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Former Member

As Gilbakka pointed out in some of his threads here, a growing number of APNU+AFC supporters are not happy with the way the government is run. They are expressing their frustration and disappointment openly. The government would do well to listen to these complaints or risk losing supporters. Here is one article I came across that reflects the feelings of some APNU+AFC folks:


The current administration must surely be causing severe heartburn to those persons that voted for it.  The plethora of missteps and mistakes since assuming office have made the APNU-AFC look like a bunch of primary school children chosen randomly and entrusted with the onerous task of running a country.  It is that bad!  The brickbats have vastly outnumbered the bouquets and the enormity of the mistakes is alarming. 

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Nehru posted:

Seriously, you see how quiet dred Scott is, this is the samre Butler who was hollering like a Ho about these same issues. I guess a nice House and a Title gets some people dumb!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

"Dred Scott" . . .??

don't you have anything better to do than wallow in this low IQ race stuff

it's not even in the same universe as 'clever'

redux posted:
Nehru posted:

Seriously, you see how quiet dred Scott is, this is the samre Butler who was hollering like a Ho about these same issues. I guess a nice House and a Title gets some people dumb!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

"Dred Scott" . . .??

don't you have anything better to do than wallow in this low IQ race stuff

it's not even in the same universe as 'clever'

Redux, welcome back.  I see you did not change, welcome back anyway!    Mitwah, on the other hand, became a real "softy".  Not sure wah happen to him "behind" bars!!!!

redux posted:
Nehru posted:

Seriously, you see how quiet dred Scott is, this is the samre Butler who was hollering like a Ho about these same issues. I guess a nice House and a Title gets some people dumb!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

"Dred Scott" . . .??

don't you have anything better to do than wallow in this low IQ race stuff

it's not even in the same universe as 'clever'

Welcome back. While you were behind Bars certain terms had to be substituted.

Gilbakka posted:

As Gilbakka pointed out in some of his threads here, a growing number of APNU+AFC supporters are not happy with the way the government is run. They are expressing their frustration and disappointment openly. The government would do well to listen to these complaints or risk losing supporters. Here is one article I came across that reflects the feelings of some APNU+AFC folks:


Read more:

the "supporter" you cite at lost me right about here:

". . . persons of Indian origin are much better at business than their Afro counterparts.  It is within their DNA."

hmmm . . .?

baseman posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Mitwah posted:

This does not resonate well with many of the Financial supporters in the Diasopra. What has become of the Cummingsburgh Accord? What happened to the promise to maintain a lean and mean government?

Welcome home Mitwah-ji.  Om Shanti Om.

LOL  This is some funny shyte.

Mits will be sleeping in Bibi's home tonight. But tomarra marning he may wake up after a night mare.


To say that the coalition government does not have experience is the understatement of the decade. Moses, Granger and Harmon to name three people, have a combine total of 150 years experience. And its that experience that is destroying Guyana's economy. Anything the combo government touches become shit. Its called the Kabaka touch


Very Nice post.

The problem is that the leadership is out of touch with their supporters.

The problem is that it appears as if the executive of the AFC has lost their control of the party as Moses and Ramjattan appear to be taking the AFC's ship in the wrong direction.

Mits has correctly raised a question about the Cummingsburg Accord which was at the foundation and heart of the coalition between the AFC and the PNC.

If the grassroots and the Executive of the do not take back the AFC, Granger will gobble up the AFC and it will be dissolved. Granger is a master chess player and Moses and Ramjattan better wake up.

Guyana needed a third force and some Guyanese voted for the third choice and are now in shock as the leadership of the AFC appears to be an arm of the PNC with no veto powers in the coalition.

The decision by Moses and Ramjattan to tow the line of the PNC will continue to hurt the AFC in it's current form.

I was in NYC and several die hard AFC supporters were mumbling about the lack of Independence shown by Moses and Ramjattan. They voted for change and they seem to be taken for a long ride.

Moses is not getting any younger and he might just ride it out for his big fat pension. That in a way is understandable but what is Ramjattan doing ?

On the other hand, the AFC is paying the price for the incompetence of the PNC. This is very, very dangerous.


Last edited by Former Member

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