. When those SOP came up at the count they were rejected as not valid. The DRO responsible for those areas after almost 3 weeks of deliberation at the commission the DRO's were instructed to used the tally sheets to rewrite the SOP that was not signed, and at the bottom of the statements they were asked to write the word REDO. That issue came up before the present Gecom chairman when she was a judge in an elections petition. That issue was exonerated. Now the script is different, now for some strange reasons a number of poll books are missing from the ballot boxes. (Where are those poll books).The only persons who can honestly answer that question are the PO. They recieved poll books in their ballot boxes,and they need to speak up now. The leadership of Gecom should call in the PO and investigate the where about of the poll books. Also if a person Is voting for someone else it's the PO who have to give that permission for that person to cast their ballots. So I want to asked when these supposedly migrated and the zombies appeared to vote did he or she got scared and run out of the Polling stations. What about all those parties agents and observers who were there. From my experience working with Gecom, most of the repackaging of the ballot boxes are done between 11.30 pm and 1 am next morning. By that time the polling day staff have to contend with fatigue and in some instances disorderly behavior outside of the polling stations. If a PO did receive a poll book and it's not in the ballot boxes, l am almost certain it can be located among the content of PE 19. Why don't we check the PE19. of those stations where the poll books cannot be located...."OR"was it a well choreographed plan for all the poll books to be destroyed. Remember while security was kept no one was guarding PE19. In my observation 95% of polling day staffs were of one ethnic group. I am sorry this has nothing to do with race ,but unfortunately it's a reality .If Gecom is intrested in a transparent process, please check PE 19 it might well have what you are looking for.

This goes to show how racist the PNC have always been. What happens if the PPP agents refuse to sign off at the PNC strongholds?  GT will burn down.   

@Former Member posted:

Heeralall Kisseur

I have being working with Gecom since 1992,and worked as a presiding officer in both general and local government elections. As far as I can remember in 1997 elections, certain PO were instructed not to sign SOP eminating from supposedly PPP strongholds on the EBD and ECD. When those SOP came up at the count they were rejected as not valid. The DRO responsible for those areas after almost 3 weeks of deliberation at the commission the DRO's were instructed to used the tally sheets to rewrite the SOP that was not signed, and at the bottom of the statements they were asked to write the word REDO. That issue came up before the present Gecom chairman when she was a judge in an elections petition. That issue was exonerated. Now the script is different, now for some strange reasons a number of poll books are missing from the ballot boxes. (Where are those poll books).The only persons who can honestly answer that question are the PO. They recieved poll books in their ballot boxes,and they need to speak up now. The leadership of Gecom should call in the PO and investigate the where about of the poll books. Also if a person Is voting for someone else it's the PO who have to give that permission for that person to cast their ballots. So I want to asked when these supposedly migrated and the zombies appeared to vote did he or she got scared and run out of the Polling stations. What about all those parties agents and observers who were there. From my experience working with Gecom, most of the repackaging of the ballot boxes are done between 11.30 pm and 1 am next morning. By that time the polling day staff have to contend with fatigue and in some instances disorderly behavior outside of the polling stations. If a PO did receive a poll book and it's not in the ballot boxes, l am almost certain it can be located among the content of PE 19. Why don't we check the PE19. of those stations where the poll books cannot be located...."OR"was it a well choreographed plan for all the poll books to be destroyed. Rhemember while security was kept no one was guarding PE19. In my observation 95% of polling day staffs were of one ethnic group. I am sorry this has nothing to do wit race ,but unfortunately it's a reality .If Gecom is intrested in a transparent process, please check PE 19 it might well have what you are looking for.

Remember while security was kept no one was guarding PE19. In my observation, 95% of polling day staffs were of one ethnic group. I am sorry this has nothing to do with race, but unfortunately, it's a reality. If Gecom is interested in a transparent process, please check PE 19 it might well have what you are looking for.


This appears to be planned fraud.  This may very well be the smoking gun. GECOM will decide.  Those missing documents should invalidate the votes in the applicable boxes.  For the PPP sycophants: lets say the same thing happened at Linden, i.e., 23 boxes full of votes for the Coalition with all verification documents missing, what would be your reaction?

@Former Member posted:


Statement of Deborah Misir, Esq. on the Guyanese Elections

“Respect the Vote”

As a true friend of Guyana – who spent part of my childhood in Guyana in the early 1980’s – and as a former senior United States government official - I want to make clear that the Guyana election recount will soon be completed, and call upon all parties in Guyana to respect the voters and accept the election results.

