The  APNU+AFC coalition has announced that it will launch its election rallies with a grand public rally in the mining town of Linden on Saturday, March 14.

The event will take place at the Georgetown/Linden mini bus park at Mackenzie.

 According to a coalition statement, the Unity Rally in Linden will feature addresses by Presidential Candidate David Granger and Prime Ministerial Candidate Moses Nagamootoo along with AFC Chairman Nigel Hughes. The event will be chaired by Region 10 Campaign Manager Sharma Solomon.

APNU-AFC Chairman of the Coordinating Committee, Winston Felix said that all plans are in place for the event to be a huge success.

“We have all plans in place and are putting the finishing touches to ensure this Unity Rally is a resounding success. It will signal to Guyana the APNU+AFC is ready and that it is time for a change of government,” Felix said.

He added that “We are confident that Guyanese will come out in droves to make a clarion call for an end to the appalling governance of our country and hear the vision for a just, equal and fair Guyana”.

The APNU-AFC said the Unity Rally is expected to draw a massive crowd of patriotic Guyanese.

National Unity Rallies will also be hosted in Essequibo, Berbice and Georgetown while there will be Regional Unity Rallies in all ten administrative regions.

The statement from the APNU+AFC said a  massive Unity Caravan will leave Georgetown from Square of Revolution at 2:30 pm on Saturday. And two other motorcades will also depart from Wismar and Millie’s Hideout.

Guyanese on the coastland are being encouraged to join the motorcade to travel to Linden. The Linden event will mark the official beginning of the campaign rally season for the coalition.

APNU-AFC Leaders and candidates have been hosting small community meetings all across the country.


Filed: 12th March, 2015