The results of the March 2nd election – as shown by the certified Statements of Poll and Regional Results – and as now verified by the nearly complete Recount - show that the PPP/C won 51% to 47% for APNU-AFC and the remaining 2% to several minor parties. That is the will of the voters.

Guyana has endured a tortuous three month process of attempted fraud by certain GECOM officials, attempting to falsify the results, in a misguided attempt to change the election results in the favor of the governing coalition. That conduct is criminal behavior, and a clear violation of the fundamental human rights of the Guyanese people.

I served in the US government as the highest ranking Guyanese-American in the US government during the administration of U.S. President George W. Bush – as a member of the U.S. Foreign Terrorist Tracking Task Force; as Chief of Staff to OSHA; as White House Counsel ethics attorney; in the U.S. Department of Justice; and as Deputy Assistant Secretary of Labor of the United States. I remain deeply involved with the U.S. political and government leadership.

I also know – and count as good friends – many of the political leaders in Guyana, on both sides of the aisle. My father, who maintained his law offices in Guyana until three years ago, is also well known to and good friends with many of Guyana’s leaders.

That is why I want to make it clear to all leaders of good faith in Guyana – in all parties – that the time for delay is over. The United States – and Guyana’s other friends in the world – have no more patience for anyone attempting fraud or to frustrate the will of the voters.

The Ambassadors of Guyana’s international partners – and U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo – have made clear that past attempts to commit fraud were anti-democratic and illegal. And that anyone attempting to disregard or falsify the results in the future will subject themselves to severe sanctions. I want everyone in Guyana to understand that any interference with certifying the election results is not only illegal, but incredibly foolish and self-destructive.

“Sanctions” is not just a word. It can mean no oil money from oil companies; international arrest warrants for perpetrators; travel bans for perpetrators and their families; seizure of bank accounts; arrests of relatives colluding with illegal behavior. It means becoming impoverished and becoming a fugitive. I implore everyone of good faith in the leadership in Guyana not to follow that path.

After decades of economic distress and struggle, Guyana is on the cusp of a new era that will bring unprecedented prosperity and opportunity to all the Guyanese people. There will be a wealth of opportunity for everyone. Guyana is projected to have the world’s fastest growing economy over the next decades. For a small, poor country that has seen over a million of her children emigrate overseas, that is nothing short of a miracle. There are great things to be done to build the new Guyana and lift all Guyanese out of poverty – new schools, infrastructure, and business. Any and all Guyanese, regardless of political persuasion - can and should benefit from this new era of prosperity. But it can only be done if political leaders respect the rule of law.

Please take this message from a daughter of Guyana - as one wishing only the best for everyone in Guyana – to follow the path of legality and prosperity. Please respect the vote and accept the election results – and let us all work together to build a great country for all Guyanese.


Deborah N. Misir is a partner in the U.S. law firm of Lally & Misir, LLP, and has served as a professor of law teaching U.S. constitutional law, administrative law and ethics. She previously held several senior government positions in the U.S. government in Washington, DC.

Please, go one step further and tell Jagdeo, after he becomes President again when the results are made know that the Indian Elites WORLD WIDE would require him to LISTEN to their advice for an EXCELLENT governance of their Beloved Guyana and ALL its people. 

@Totaram posted:

This appears to be planned fraud.  This may very well be the smoking gun. GECOM will decide.  Those missing documents should invalidate the votes in the applicable boxes.  For the PPP sycophants: lets say the same thing happened at Linden, i.e., 23 boxes full of votes for the Coalition with all verification documents missing, what would be your reaction?

How come they suddenly came up on that?  Didn’t granger himself said the process was flawless?  He even claimed victory.  They trying to rewrite and invent new facts.

The only smoking gun is Mingo fraud. These are administrative mistakes which does not invalidate the ballot. GECOM itself created confusion by telling some to put poll books into the boxes and others to go to the PO.

The racist PNC trying to disenfranchise certain Indian majority communities.  It’s a throw back to Burnham’s apartheid era.

@seignet posted:

Please, go one step further and tell Jagdeo, after he becomes President again when the results are made know that the Indian Elites WORLD WIDE would require him to LISTEN to their advice for an EXCELLENT governance of their Beloved Guyana and ALL its people. 

Jagdeo will not become president. He will e the advisor to the president. Jagdeo is the only PPP dude the PNC is afraid of. It's good to keep him at the helm. I am confident he will make sure no racism is tolerated in the party. PPP has learned its lessons.

@Former Member posted:

Jagdeo will not become president. He will e the advisor to the president. Jagdeo is the only PPP dude the PNC is afraid of. It's good to keep him at the helm. I am confident he will make sure no racism is tolerated in the party. PPP has learned its lessons.

I’m not that confident they won’t make other errors. The PNC are no different. They both operate on a strong arm attitude and make grievous errors and the people pay. 

If your philosophy is to learn by mistakes, the road to a better future will be treacherous.  There are better ways of doing things.

Last edited by Former Member
@Former Member posted:

How come they suddenly came up on that?  Didn’t granger himself said the process was flawless?  He even claimed victory.  They trying to rewrite and invent new facts.

The only smoking gun is Mingo fraud. These are administrative mistakes which does not invalidate the ballot. GECOM itself created confusion by telling some to put poll books into the boxes and others to go to the PO.

The racist PNC trying to disenfranchise certain Indian majority communities.  It’s a throw back to Burnham’s apartheid era.

They didn't suddenly come up with that---it's when the boxes were opened that they knew their contents.  The missing documents are critical to the verification process.  This is a major problem.  GECOM will decide. 

@Totaram posted:

They didn't suddenly come up with that---it's when the boxes were opened that they knew their contents.  The missing documents are critical to the verification process.  This is a major problem.  GECOM will decide. 

They suddenly came up with that.  They knew the instructions and they also knew such errors occurred in previous elections.  It’s a red herring to disenfranchise swaths of voters from the majority Indian communities.

Its a throw back to Burnham’s Apartheid formula. The PNC today are no different from the PNC of the 70s. 

@Former Member posted:

I’m not that confident they won’t make other errors. The PNC are no different. They both operate on a strong arm attitude and make grievous errors and the people pay. 

If your philosophy is to learn by mistakes, the road to a better future will be treacherous.  There are better ways of doing things.

Base, I hope the PPP has learned its lesson. At the same time, the small parties have learned their lessons too about trusting the PNC. I strongly believe you will see a change in the PPP. Of course, the PNC will continue to spread lies and dissatisfaction among its supporters. Thye will do what they have done in the past... trying to make the country ungovernable.

@Former Member posted:

Base, I hope the PPP has learned its lesson. At the same time, the small parties have learned their lessons too about trusting the PNC. I strongly believe you will see a change in the PPP. Of course, the PNC will continue to spread lies and dissatisfaction among its supporters. Thye will do what they have done in the past... trying to make the country ungovernable.

Only if they resurrect the Freedom fighters.

Remmember that it was two collie men who  were in charge of them.

Last edited by Ramakant-P

"This is the DEPUTY RETURNING officer that was instructed by MINGO to collect all the documents directly"
He writes the chairman of Gecom!!!

Dear Madam Chair,

Please be informed that instructions were given by Miss.Carlyn Duncan (Clerk to the Returning Officer Mr.Clairmont Mingo-District # 4)to include only unused , valid and rejected ballots in the ballot boxes.This was communicated to the respective Presiding Officers who complied.As a result the other documents were placed in the bag provided.This instruction was given on Election day a few hours before the close of the poll.

Other Deputy Returning Officers affected by this decision can confirm the same.

All for your information and guidance.

Paul Jaisingh
Former Deputy Returning Officer - District 4
Chateau Margot Primary

CcAS Observer Mission
Caricom High Level Observing Mission
EU Observer Mission
Commonwealth Observer Mission
Carter Centre
The British High Commissioner
The Canddian High Commissioner
United States Embassy
Private Sector Commission

@Former Member posted:

"This is the DEPUTY RETURNING officer that was instructed by MINGO to collect all the documents directly"
He writes the chairman of Gecom!!!

Dear Madam Chair,

Please be informed that instructions were given by Miss.Carlyn Duncan (Clerk to the Returning Officer Mr.Clairmont Mingo-District # 4)to include only unused , valid and rejected ballots in the ballot boxes.This was communicated to the respective Presiding Officers who complied.As a result the other documents were placed in the bag provided.This instruction was given on Election day a few hours before the close of the poll.

Other Deputy Returning Officers affected by this decision can confirm the same.

All for your information and guidance.

Paul Jaisingh
Former Deputy Returning Officer - District 4
Chateau Margot Primary

CcAS Observer Mission
Caricom High Level Observing Mission
EU Observer Mission
Commonwealth Observer Mission
Carter Centre
The British High Commissioner
The Canddian High Commissioner
United States Embassy
Private Sector Commission


This man who can write to the press and diplomats did not understand his role and the regulations.  I don't believe him.



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